900字范文 > 保险信用 insurance credit英语短句 例句大全

保险信用 insurance credit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-01 12:27:03


保险信用 insurance credit英语短句 例句大全

保险信用,insurance credit

1)insurance credit保险信用

1.Insurance credit is one kind of behavior criterion that guarantees the fulfillment of insurance contract in accordance with business ethics during insurance activities, basing on the utmost good faith and under the guidance of laws and principles of market economy.保险信用是指保险交易活动中,以最大诚信原则为基础,在法律及市场经济原则之下,体现职业道德,保证保险合同得以履行的一种行为规范。

2)Credit Insurance信用保险

1.Probe intoCredit Insurance about China s Farm Products Export;我国农产品出口信用保险问题探讨

2.On constructing the overlapping insurance system for credit insurance论信用保险项下重复保险制度的构建

3.As a trade-promoting means,agricultural products export credit insurance can effectively avoid export risks.作为国际贸易中的一种通行手段,农产品出口信用保险可以有效地规避出口风险。


1.export credit insurance出口信贷保险;出口信用保险;输出信用保险

2.Credit insurance is a kind of insurance that shows obligee casts the credit risk that defends debtor to the underwriter.信用保险是指权利人向保险人投保债务人的信用风险的一种保险。

3.On constructing the overlapping insurance system for credit insurance论信用保险项下重复保险制度的构建

4.TCIC [technical credit insurance consultants]技术信用保险顾问[

5.Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation香港出口信用保险局。

6.Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation [ECIC]香港出口信用保险局

7.On Export Credit Insurance to Control the Risks of Export Enterprises;运用出口信用保险,控制企业出口风险

8.National Economic Risk of Export Credit Insurance;出口信用保险国家经济风险评价分析

9.The Information Expropriation and the Development of Export & Credit Insure:Based on Sino-Export & Credit Insurance Corporation信息攫取与出口信用保险发展:以中国出口信用保险公司为例

prehensive Services Policy [Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation]综合服务保单〔香港出口信用保险局〕

11.The Evaluation of National Economic Risk in Export Credit Insurance: A Case Study of Thailand;出口信用保险国家经济风险评价——以泰国为例

12.Paying attention to export credit insurance to advance export trade重视出口信用保险促进出口贸易发展

13.International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers [Berne Union]信用保险业国际总会〔伯尔尼联盟〕

14.Business Units [Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation]业务发展组〔香港出口信用保险局〕

15.Many instalment~ s will include credit insurance.许多分期付款票据都含有信用保险。

16.The Analysis of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Credit Assurance Institute Assume risk中小企业信用担保机构担保风险分析

17.Please delete the word“ insurance certificate or policy” from the L/ C.请将“保险凭证或保险单”从信用证中删除。

18.On the Substitutability of Insurance and Guarantee Between Each Other in Managing Credit Risk;信用风险管理中保险和担保之间的替代性研究


Credit Insurance信用保险

1.Probe intoCredit Insurance about China s Farm Products Export;我国农产品出口信用保险问题探讨

2.On constructing the overlapping insurance system for credit insurance论信用保险项下重复保险制度的构建

3.As a trade-promoting means,agricultural products export credit insurance can effectively avoid export risks.作为国际贸易中的一种通行手段,农产品出口信用保险可以有效地规避出口风险。

3)L/C insurance信用证保险

4)honor policy信用保险单

5)credit insurance信用保险;信贷保险

6)auto consumption loans信用(保证)保险


