900字范文 > 平面集成磁件 planar integrated magnetics英语短句 例句大全

平面集成磁件 planar integrated magnetics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-30 22:45:06


平面集成磁件 planar integrated magnetics英语短句 例句大全

平面集成磁件,planar integrated magnetics

1)planar integrated magnetics平面集成磁件

1.Research onplanar integrated magnetics element of LLC resonant convertor;LLC谐振变换器中平面集成磁件研究

2.Study on Planar Integrated Magnetics of Switch Converter;开关变换器中平面集成磁件设计的研究

3.Research on the Application of the Planar Integrated Magnetics in the Current-Doubler-Rectifier ZVS PWM Full-Bridge Converter;倍流整流电路ZVS PWM全桥变换器中平面集成磁件的应用研究


1.The Research on the Planar Integrated Magnetics in Voltage Regulator Module;电压调整模块中平面集成磁件的研究

2.The Research on the Planar Integrated Magnetics in the Soft Switching Converter;软开关变换器中平面集成磁件的研究

3.Study on Planar Integrated Magnetics of Switch Converter;开关变换器中平面集成磁件设计的研究

4.Research on the Thin-filmplanar Integrated Magnetics of Switch Converter;开关变换器中薄膜型平面集成磁件的研究

5.The Research on the Array Planar Integrated Magnetics of the Switch Transformer;开关变换器中阵列式平面集成磁件研究

6.The Research on Planer Integrated Magnetic Elemant of Switch Converter;开关变换器中平面集成磁件设计的理论研究

7.The Research on the Thin-film Planar Integrated Magnetic of the Forward Converter with Active Clamp Circuit;有源箝位正激变换器中薄膜型平面集成磁件的研究

8.Research on the Application of the Planar Integrated Magnetics in the Current-Doubler-Rectifier ZVS PWM Full-Bridge Converter;倍流整流电路ZVS PWM全桥变换器中平面集成磁件的应用研究

9.The Research on the Planar Integrated Magnetic Structure of the EMI Filter;EMI滤波器平面磁集成结构的研究

10.Modeling and Differential Geometry Flux Decoupled Control of Planar Integrating Magnetic VRM;平面磁集成电压调整模块建模方法及磁耦合微分几何解耦控制

11.Design、Simulation and Fabrication of Some Photonic Integrated Devices Based on Planar Waveguide;基于平面光波导的耦合/干涉型集成器件的研究

12.Research on the Optimizing Design and Simulation of Planar Transformer Based on Integrated Software Platform;基于软件集成平台的平面变压器优化设计与仿真的研究

13.isoplanar based integrated circuit等平面隔离集成电路

14.planar IC transistor平面型集成电路晶体管

15.(physics) the angle that a magnetic needle makes with the plane of the horizon.(物理)磁针与地平线平面所形成的角。

16.PSPICE Simulation of Integrated Magnetic in Current Doubler Rectifier倍流整流电路中集成磁件的PSPICE仿真

17.Thus we completed the full set of relative instantaneous dwells for each link of various type planar six-bar linkges.因而完成了各类平面铰链六杆机构构件瞬时停歇的全集。

18.Design, Fabrication and Characterization of Planar Lightwave Circuits Based on Silicon Nanowire Platform基于硅纳米线波导的平面集成光器件的设计,制作与检测


plane decoupling integration magnetic component平面集成磁件解耦集成

3)planar integrated magnetic平面磁集成


1.A simple method to derive converters withintegrated-magnetics and the general equivalent circuit model of the magnetics are proposed in this paper,which can solve the problems existing in the application of theintegrated-magnetics.提出了比较简单、实用的集成磁件(IntegratedMagnetics,IM)变换器推导方法,建立了磁件等效电路的通用模型,解决了磁集成技术应用中通常要面临的两个问题。

5)Integrated magnetics集成磁件

1.Research on planar integrated magnetics element of LLC resonant convertor;LLC谐振变换器中平面集成磁件研究

2.Simplification of Cuk converter whose dc-bias in integrated magnetics can be reduced;采用可削减直流偏磁集成磁件Cuk变换器的结构简化

3.Recently, the Magnetics-Integration (MI) techniques have attracted more and more attentions, for the Integrated Magnetics (IM) can help to reduce the core loss, core size, or ripple current compared with the Discrete Magnetics (DM).文中首先介绍磁集成技术的概念及其作用,回顾磁集成技术的发展历史,对磁件的分析方法、目前磁集成技术主要应用研究内容以及磁集成技术应用中的具体问题等(如耦合电感的应用方法、磁件的变换方法以及磁件选择的注意要点等)进行归纳、总结,指出磁集成技术应用的关键是结合具体电路进行集成磁件的选择。

6)Planar integration平面集成


