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冲突正义 conflict justice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-21 04:22:01


冲突正义 conflict justice英语短句 例句大全

冲突正义,conflict justice

1)conflict justice冲突正义

1.The value orientation of international private law has changed fromconflict justice to material justice,which includes the application of the principle of closest relationship,the emphasis on the protection of individual interests and the realization of the material justice in judicial practice.国际私法的价值取向经历了由冲突正义向实质正义的变迁,具体表现在:引入了最密切联系原则;更加重视对私人利益的保护;在司法实践中更注重实质正义的实现,更好地保护当事人的利益。

2.Conflict law does not mean to pursueconflict justice only and thus disregards material justice.冲突法并非仅仅追求冲突正义而不关注实质正义。


1.On Conflict and Balance between Conflict Justice and Material Justice;冲突正义与实质正义间的冲突及衡平

2.Balance of Conflict between General Justiceand Specific Justice by Law;普遍正义与个别正义冲突的法律衡平

3.To Challenge the Conflict between Procedural Justice and Substantive Justice;对程序正义与实体正义之冲突关系的质疑

4.Value Conflict of Higher Education Enrollment Policy and the Principle of Social Justice;高等教育招生政策的价值冲突与社会正义原则

5.Conflictions between Individual Liberty and Social Justice;个人自由与社会正义的冲突——哈耶克自由与正义思想述评

6.Ideal Character or Objective of the Settlement of Conflict--The Understanding of Judicial Justice;冲突解决的理想性状和目标——对司法正义的一种理解

7.The Conflict of Ethic Awareness between the Wide World and the Traditional Feudal Society--A Second Study on Song Jiang"s Viewpoints of Loyalty & Brotherhood江湖社会与封建正统社会伦理意识之冲突——宋江忠义观再探

8.a conflict among the believers about doctrines信徒中关于教义的冲突

9.Conflict and Balance of Value in Criminal Prosecution Idea:Taking the Entity Just Value and the Procedure Just Value as the Angle of View;论刑事诉讼理念中的价值冲突与平衡——以实体正义价值和程序正义价值为视角

10.Conflicts and Resolutions of Legal Justice in the Application of the Law--Thinking about Justice Based on the Case of XU Ting法律正义在法律适用中的冲突与缓和——由许霆案引发的关于正义的思考

11.E. Bridges define broadcast domain while switches define collision domains.桥定义广播域而交换机定义冲突域.

12.The Conflict and Coordination on Music s Semantic and Non-semantic Meaning;音乐语义性与非语义性的冲突与协调

13.Exploring the Conflict between Moral and Benefit in Taking Courageous Action for a Just Cause;见义勇为行为的义利冲突及调适刍议

14.No matter what clashes might break out in the world, they always stand on the side of justice and the victims of aggression and oppose violence and aggression.无论世界上发生什么样的冲突,她们总是站在正义与被侵略者一边,反对暴力与侵略。

15.New Thinking on Traditional Conflict Law:Multi-lateralism and Correction-- Reflection on "Choice of Law and Foreign Judicatory"传统冲突法的新思维:多边主义及其补正——由《法律选择与涉外司法》所想到的

16.Collecting data for the name conflict report. Please wait...正在为名称冲突报告收集数据。请稍候...

17.We should avoid confrontation as much as possible.我们应该尽量避免正面冲突。

18.A fistfight between them got juice.他们之间的正面冲突会闹得满城风雨。


plusplus conflict正正冲突

3)semantic conflict语义冲突

1.By introducingsemantic conflicts into web query interface integration and discussing the origins and categories of thesemantic conflicts,an ontology-based schema matching method is proposed.在web查询接口集成中引入语义冲突的概念,通过分析语义冲突的起源和分类,提出了一种基于本体的模式匹配方法。

2.Moreover, calculation methods of comprehensive similarity based upon data levels and tree structure levels are proposed, based on whichsemantic conflicts elimination is executed and a global ontology is constructed, resulting in an unified view.本文在研究和分析已有信息集成技术的基础上,采用本体技术,给出了一个基于本体的异构信息集成框架,并在此框架下进行了相关技术的研究;首先,详述了将关系数据库与XML文档的数据源映射为本体的方法,并加以实例验证;其次,提出了基于数据层的综合相似度的计算方法和基于树层次结构的相似度计算方法,在此基础之上进行了语义冲突的消除并构建了全局本体,得到了一个统一的视图。

3.Next,detection algorithm forsemantic conflict is described.网络环境下不同关系数据库之间普遍存在着语义冲突,为实现系统互访,需要进行语义映射。

4)semantic conflicts语义冲突

1.This paper uses the MultiXQuery language to solve thesemantic conflicts of heterogeneous distributed databases,and finally integrates the heterogeneous distributed databases,which is based on an XML data model.论文基于XML数据模型,使用MultiXQuery查询方法,消除异构和分布式的数据源中语义冲突,实现了异构和分布式的数据源的集成。

5)conflict of obligations义务冲突

1.Theconflict of obligations in criminal law is a branch of excluding criminal subject in criminal law’s theory of continental law system,and it could be understood from both aspects of legal facts and legal evaluation.刑法中义务冲突是大陆法系刑法理论中排除犯罪性事由的一支,可以从法律事实和法律评价两个层面来理解。

6)duties conflict义务冲突

1.when one sduties conflict, law can not force one to do thing which he is unable to do.当行为人面临道德义务和法律义务冲突时,法律是不能强人所难的。


