900字范文 > 痰热内扰型 internal distrubance due to phlegm heat英语短句 例句大全

痰热内扰型 internal distrubance due to phlegm heat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-18 20:39:45


痰热内扰型 internal distrubance due to phlegm heat英语短句 例句大全

痰热内扰型,internal distrubance due to phlegm heat

1)internal distrubance due to phlegm heat痰热内扰型


1.Clinical Research on Treating Insomnia of Internal Disturbance of Phlegm-Heat with Qing-gan Ningshen Decotion;清肝宁神汤治疗痰热内扰型失眠的临床研究

2.Clinical Research on the Treatment of Insomnia with Qing Xin Di Tan Tang Decoction;清心涤痰汤治疗痰火内扰型失眠症的临床研究

3.Clinical Research on Treating Migraine of Internal Disturbance of Phlegm-Heat with Tou-tong an Decotion头痛安方治疗偏头痛痰热上扰证的临床研究

4.The Clinical Reasearch on the Effect of the Method of YiQiTongMai-QingReHua Tan Which Treat Coronary Angina Pectoris;益气通脉清热化痰法治疗气虚痰热型冠心病心绞痛的临床观察

5.Establishment and Evaluation of Phlegm-heat Syndrome Models of Bacterial Pneumonia细菌性肺炎痰热证模型的建立与评价

6.Clinical Studies on Children s Bronchiolitis;泻肺化痰灌肠合剂治疗痰热闭肺型小儿喘憋性肺炎的临床研究

7.The Characteristics of Inflammation in Asthma and the Association of It with Cold-phlegm and Heat-phelgm Syndrome in Traditional Chinese Medicine支气管哮喘炎症特点及其与中医“寒痰”、“热痰”证型关系的研究

8.Clinical Study on Qing Fei Hua Tan Granule in Treating Children Cough of PHL EGM-Heat in the Lung清肺化痰散治疗小儿痰热壅肺型咳嗽的临床观察

9.A Study on the Curative Effects and Mechanism of Qingfei Huatan Decoction Combined with Erythromycin in Rat Model of COPD with Syndrome of Retention of Phlegm-Heat in the Lung清肺化痰汤合红霉素对COPD痰热阻肺证大鼠模型的疗效及机理探讨

10.The Effect of Huoxuehuatan Decoction to Serum Concentration of Endothelin on the Patien with Tanyuzuzhi Type of Unstable Angina Pectoris活血化痰汤对痰瘀阻滞型不稳定型心绞痛患者内皮素的影响

11.Most of those IFV is positive were wind-heat type;痰热型在以上各类感染中均占较大比例。

12.Qingxin Soothe the Nerves of the Particles in the Treatment of Depression Clinical Observation清心安神颗粒治疗痰火扰心型抑郁症的临床观察

13.Clinic Research on Therapy of Tonifying Lung and Spleen with Cleaning Heat and Resolving Phlegm on Syndrome of Qi Deficiency in Lung and Spleen with Phlegm Heat Accumulation in Children Asthma in Clinical Remission补肺健脾、清热化痰法治疗小儿哮喘缓解期肺脾气虚、痰热内阻证的临床研究

14.The Expression and the Intervention of Tanreqing Injection of the Pulse Pressure and the Levels of Serum Inflammatory Factors in Hypertensive Patients of Excess ive Accumulation of Phlegm Dampness Type痰湿壅盛型高血压病患者脉压、血清炎症因子水平表达及痰热清注射液的干预影响

15.Clinical Observation of Tanreqing for Patients with VAP in ICU痰热清治疗ICU内呼吸机相关性肺炎患者疗效观察

16.A Clinical Investigation of Tanreqing Injection and Bingyanqing Treating the Type of Wendu Influenza;痰热清注射液和病炎清Ⅴ号方治疗温毒型流行性感冒的临床研究

17.The Clinical Research of Fei Lao Kang Capsule Adjunctive Therapy Pulmonary Tuberculosis (Syndrome of Yin Deficiency and Phlegm-heat);肺痨康胶囊辅助治疗肺结核(阴虚痰热型)的临床研究

18.Correlative Study on the Level of Resistin and Phlegm-heat Syndrome in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus;2型糖尿病痰(湿)热互结证与抵抗素的相关性研究


in-disturbing of phlegm and heat痰热内扰

1.Because of it’s function of clearing phlegm and heat,it always be used as the main formula to treat diabetes and all kinds of the secondary diseases only if the mechanism is dominated byin-disturbing of phlegm and heat.黄连温胆汤为清代陆廷珍所创立,由黄连、半夏、陈皮、茯苓、枳实、竹茹、炙甘草、生姜、大枣组成,具有清化痰热之功,以痰热内扰为主要病机所导致的糖尿病及各种并发症均可以之为主加减治疗。

3)internal disturbance of pyrophlegm痰火内扰

1.Objective: This thesis studys the etiological factor and pathogenesis of the insomnia caused byinternal disturbance of pyrophlegm and observes the therapeutic effect of Qing Xin Di Tan Tang Decoction, which proves its validity and feasibility.目的:本论文旨在通过对痰火内扰型失眠的病因病机探讨及清心涤痰汤的临床疗效观察,证明清心涤痰汤治疗失眠症的正确性和有效性。

4)syndrome of Internal Disturbance of Phlegm-heat痰热上扰证

5)Accumulation of phlegm heat痰热内蕴

6)tanre neibi xinqiao syndrome痰热内闭心窍证型


