900字范文 > 农村养老保险制度 rural endowment insurance system英语短句 例句大全

农村养老保险制度 rural endowment insurance system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-11 08:01:28


农村养老保险制度 rural endowment insurance system英语短句 例句大全

农村养老保险制度,rural endowment insurance system

1)rural endowment insurance system农村养老保险制度

1.The interpretation and enlightenment of Japaneserural endowment insurance system;日本农村养老保险制度的解读及启示

2.At present,therural endowment insurance system of countries all over the world presents a large number of differences.目前世界各国的农村养老保险制度呈现众多的差异性,但在经济日益全球化的今天,其共性也不容忽视。


1.Redesign of the System of Peasant-Workers’ Endowment Insurance under an New Old-Age Insurance System in Rural Areas新型农村养老保险制度下农民工养老保险制度设计

2.The interpretation and enlightenment of Japanese rural endowment insurance system;日本农村养老保险制度的解读及启示

3.Rethinking and Reconstructing the Rural Old-age Social Security in China;中国农村养老保险制度的反思与重构

4.Reflection on Improvement of Old-age Insurance System in China s Rural Area;对完善我国农村养老保险制度的思考

5.The New Rural Endowment Insurance System and Its Reform Thought新型农村养老保险制度及其改革思路

6.Study on the new rural endowment insurance with SWOT analysis in China我国新型农村养老保险制度的SWOT分析

7.Research on the Rural Old-age Insurance System under the Guide of Public Finance;公共财政体制下我国农村养老保险制度研究

8.The Research of Our Country Countryside Old-age Insurance System and the Country Countryside Old-age Insurance System in Jilin Province;我国农村养老保险制度区域差异化研究及吉林省农村养老保险制度的构建

9.Why should build system of rural society endowment insurance?为什么要建立农村社会养老保险制度?

10.Consturction on a Newly Rural Social Pension System in Western Regions;构建西部新型农村社会养老保险制度

11.A Research on the Endowment Insurance System in Rural Areas in China;中国农村社会养老保险法律制度研究

12.The Attempt and Innovation of the Rural Social Pension System.;我国农村社会养老保险制度建设探讨

13.The Legal System Investgation of Our Country s Social Pension Insurance in the Countryside;我国农村社会养老保险法律制度研究

14.Discuss on the Development of Social Pension System for the Aging in the Rural of Our Country;我国农村社会养老保险制度发展探讨

15.Study of Rural Social Basic Old-age Pension System in West China;我国西部农村社会养老保险制度研究

16.Research Summary of the Endowment Insurance System in Rural Society in ;农村社会养老保险制度研究综述

17.Studies of Beijing Rural Social Endowment Insurance System Reform;论北京市农村社会养老保险制度改革

18.Talking about How to Perfect Our Country s Rural Social Endowment Insurance System;浅议完善我国农村社会养老保险制度


rural social endowment insurance system农村社会养老保险制度

1.Through analyzing the generation,development,present situation and existing problems of our country srural social endowment insurance system,this paper expounds in detail how to perfect our country srural social endowment insurance system.通过分析我国农村社会养老保险的产生、发展以及现状和存在的问题,较详细地阐述了如何健全和完善我国农村社会养老保险制度。

3)the new rural endowment insurance system新型农村养老保险制度

4)rural social pension insurance mechanism农村社会养老保险机制

1.Setting up and amplifying therural social pension insurance mechanism is the essential terms for the rural old man to adapt to the new situations .对国内外农村社会养老保险机制研究状况、本文研究思路和方法做了简要介绍。

5)Rural Social Basic Insurance System农村社会基本养老保险制度

6)the law system of the "Old-age" social insurance of the countryside农村社会养老保险法律制度


