900字范文 > 努力控制 effortful control英语短句 例句大全

努力控制 effortful control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-14 14:07:10


努力控制 effortful control英语短句 例句大全

努力控制,effortful control

1)effortful control努力控制

1.Rothbart and Posner associated temperament with neuroscience,and introduced a new dimension of temperament and the related study ofeffortful control which is closely linked with self-regulation in temperamental component.美国心理学家Rothbart和Posner把儿童气质与神经科学联系起来,提出了努力控制的概念。

2.Anger reflecting approach tendency may be detrimental for the development ofeffortful control and behavior problems.但是反映趋近倾向的生气,也可能不利于努力控制的发展,导致问题行为的产生。

3.There areeffortful control, executive function and behavioral regulation and there is intersection among these processes.儿童自我调节的心理机制包括努力控制、执行功能和行为调节,这三种心理机制之间存在着交叉和重叠。


1.He was making a visible effort to control himself.他显然在努力控制自己。

2.I fought to keep back my tears.我努力控制住泪水。

3.With a great effort he controlled his anger[temper].他以极大的努力控制住自己的怒火。

4.The government is trying to hold the dyke against rising prices.政府在努力控制物价上涨。

5.Mother made an effort to muffle her emotions.母亲努力控制自己的感情。

6.A: I know I should get a grip and get on with it.我知道自己得努力控制,继续撑下去。

7.Penetrating rural market through innovative marketing mode;创新小站经营模式,努力控制农村市场

8.Juliet went white with shock and tried to control herself.茱丽叶震惊得脸色苍白,并努力控制自己的情绪。

9.He also said people should not only eat healthier, but they should try to eat less, too.他还说人们不仅仅应该吃健康食品,还应该努力控制食量。

10.I controlled everything and left nothing to chance我努力控制一切因素,不让事情有变糟的任何机会。

11.They tried to get flood water under control.他们努力使泛滥的洪水得到控制。

12.government efforts to control inflation.政府控制通货膨胀的努力.

13.They are working hard to produce a program-controlled computer.他们正在努力制造一台程序控制计算机。

14.after five day"s effort, the forest fire was finally under control经过5天的努力,森林大火终于被控制住了。

15.He was very angry, but with an effort, he restrained himself.虽然他很生气,但他努力地控制住了自己。

16.We will try to be efficient and to control them from the tip-off.我们会努力保持效率,并从一开始就控制住他们。

17.Most efforts at control have not been successful in the longer term.长期以来,大多数控制方面的努力都没有成功。

18.We are trying to reduce the problem to manageable proportions.我们正努力把问题缩小到可以控制的范围内。


institutional efforts制度性努力

3)To produce by effort; create.努力制作;制造

4)With an effort, he restrained himself.他努力克制自己。


1.Efforts Level:Analysis on Funds Manager Key Behaviors Because of Internal Cause;努力水平:基金管理人内因核心行为分析

2.LI Da-zhao took the lead to propagate Marxism in China and made great efforts to construct Chinese Marxist philosophy.李大钊在中国率先宣传唯物史观 ,为中国马克思主义哲学的发展提供了思想指导 ,同时李大钊还为构建中国马克思主义哲学作了大量的努力。


1.From an angle of business administration practices, and based on an analysis of the traditional human resource management theory, this paper puts forward an ability and efforts based "dual factor" HR model.本文从企业管理的实践出发,在分析传统人才管理理论的基础上,吸收归因理论的思想,通过访谈和调查问卷,提出了基于能力和努力的人才"双力"模型,并对该模型进行了实证研究与分析,最终建立了一个使企业人才培养和企业发展紧密结合的思维框架和工具。

2.A serial of correlational analyses and ANOVAs were conducted on cognitive activities,state of orientation,effort,and performance on the dart throwing.基于“习得无助”理论的“动机缺乏模式”和“功能缺乏模式”发展一个体育竞赛的努力缺乏综合模式,通过实验设计验证6个理论假设。

3.Using the instrument revised by Clark,the present study examined teachers attribution responses to achievement failure of students with different abilities and efforts,and compared Chinese data with American data collected by Clark in 1997.结果表明:中美小学教师都对高能力学生或低努力学生的失败更生气,并给予更高的惩罚。


捕捞总努力量渔获量投入捕捞努力量所取得的渔获量。捕捞努力量与渔获量的关系,相当于经济学上的投入与产出的关系。投入的捕捞努力量,即在捕捞中所做的功,由投入生产的渔船数、吨位、马力数、作业人数、天数、技术与工艺状况、投网次数等折算求得。产出的渔获量是各种有用的渔获物的数量,如大小黄鱼、比目鱼、带鱼、对虾、鲳鱼等的吨数;按上市鱼的规格剔除不合要求的渔获物后的数量为上市量。捕捞总努力量渔获量需通过调查整理各种渔业的捕捞记录才能得到,这些捕捞记录的表格均需包括构成捕捞努力量和分类渔获量的所有内容。捕捞记录资料经过整理汇总后,可用于分析捕捞渔业结构、渔业资源变动情况等。总渔获量用捕捞努力量来除,所得的平均值为单位捕捞努力量渔获量,用符号表示为CPUE(catch per unit effort) 。用单位捕捞努力量渔获量作为衡量渔业生产经济效果的指标时,可将投入的捕捞努力量与渔获量换算为货币单位,然后进行计算即可得到所需的数据。作为衡量渔业资源的量度指标时,通常采用的公式为:F=q f。式中 F为捕捞死亡率(捕捞死亡量与资源数量的比率);q为可捕系数(资源数量与可能捕获量的比率);f为单位捕捞努力量渔获量。
