900字范文 > 气阴亏虚 insufficiency of qi and ying英语短句 例句大全

气阴亏虚 insufficiency of qi and ying英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-11 09:46:05


气阴亏虚 insufficiency of qi and ying英语短句 例句大全

气阴亏虚,insufficiency of qi and ying

1)insufficiency of qi and ying气阴亏虚

1.The stagnation of damp turgidity andinsufficiency of qi and ying were the results of the disease.将SARS命名为肺瘟疫 ;疫疠之气、湿热之邪为致病之因 ;肺气郁闭为病变关键 ;首发气分 ,易入营血 ,逆传心包 ;湿浊瘀阻、气阴亏虚为病变结果。

2)Asthenia of Kidney-Yin and deficiency of Qi肾阴亏虚兼气虚

3)deficiency of yin and blood阴血亏虚


1.Effects of Total Saponins in Semen Zizyphi Spinosae(SZS) on Cerebral Contents of Glutamic Acid,Gamma-aminobutyric in Aged Rat Models of Insomnia with Yin and Blood Deficiency Syndrome酸枣仁总皂苷对老年阴血亏虚型失眠证候模型大鼠脑组织Glu及GABA含量的影响

2.The Addition and Subtraction of Guishen Wan to the Treatment of Perimenopausal Syndrome (Liver Kidney-yin Deficiency, Blood Loss Less Refined Card) Clinical Study归肾丸加减治疗围绝经期综合征(肝肾阴虚、精亏血少证)的临床研究

3.Clinical Research on SuanzaorenTang Treating Insomnia with Ganyinkuixu加味酸枣仁汤治疗肝阴亏虚型失眠的临床研究

4.The Clinical Research on the Chinese Medical Manifestation of "Deficiency of Kidney-essence" of the Vascular Dementia;血管性痴呆肾精亏虚证体征临床研究

5.Rusults: The syndrome could be divided into3 types: Ganweibuhe, Weiyinkuixu and Piweixuhan.结果:胃炎(脘痛)床证候可分为三类:肝胃不和、阴亏虚、胃虚寒。

6.The Clinical Study on the Treatment for "AA" (The Type of the Loss of the Kidney Essence and the Deficiency of Blood) with "Bu Shenyangxue" Decoction;补肾养血胶囊治疗斑秃(肾亏血虚型)的临床研究

7.Clinical study on pulse condition of kidney qi deficiency and kidney yin def iciency syndrome肾气不足证与肾阴亏虚证的中医脉象信息临床观察研究

8.Study of Hypertension Yin Deficiency and Yang Excess Syndrome on Metabonomics高血压病阴虚阳亢证的代谢组学研究

9.Expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ mRNA in essential hypertension with type of deficiency of YIN leading to hyper activity of YANG原发性高血压阴虚阳亢型的PPARγmRNA表达

10.The Clinical Observation on an Xue Decoction in Treating Deficiency of Kidney-Yin of Perimenopausal Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding;安血汤治疗肾阴虚型围绝经期功血的临床观察

11.Clinical Observation of Ankun Capsule in the Treatment of Metrorrhagia after IUD Placement (Deficiency of Yin and Hot Blood Type)安坤胶囊治疗宫环出血(阴虚血热型)的临床观察

12.The Clinical Research on the Children with Kidney Blood in Urine with the Yang Yin Qing Re Huo Xue Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine;养阴清热活血方治疗小儿阴虚内热型肾性血尿的临床观察

13.Conclusion: The pathogenesis of the early renal damage induced by essential hypertension is the deficiency of liver-yin and kidney-yin complicated ‘with Qi deficiency and blood stasis.结论:原发性高血压早期肾损害的主要病机为肝肾阴虚兼气虚血瘀。

14.Relationship between Chinese Medicine Pattern with Blood Levels of Sex Hormone,Lipid and Glucose in Climacteric Women Patients with Hypertension女性更年期高血压病阴虚内燥证和非阴虚内燥证与性激素及血脂血糖水平的相关性研究

15.It is argued that hair loss may result from heart fire, heart-blood and heart-qi deficiency.It is suggested to cure alopecia from heart.心火上炎、心血亏虚、心气不足均可引起脱发,故临床可考虑从心论治。

16.Conclusions: 1、 It is proved that the pathogeny of amblyopia is insufficiency of liver and kidney ,insufficiency of spleen and stomache, deficiency of qi and blood.结论:1、从临床观察证实了弱视肝肾精亏、脾胃虚弱、气血不足的病机。

17.Clinical Observation of Bu Shen Yang Xue Treatment in Treating Inferility of Essence Deficiency Type Luteal Phase Defect补肾养血法治疗肾精亏虚型黄体功能不全性不孕症的临床观察

18.Clinical Study on Vascular Dementia with Liver-kidney Deficiency and Phlegm Stasis Syndromes Treated by Scalp Acupuncture头针治疗血管性痴呆(肝肾亏虚兼痰瘀阻络证)的临床研究


Asthenia of Kidney-Yin and deficiency of Qi肾阴亏虚兼气虚

3)deficiency of yin and blood阴血亏虚

4)insufficiency of the heart-yin心阴亏虚

5)deficiency of the stomach-yin胃阴亏虚

6)kidney Yin deficiency type肾阴亏虚

1.[Objective]To observe the clinical effect on peri-climacteric syndrome ofkidney Yin deficiency type treated with Qinggu Powder.[目的]观察清骨散治疗围绝经期综合征肾阴亏虚型的临床疗效。


