900字范文 > 相对峰强RS Relative peak intensity英语短句 例句大全

相对峰强RS Relative peak intensity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-20 05:04:49


相对峰强RS Relative peak intensity英语短句 例句大全

相对峰强RS,Relative peak intensity

1)Relative peak intensity相对峰强RS

2)formant relative amplitude共振峰相对强度特性

1.We measured, compared and analysed theformant relative amplitude of 30 pairs of twins natural reciting voice, and counted the confidence level and discriminating threshold.本文对30对双胞胎正常朗读语音的共振峰强度特性进行了定量测量、比较、分析,统计得出了共振峰相对强度特性在检验双胞胎语音中的置信度与判阈。


1.Identify Twins Voice with Formant Relatve Amplitude;利用共振峰相对强度特性鉴别双胞胎语音

2.Any of several frequency regions of relatively great intensity in a sound spectrum, which together determine the characteristic quality of a vowel sound.共振峰声谱中有相应强度的几个共鸣带中的任何一个,他们共同决定着元音的音质

3.The imposition of a curved phase characteristic reduces the peak amplitude of the waveform.曲线形相位特性减小了波形振幅峰值。

4.The Influence of Intensity Gaussian Distribution on Amplitude Squeezing Properties of Multimode Functional Even Coherent State;强度高斯分布对多模偶相干态高次振幅压缩特性的影响

5.Correlative Study Between Identifications and Signal Intensity Ratio (SIR) of the Small Focal Hepatic Lesions肝脏局灶性小占位的磁共振信号强度比与病灶性质的相关性

6.Influence of Polarization State on Reflection Efficiency of Self-pumped Phase Conjugation偏振特性对自泵浦相位共轭反射率的影响

7.Intensity Correlations and Coherence Effects in Resonance Fluorescence;共振荧光强度关联和相干效应的研究

8.Effects of Vibration Frequency on Dynamic Strength Properties of Compacted Loess振动频率对压实黄土动强度特性的影响

9.The influence of the material dispersion on the dual-peak resonance effect材料色散对LPFG双峰谐振效应特性的影响

10.The areas under the two resonance envelopes are unequal.两个共振峰下面的面积是不相等的。

11.Determination of Carbyne Content with the Ratio of IR Peak Intensity谱峰相对强度比法在碳炔含量测定中应用

12.On That the Radian of Both Faceplate and Soleplate of Violin Resonator Influence Upon the Librations Features;小提琴共鸣箱面板和底板弧度对振动特性的影响

13.Influence of internal magnetic field gradient on nuclear magnetic resonance of volcanic rocks and its detection method内部磁场梯度对火山岩核磁共振特性的影响及其探测方法

14.High-Power Property of Resonant-Cavity-Enhanced Photodetectors Grown on GaAs量子阱共振腔增强型光电探测器的高功率特性

15.Research on Enhancement Technology of Correlation Peaks with JTC for Targets with Low Contrast联合变换相关器低对比度目标相关峰增强技术的研究

16.Inducement and Enhancement of Coherence Resonance in Chemical Oscillation System化学振荡体系相干共振的诱导和增强

17.Study Of Treat Methylprednisolone And Magnetic Resonance Imaging To Multiple Sclerosis多发性硬化增强磁共振成像与甲基强的松龙治疗的相关性研究

18.Magnetic Resonance Enhancement Features of Inflammatory Lymph Nodes with Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide in Rabbit Model不同浓度超小超顺磁性氧化铁粒子在兔炎症淋巴结模型中的磁共振强化特征


formant relative amplitude共振峰相对强度特性

1.We measured, compared and analysed theformant relative amplitude of 30 pairs of twins natural reciting voice, and counted the confidence level and discriminating threshold.本文对30对双胞胎正常朗读语音的共振峰强度特性进行了定量测量、比较、分析,统计得出了共振峰相对强度特性在检验双胞胎语音中的置信度与判阈。

3)relativ kurtosis相对峰态

4)relative peak area相对峰面积

5)relative peak torque相对峰力矩

1.Three groups of samples take the test, the ratio ofrelative peak torque of shoulder, hip and knee joints is compared and analyzed.通过对三组受试者进行测试,对其肩、髋、膝各关节(特别是上下肢)的相对峰力矩的比值进行分析比较,指出河北省少体校女子短跑运动员在训练中存在的各关节力量素质发展不平衡的问题,并提出对策。

2.The result shows that the elbow flexor/extensorrelative peak torque, the relative total power and relative average power decrease with the increase of velocity.结果发现举重运动员肘关节屈伸肌群相对峰力矩、相对总功和相对平均功率随着运动速度的增大而减小,屈伸肌群峰力矩比值接近1。

6)relative strength相对强度

1.A Study on Evaluation of Relative Strength for Different Polymer Gels Used at Oil Fields;油田用聚合物凝胶相对强度表征方法研究

2.The early-agerelative strength-simplify maturity equation was concluded from this research and therelative strength when simplified maturity reached 600d was discussed.本文基于简化成熟度理论,试验研究了粉煤灰混凝土在模拟同条件养护下的早期相对强度发展情况,得出了其早期相对强度预测公式,并按照《混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50204-2002)的相关要求,对该类混凝土等效养护龄期及同条件养护至600℃。

3.Based on the preliminary researches on tube clearance, overdistension measure, total distension measure, weldrelative strength, destructive pressure test in producing copperaluminum combined columnwingtype radiator, discusses crucial skills to improve the technical and provides the basis for manufacture and standardization of the radiator.通过对铜铝复合柱翼型散热器生产加工中的穿管间隙、过盈胀管量、总胀管量、焊接相对强度、破坏压力试验等方面的初步研究 ,探讨了改进工艺的关键技术 ,为此种散热器的推广生产和标准制订提供了依据。


强度相对数强度相对数【强度相对数】两个性质不同但有一定联系的总量指标相互对比,用来表明现象强度、密度和普遍程度的数值,计算公式:一强度相对地数= 某一总量指标数值另三有联系而性质不同的总量指标数值
