900字范文 > 热厥 cold limbs due to excess of heat英语短句 例句大全

热厥 cold limbs due to excess of heat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-13 16:07:10


热厥 cold limbs due to excess of heat英语短句 例句大全

热厥,cold limbs due to excess of heat

1)cold limbs due to excess of heat热厥

2)heat syndrome of Jueyin厥阴热厥证

3)High fever convulsion高热惊厥

1.the goal analysis blood Ca 2+ level and do the high fever convulsion relate.目的分析血Ca2+水平与高热惊厥有无关系。


munity risk factors for febrile seizures in children and nursing countermeasures小儿高热惊厥危险因素及护理对策研究


3.The Study of Visual-Auditory Synchrony Evoked Potential in Normal and Febrile Convulsion Infants;正常婴幼儿及高热惊厥患儿视听诱发电位的研究

4.Protective Effects of Gentianine on the danmage in CA1 aera of Hippocampal neurons in rat with repeated Febrile Convulsions龙胆碱对高热惊厥模型大鼠海马区神经元损伤的保护作用研究

5.Clinical analysis of the relationship between the febrile convulsion and serum electrolytes, blood glucose levels in children小儿高热惊厥与电解质、血糖水平关系的临床分析

6.Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Mediated Neuronal Apoptosis in Hippocampus of Rats with Recurrent Febrile Seizures内质网应激反应介导反复高热惊厥大鼠海马神经元的凋亡

7.Effects of Repeated Hyperthermia and Febrile Seizure on Somatostatin Content in Brain of Rats and Its Signi-ficance反复高热与高热惊厥对幼年大鼠脑区生长抑素水平的影响及其意义

8.A Research on Prophylaxis of Febrile Convulsion and Brain Injuries with Topiramate, Valproate and Phenobarbital;妥泰、丙戊酸钠、苯巴比妥预防热性惊厥及惊厥性脑损伤的实验研究

9.Analysis of EEG in 316 patients with febrile convulsion316例热性惊厥小儿的脑电图分析

10.Analysis of EEG in 200 patients with febrile convulsion;200例小儿热性惊厥的脑电图分析

11.Since convulsions often occur with high fever, it is good first-aid treatment to put the baby into a tepid bath and apply cold water to his head.因惊厥常伴有高热,因此给婴孩洗温水浴并在头部用冷敷是个好的急救法。

12."At 108 f (42.2 c) or more, it can lead to convulsions and death."超过42.5℃以上的发热可以引起惊厥,甚至危及生命。

13.Analysis of Correlation Between Clinical Features and EEG Abnormality in Febrile Convulsion热性惊厥临床与脑电图异常相关因素分析

14.Clinical Anlysis of 22 Cases of Afebrile Convulsion following Rotavirus Enteritis轮状病毒肠炎并发无热惊厥22例临床分析

15.Linkage Analysis of Microsatellite DNA Marker in Familial Simple Febrile Seizures;家族性热性惊厥致病基因的遴选与筛查

16.The Change and Meaning of Heme Oxygenase/Carbon Monoxide System in Children with Febrile Seizures;热性惊厥患儿体内HO/CO水平变化及意义

17.The Research Progress on Related Factors of Children′s Febrile Seizures小儿热性惊厥发病相关因素的研究进展

18.Changes of immunoresponsiveness and nursing care in children with recurrent febrile seizure反复热性惊厥患儿免疫功能的改变及护理


heat syndrome of Jueyin厥阴热厥证

3)High fever convulsion高热惊厥

1.the goal analysis blood Ca 2+ level and do the high fever convulsion relate.目的分析血Ca2+水平与高热惊厥有无关系。

4)febrile seizures热性惊厥

1.Effects offebrile seizures on emotion, behavior, learning and memory in rats;热性惊厥对大鼠情感行为及学习记忆的影响

2.The study of behavior problem in children with a history offebrile seizures热性惊厥影响患儿行为的研究

3.Objective To explore the clinical characteristics of 4 pedigrees of absence epilepsy withfebrile seizures plus(FS+)in China.目的探讨失神发作伴热性惊厥附加症(FS+)的临床特点。

5)Febrile convulsion高热惊厥

1.Study of visual-auditory synchrony evoked potentials in febrile convulsion infants.;高热惊厥患儿视听诱发电位的研究

2.The carbon monoxide change in febrile convulsion brain damage in developing rats and effects of Znpp on it;发育期大鼠高热惊厥脑损伤CO变化及Znpp对其影响

3.The study on intelligence of children with febrile convulsion;高热惊厥对儿童智力影响的研究

6)febrile seizure热性惊厥

1.Gene mutations involved infebrile seizures;热性惊厥相关基因突变研究进展

2.Sequencing GABRG2 gene in 2 Chinese families with generalized epilepsy withfebrile seizures plus;全身性癫癎伴热性惊厥附加症2个家系致病基因GABRG2测序分析

3.Sequencing analysis of GABRA1 gene in linkage mapping generablized epilepsy withfebrile seizures;全身性癫痫伴热性惊厥附加症家系GABRA1基因测序分析


热厥热厥 热厥 病证名。因热邪亢盛所致手足厥冷,甚至昏迷的病证。一名阳厥。《素问·厥论》:“阴气衰于下,则为热厥。”《药症忌宜》:“阳厥即热厥。其证四肢厥逆,身热面赤,唇燥大渴,口干舌苦,目闭或不闭,小便赤涩短少,大便燥结,不省人事。”《卫生宝鉴·厥逆》:“手足虽冷,有时或温,手足心必暖,脉虽沉伏,按之则滑,其证或畏热,或渴欲饮水,或扬手掷足,烦躁不得眠,大便秘,小便赤,此名热厥。古人所谓阳极发厥也。”根据病情轻重,选用白虎汤、大承气汤、双解散、凉膈散。《杂病源流犀烛·诸厥源流》治热厥手足独热者,用宣火郁汤;热厥兼游赤者,用升阳散火汤;便秘者,用大柴胡汤;谵语身冷,遗溺自汗者,用白虎汤;烦渴躁妄,失于攻下而手足冷甚,但不过肘,或身冷而反见阴象者,用白虎汤;妇人热入血室,因而发厥者,治以童便为君,加赤芍、生地、牛膝、丹皮、桃仁。本证见于急性传染病或感染性热病过程,或伴有中毒性休克、中毒性脑病等。参见阳厥、厥证条。
