900字范文 > 特异性趋化因子受体 CXC chemokine receptor 4英语短句 例句大全

特异性趋化因子受体 CXC chemokine receptor 4英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-09 02:59:22


特异性趋化因子受体 CXC chemokine receptor 4英语短句 例句大全

特异性趋化因子受体,CXC chemokine receptor 4

1)CXC chemokine receptor 4特异性趋化因子受体

1.The chemokine stromal cell-derived factor-1(SDF-1) and its receptor(CXC chemokine receptor 4,CXCR4) play a critical role in the process of post-natal neovascularization.本文旨在探讨小鼠黑色素瘤细胞及培养提取液对小鼠后肢缺血组织血管新生的影响,以及细胞趋化因子基质细胞衍生因子1(stromal cell derived factor1,SDF-1)及其特异性趋化因子受体(CXC chemokine receptor4,CXCR4)是否在这种影响中发挥作用。


1.Influence of Fanggan Decoction on Th Cell Chemokine Receptor in Mouse Infected with Influenza Virus防感煎剂对甲1型流感病毒感染小鼠Th细胞特异性趋化因子受体的影响

2.Blocking the Chemokine Receptors Pathway Attenuates Acute Rejection of Islet Allograft;趋化因子受体途径阻断对同种异体胰岛移植急性排斥反应的影响

3.The Role of Chemokines and Their Receptors in Pathogenesis of Endometriosis;趋化因子及其受体在子宫内膜异位症发病中的作用

4.Expression of Chemokine Receptor CCR5, CCR7 and CXCR4 in Endometriosis趋化因子受体CCR5, CCR7和CXCR4在子宫内膜异位症中的表达

5.The Study of the Correlation between Coronary Artery Disease and Fractalkine and Its Receptor;趋化因子Fractalkine及其受体与冠心病相关性研究

6.Effects of chemokine receptor P2Y on the migration of nasopharyngeal carcinoma趋化因子受体P2Y与鼻咽癌转移相关性初步研究

7.Expression of CXCR4 Chemokine Receptor in Benign Thyroid Diseases趋化因子受体CXCR4在甲状腺良性疾病中的表达

8.Abnormal Regulation of Chemokine TECK and Its Receptor CCR9 in the Endometriotic Milieu Leads to Endometriosis异位灶趋化因子TECK与其受体CCR9异常调控导致子宫内膜异位症的分子机制

9.Aberrant expression of chemokine receptor CXCR4 in gastrointestinal cancer tissues and cancer cell lines趋化因子受体CXCR4在胃肠道肿瘤组织及细胞系中的异常表达

10.Association between Polymorphism in the Chemokine Receptor CX3CR1 and Coronary Atherosclerosis;趋化因子受体CX3CR1的基因多态性与冠状动脉粥样硬化的相关性研究

11.Preparation of Polyclonal Antibody Against Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Variant Ⅲ(EGFRvⅢ) and Its Specificity表皮生长因子受体Ⅲ型变异体(EGFRvⅢ)多克隆抗体的制备及特异性

12.Abnormal Regulation of CCR Signal in Monocytes Leads to Endometriosis;单核巨噬细胞CC类趋化因子受体异常调控导致子宫内膜异位症发病的分子机制

13.Relationship between genetic polymorphisms of CC-chemokine receptor and hepatitis B virus-induced liver cirrhosisCC族趋化因子受体基因多态性在乙型肝炎肝硬化中的作用

14.The Synthesis of a Novel CC Chemokine Receptor 2 Antagonist新型趋化因子受体CCR2拮抗剂的合成

15.The Expression and Significance of Eotaxin Gene and CCR3 in Model of Allergic Rhinitis;Eotaxin基因和CC趋化因子受体3在变应性鼻炎大鼠模型中表达及意义

16.Relationship between the chemokine receptor CCR2b gene G190A polymorphism and cerebral infarction of Han population in Chinese Fujian district趋化因子受体CCR2b基因G190A多态性与脑梗死关系的研究

17.Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms(SNPs) within the Coding Regions of Chemokine(C-X-C Motif) Receptor1 Gene(CXCR1) in Bos taurus牛CXC趋化因子受体1基因(CXCR1)编码区单核苷酸多态性

18.Purification of Polyclonal Antibody Against Type Ⅲ EGF Deletion-mutant Receptor and Its Specificity Investigation;表皮生长因子受体Ⅲ型突变体(EGFRvⅢ)多克隆抗体的纯化及其特异性的初步研究


chemokines and chemokine receptors趋化因子/趋化因子受体

3)CXC chemokine receptor-4趋化性细胞受体因子4

1.Objective To investigate the expression ofCXC chemokine receptor-4(CXCR4) and stromal-derived factor-1(SDF-1) in peripheral blood and pleural effusion of lung cancer patients and it′s clinical significance.目的探讨肺癌患者外周血、胸水以及肿瘤组织中骨髓基质细胞衍化生长因子(SDF-1)及其趋化性细胞受体因子4(CXCR4)的表达及其临床意义。

4)chemokine receptor趋化性细胞因子受体

1.Objective: To study the important role of Th2 cellchemokine receptor CCR4 in patients with atopic dermatitis.目的:为了研究异位性皮炎(atopic dermatitis,AD)患者皮损Th2型趋化性细胞因子受体CCR4在AD的发病过程中的作用。

2.Objective:To assess the important role ofchemokine receptor CCR4 and CXCR3 in patients with atopic dermatitis.目的为研究特应性皮炎患者外周血趋化性细胞因子受体CCR4和CXCR3在特应性皮炎的发病过程中的作用。

3.AIM: To explore the role ofchemokine receptor CXCR3 in pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis B.目的 :探讨趋化性细胞因子受体CXCR3在慢性乙型肝炎症发生机制中的作用。

5)Chemoattractant cell receptor-2趋化性细胞因子受体2



特异1.特别怪异的现象。 2.特殊,不同一般。 3.特别优异。
