900字范文 > 颈椎肿瘤 cervical spinal tumor英语短句 例句大全

颈椎肿瘤 cervical spinal tumor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-03 16:21:44


颈椎肿瘤 cervical spinal tumor英语短句 例句大全

颈椎肿瘤,cervical spinal tumor

1)cervical spinal tumor颈椎肿瘤

1.Objective To summarize the experiences in anesthesia forcervical spinal tumors resection via anterior-posterior access and reconstruction.目的总结颈椎肿瘤手术的麻醉经验。


1.Usefulness of computed tomographic angiography for vertebral artery in the patients wth cervical spine tumors椎动脉CT血管造影在颈椎肿瘤患者中的应用及临床意义

2.The Finite Element Analysis and Clinical Evaluation of Reconstruct the Cervical Stability after Cervical Spine Tumor Resection Involved One Side Zygapophysial Joints;颈椎肿瘤单侧关节突关节切除稳定重建的有限元分析及临床疗效分析

3.Surgical treatment and effect observation of cervical intraspinal benign neoplasms手术切除治疗颈椎管内良性肿瘤的疗效观察

4.Three-dimensional classification and surgical strategy of inner and outer cervical spinal canal dumbbell tumors颈椎管内外哑铃形肿瘤Toyama分型及手术治疗策略

5.Percutaneous vertebroplasty via anterolateral approach for the treatment of C4 to C7 vertebral tumor前外侧入路经皮椎体成形术治疗颈椎4~7肿瘤性病变

6.The Relevant Research of the Peripheral Blood Tumor Necrosis Factor-α and the Cervical Spondylotic Radiculopathy;外周血肿瘤坏死因子α与神经根型颈椎病疼痛程度的相关研究

7.The study on vertebral canal reconstruction with micro titanium plate after multi-cervical segments intramedullary tumor resection多颈段髓内肿瘤术后微型钛板重建椎管体会(附36例报告)

8.The Clinical Acesodyne Effects of Single-point Acupuncture Plus Cervical Traction on Treating Cervical Spondylosis Patients and Its Influence on the Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha针刺单穴结合牵引对颈椎病颈肩臂痛患者的镇痛效果及对肿瘤坏死因子α的影响

9.The experiences of the diagnosis and treatment in 12 cases of cervical intraspinal neurilemmoma颈椎椎管内神经鞘瘤12例诊治体会

10.Chordoma should be included in the differential diagnosis of a dumbbell-shaped mass involving upper cervical vertebrae in patients with long duration of symptoms.若病人在上颈椎呈现哑铃状肿块及患有长期症状时,脊索瘤应列入鉴别诊断中。

11.Tumor apoxesis through pedicle combined with vertebroplasty for thoracolumbar vertebral metastasis经椎弓根肿瘤刮除术联合椎体成形术治疗胸腰椎转移瘤

12.Most chordomas are found at skull base, sacrum and cervical spine.大多数脊索瘤发生在颅底、颈椎及荐骨。

13.Experimental Study on the Edema Caused by the Application of RhBMP-2 to Anterior Cervical Interbody Fusion应用RhBMP-2颈椎前路椎间融合术后出现椎前水肿的实验研究

14.The Unilateral Hemilaminectomy Approach for the Removal of the Spinal Cord Tumors经半椎板入路椎管内肿瘤切除术的临床研究

15.Percutaneous vertebroplasty for thoracic metastatic tumor under CT guidanceCT引导下经皮椎体成形术治疗胸椎转移性肿瘤

16.One Stage Posterior Approach Vertebral Column Resection for Treatment of Thoracolumbar Tumors后路一期全脊椎切除脊柱重建治疗胸腰椎肿瘤

17.Spondylectonmy en bloc for thoracic and lumbar tumors via posterior approach经后路全脊椎整块切除术治疗胸腰椎肿瘤

18.Intraspinal Tumor In the Aged (A Clinical Analysis of 22 Cases)老年人椎管内肿瘤(附22例临床分析)


Cervical intraspinal canal tumors颈段椎管内肿瘤

3)Intradural extramedullary tumors of the cervical spinal canal颈椎管内髓外肿瘤

4)Superior cervical intraspinal cord tumor高位颈段椎管内肿瘤

5)Intraspinal tumor椎管肿瘤

6)vertebral tumor椎体肿瘤


