900字范文 > 顾客价值管理 customer value management英语短句 例句大全

顾客价值管理 customer value management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-13 15:51:35


顾客价值管理 customer value management英语短句 例句大全

顾客价值管理,customer value management

1)customer value management顾客价值管理

1.Research on Application of SN Southwest Branch Company Based on Customer Value Management;顾客价值管理理论在SN西南分公司应用研究

2.Research on Application of SN Telecom Southwest Branch Company Based on Customer Value Management;顾客价值管理理论在SN通信技术西南分公司应用研究


1.The Study of the Custom Valve Management Based on the Theory of the Value Chain;基于价值链理论的顾客价值管理研究

2.The Customer Value Management in Total Value Management of Modern Enterprise;现代企业全面价值管理中的顾客价值管理

3.Customer Value Management Research Based on Supply Chain Coordination基于供应链协同的顾客价值管理研究

4.Research on Application of SN Southwest Branch Company Based on Customer Value Management;顾客价值管理理论在SN西南分公司应用研究

5.Customer value,enterprise value & products value management;顾客价值、企业价值与产品价值管理

6.Customer Management Oriented to Integrate Enterprise Value and Customer Value;面向企业价值与顾客价值融合的顾客管理

7.A Research on Crm Based on Customer s on Value and Loyalty;基于顾客价值和顾客忠诚的客户关系管理研究

8.Analysis on Value-Based Customer Loyalty Management for Service Enterprises;基于顾客价值的服务企业顾客忠诚管理探析

9.The Strategic Path to Creation of Customer Value-Supply Chain Management;供应链管理:创造顾客价值的战略途径

10.Research on Supply Chain Management Strategy Based on Customer Value基于顾客价值的供应链管理策略研究

11.The Basic Way of Customer Value Innovating and Its Dynamic Managing顾客价值创新的基本途径及动态管理

12.Strategic Management Model Study Based on Customer Value-Orieted Value Chain;以顾客价值为导向的价值链战略管理模型研究

13.Research on management model of HR s value chain based on customer value;基于顾客价值的人力资源价值链管理模型研究

14.Using the Value Chain Management Method to Analyze Enhance Customer Value Way;价值链管理在提高顾客价值途径中的应用

15.The Cost Management Based on Customer Value-Value Chain Cost Analysis;基于顾客价值的成本管理——价值链成本分析

16.A Research on the Customer Relationship Management Based on the Customer Value;基于顾客价值的客户关系管理应用研究

17.The Research of Customer Value Application Tactics on CRM;顾客价值在客户关系管理中的应用策略研究

18.Value oriented customer relationship management based on customer equity:(Conceptual) framework and empirical analysis;基于顾客权益的价值导向型顾客关系管理——理论框架与实证分析


system of customer value management顾客价值管理体系

3)Research on Customer Value Management顾客价值管理研究

4)consumer value顾客价值

1.Research on analysis and application ofconsumer value;关于顾客价值理论的探讨

2.Based on the modern concept of product,an entensive anaysis was fully expressed on the essence of theconsumer value in the cashmere sweater purchase.从产品的现代定义出发 ,阐述并分析了羊毛衫类产品顾客价值的内涵 ,在此基础上就品牌形象与概念消费、顾客价值与产品创新之间的关系进行了探讨。

3.This paper first discusses the concept ofconsumer value,then points out four basic sources of it.在关系营销中对于顾客价值的研究始终是一个重点和热点问题,实际上企业与顾客之间的关系本质是一种追求各自利益与满足的价值交换关系,顾客看中的是企业提供的优异的价值,企业让渡给顾客的价值对保留顾客起着极为重要的影响,只有不断为顾客提供比竞争者更多的价值,才能成功地创造出让客户留下来的理由,才能从发展与客户的长期关系中获得更多的利润,因此创造并交付优异的顾客价值就成为企业成功的关

5)customer value顾客价值

1.The windmill efficiency in cycling system ofcustomer value;试论医院顾客价值循环体系中的风轮效应

2.Driven action analysis ofcustomer value in strategy-profit chain;顾客价值在战略利润链中驱动作用分析

3.Quantitative analysis of core rigidities based oncustomer value;基于顾客价值的核心刚性量化分析

6)customer management顾客管理

1.By combining relationship-marketing theory with traditional marketing,following amortizing customer value,under the guidance of customer satisfaction and profitability concerns the concrete application method of marketing principle incustomer management of travel agency.所以必须将关系营销理论与传统的市场营销相结合,在遵循顾客让渡价值、提升顾客满意度与盈利能力的原则指导下,使关系营销原理在旅行社顾客管理中具体运用,才能有效地提升旅行社的经营效益。


