900字范文 > 电流解耦控制 current decoupled control英语短句 例句大全

电流解耦控制 current decoupled control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-17 19:39:18


电流解耦控制 current decoupled control英语短句 例句大全

电流解耦控制,current decoupled control

1)current decoupled control电流解耦控制

1.This paper introduces acurrent decoupled control strategy based on input-output variable feedback that achieves good property for linear control.本文介绍一种基于输入输出反馈的电流解耦控制策略,使系统获得良好的线性控制特性。


1.Research on High-performance Current Decoupling Control of PMSM永磁同步电机高性能电流解耦控制的研究

2.Study of AC Asynchronous Motor Voltage-decoupled Vector Control System Based on DSP基于DSP交流异步电机电压解耦矢量控制

3.Decoupling Control and Closed-Loop Design of Multi-Level Converter;多电平直流变换器的解耦控制及闭环设计

4.The Research on AC LF Electrode Positioning Intelligent Decoupling Controller;大功率交流电弧炉智能解耦控制器的研究

5.Study of Current Controller Performance and Design Based on PMSM Model Decoupling基于PMSM模型解耦的电流控制器设计与性能研究

6.Research on decoupling control of permanent magnet synchronous motor drive based on MATLAB基于MATLAB的交流永磁同步电机解耦控制研究

7.This paper describes a control strategy for current-source space vector PWM, and the decoupling control of PWM rectifier.文章采用电流空间矢量PWM调制方法,对脉冲整流器进行解耦控制。

8.Research in Linearized Decoupling Control of PMSM in AC Servo System交流伺服系统中交流永磁同步电机线性化解耦控制研究

9.Analysis of Electromechanical Coupling Facts and Decoupling Control Strategies for Complex Electromechanical Systems复杂机电系统机电耦合分析与解耦控制技术

10.Study on Decoupling Control of AC-Excited Generator Based on Inverse System Internal Mode Algorithm基于逆系统内模算法的交流励磁发电机解耦控制研究

11.PI Controller Parameters Setting of theThree-Phase Decoupling Feedback Linearization VSR System三相电压型整流器反馈线性化解耦系统的PI控制器参数整定

12.The Study of the AC Speed Control System with Decoupling-Variable Structure Control解耦变结构交流速度控制系统的研究

13.The Study on the Power Decoupling of the Variable Speed Constant Frequency in Induction Generator System;变速恒频双馈发电系统解耦控制研究

14.P-Q Decoupled Control Research for Doubly-fed Wind Power Generator双馈风力发电机P—Q解耦控制的研究

15.Nonlinear control of wind power generation based on DFIG双馈风力发电系统的非线性解耦控制

16.Decoupling Control of Asynchronous Motor Based on Least Square Support Vector Machines基于LS-SVM的异步电机解耦控制方法

17.Study on Decoupling Control of the Doubly-fed Motor Based on α-th Order Inverse System Method基于α阶逆系统的双馈电机解耦控制

18.Research on Fuzzy and Decoupling Control of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler循环流化床锅炉模糊及解耦控制的研究


current decoupling control电流解耦控制

1.This paper introduces a method ofcurrent decoupling control, based on the feedback between output and input, to obtain the system that has the feature of better linear control.本文提出了一种基于输入输出反馈的电流解耦控制策略,使系统获得了良好的线性控制特性。

2.Acurrent decoupling control method is proposed based on the virtual flux calculation for virtual flux oriented vector control (VFOC) for PWM rectifier.提出一种基于虚拟磁链估计值的电流解耦控制方法,用以对PWM整流器进行虚拟磁链定向矢量控制(Virtual Flux Oriented Vector Control,简称VFOC)。

3)predictive current decoupled control预测电流解耦控制

4)Feedforward decoupling current control电流前馈解耦控制

5)Voltage decouping control电压解耦控制

6)decoupled control解耦控制

1.110kW VSCF doubly fed induction wind power generator system was constructed in the laboratory, in which thedecoupled control of the active power and reac.概述了变速恒频双馈风力发电用交直交变流器的工作原理,转子侧变流器采用基于最大功率点跟踪的并网发电解耦控制策略,网侧变流器采用基于固定开关频率与电网电动势前馈相结合的双闭环控制策略,构建了110kW变速恒频双馈风力发电模拟平台,经过实验结果分析验证了上述控制策略的有效性和可行性。

2.The theory ofdecoupled control of active and reactive power for an asynchronized synchronous generato(rASG)is investigated in this paper.论述了异步化同步发电机有功功率和无功功率解耦控制原理,讨论了定子磁场的定位和转子位置的确定方法,以转子电流作为反馈量,构造了定子磁链观测器。

3.Thedecoupled control of active power and reactive power is a key technology of variable speed constant frequency (VSCF) wind energy generation system.双馈发电机的有功和无功功率的解耦控制是变速恒频(VSCF)风力发电系统的关键技术。


人耦1.谓人相敬﹑相亲。 2.谓两人相助并耕。
