900字范文 > 极端天气气候事件 extreme weather and climate events英语短句 例句大全

极端天气气候事件 extreme weather and climate events英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-21 10:29:03


极端天气气候事件 extreme weather and climate events英语短句 例句大全

极端天气气候事件,extreme weather and climate events

1)extreme weather and climate events极端天气气候事件

1.With frequent occurrence ofextreme weather and climate events,human beings have suffered great disasters in various regions in the world.极端天气气候事件的频发,给人类带来巨大的灾难。


1.The impacts of extreme events of weather and climate on infectious disease中国极端天气气候事件对传染性疾病的影响

2.Change Characteristics of Extreme Weather and Climatic Events over the Hexi Corridor during the Period of 1958-1958-河西走廊极端天气气候事件变化特征

3.Influences of Extreme Climatic Events on Safety of Wildlife Populations in Ningxia Province极端天气气候事件对宁夏野生动物种群安全的影响

4.Cold and Warm Extreme Events in Shijiazhuang and Climate Warming石家庄极端冷暖天气气候事件及其与气候变暖

5.Some Extreme Events of Weather, Climate and Related Phenomena in 极端天气和气候事件及其他相关事件的概要回顾

6.Extreme weather events in Urumqi and their relation with regional climate change乌鲁木齐极端天气事件及其与区域气候变化的联系

7.Influences of extreme climate on Olympic Games;极端气候事件对奥运会的影响

8.The Year :Global Warming Continued,Extreme Events Occurred Frequently:气候持续变暖,极端事件频发

9.A Statistical Analysis of the Temporal-Spatial Changing Characteristics of Extreme Climate Events over China: 1955~;1955~极端气候事件的时空变化特征研究

10.Impact of extreme climate event on incidence of communicable disease in Chongqing极端气候事件对重庆市传染病流行影响

11.Trends in Daily Temperature and Precipitation Extremes over the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin during 1961-近45年雅鲁藏布江流域极端气候事件趋势分析

12.Influences of extreme climate events on bridges极端气候事件对桥梁安全性的影响分析

13.Analysis of Qiqihar Extreme Climate Events During 1951~近50 a齐齐哈尔市极端气候事件特征分析

14.Recent extreme weather events have prompted the debate about effects of human activity on the world"s climate.最近的极端天气事件,已引起争论的影响,人类活动对全球气候的影响.

15.The World Meteorological Organization says the rain in South Asia is just one of many extreme weather events this year.世界气象组织指出,南亚的暴雨仅仅是今年众多极端气候事件之一。

16.Analysis and preventive measures research for extreme weather events in Liaoning Province in 辽宁省极端天气事件分析及防御措施研究

17.The English seasons and climate tend towards extremes.英国的天时与气候是走极端的。

18.Research on Extreme Weather and Climate Events using MSU and AMSU Brightness Temperature DataMSU及AMSU亮温资料在极端天气气候应用中的研究


Weather and Climate Extremes天气与气候极端事件

3)extreme climate event极端气候事件

1.Impact ofextreme climate event on incidence of communicable disease in Chongqing极端气候事件对重庆市传染病流行影响

2.Based on the data of dally temperature and precipitation from year 1955 to ,the spatial and temporal features of trends ofextreme climate events are studied, andthe major conclusions are summarized as follow:1.本文以中国1955—的逐日气温和降水资料为基础,研究了中国地区极端气候事件趋势变化的空间分布以及时间变化特征,得到以下主要结论:1。

3.To mitigate and adapt to the climate change, some planning notions about urban space, urban scale and urban traffic are brought forward, and design principles for the areas whereextreme climate events happen frequently are proposed.随着全球变暖和极端气候事件频繁发生,全球气候变化及其不利影响日益成为人类共同关心的问题。

4)extreme climate events极端气候事件

1.Spatiotemporal change characteristics ofextreme climate events in Changjiang-Huaihe Area;江淮地区极端气候事件的时空变化特征

2.Influences ofextreme climate events on bridges极端气候事件对桥梁安全性的影响分析

3.Many encouraging results have been published in simulating historicextreme climate events and predicting our future climate,particularly in the monthly to seasonal climate variables.目前已经发表了很多令人鼓舞的结果,其中包括过去极端气候事件的模拟,当前气候发展演变和未来气候变化的预测,特别是对月和季节尺度气候的模拟与预测。

5)extreme climate极端气候事件

1.Influences ofextreme climate on Olympic Games;极端气候事件对奥运会的影响

6)extreme events极端气候事件

1.Changes ofextreme events due to greenhouse effects (2×CO2) over East Asia, with a focus on the China region as simulated by a regional climate model (RegCM2), are investigated.使用ResCM2区域气候模式,嵌套澳大利亚CSIRO R21L9全球海气耦合模式,进行了温室效应(二氧化碳加倍)对东亚(主要是中国区域)极端气候事件影响的数值试验。


