900字范文 > 和平演变 peaceful evolution英语短句 例句大全

和平演变 peaceful evolution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-13 12:46:32


和平演变 peaceful evolution英语短句 例句大全

和平演变,peaceful evolution

1)peaceful evolution和平演变

1.Political Guard and Consideration in Peaceful Coexistence——Comparison and enlightenment of Lenin"s and Khrushchev"s antipeaceful evolution thoughts和平共处中的政治警惕与兼顾——列宁与赫鲁晓夫反和平演变思想的比较及其对中国的启示

2.Religion infiltration is an important part of the "peaceful evolution" stratagem of international reactionaries,who attempts to infiltrate our government with religion,overthrow our socialism system,and divide our homeland.宗教渗透是境外敌对势力"和平演变"战略的重要组成部分,旨在破坏祖国统一,颠覆我国社会主义制度。


1.On the Role of the Strategy For Peaceful Changes in the Disintegration of the Soviet Union;论西方和平演变战略在苏联演变中的作用


3.From the "Color Revolutions" to See US Peaceful Evolution Strategy从“颜色革命”看美国和平演变战略

4.Ideological Awakening of the Communist Party of China Against PeacefulEvolution in the Background of Internationalization--the historical source of the CPC concept against peaceful evolution;国际化背景下中共反和平演变意识的形成——中国共产党反和平演变历史溯源

5.By that I mean they want to bring about the peaceful evolution of socialist countries towards capitalism.所谓没有硝烟,就是要社会主义国家和平演变。

6.The Origin of the American "Peaceful Evolution" Policy in 1950s;论20世纪50年代美国“和平演变”政策的产生

7.The countermeasure to the cultural conflict and amicable evolution;试论文化冲突的现状与“和平演变”的防范

8.On Mao Zedong s Strategic Thought ofPreventing Peaceful Evolution;试论毛泽东关于防止“和平演变”的战略思想

9.On Theory and Practice of Mao Tse-tung and Deng Xiao-ping"s Preventing and Combating "Peaceful Evolution"毛泽东邓小平防止和反对“和平演变”的理论与实践述析

10.On Deng Xiaoping s Thought of Fighting against the Peaceful Evolution and Its Directive Function on the Building of Our National Ideology and Culture;邓小平反和平演变思想及其对我国思想文化建设的指导

11.New Trend of Peaceful Evolution in the West After Cold War--An Analysis of Development Trend About Outward Evolution in the Realm of Ideology;冷战后西方和平演变的新动向——意识形态领域对外演变的发展态势分析

12.The imperialists are pushing for peaceful evolution towards capitalism in China, placing their hopes on the generations that will come after us.帝国主义搞和平演变,把希望寄托在我们以后的几代人身上。

13.The United States and some other Western countries are trying to bring about a peaceful evolution towards capitalism in socialist countries.美国,还有西方其他一些国家,对社会主义国家搞和平演变。

14.The penetration of the colonial culture is the important method of" peaceful evolution" strategy carried out by western countries.殖民文化渗透是西方列强实施"和平演变"战略的重要手段。

15.The Evolution of Foreign Policy of "Peaceful Coexistence" and China diplomacy;"和平共处"外交思想的演变与中国外交

16.Evolution of Taiwan"s Political Situation and the Peaceful Development of the Cross-straits Relations台湾政局演变与两岸关系的和平发展

17.Discoursing on the Influence of China s Peaceful Rise for Structural Changes of Asia-Pacific Regions;论中国和平崛起对亚太地区格局演变的影响

18.The Application of Ash and River Filth Manure in Guangdong During the Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清广东山区灰粪和平原泥肥应用的历史演变


against peaceful evolution反和平演变

1.Ideological Awakening of the Communist Party of China Against PeacefulEvolution in the Background of Internationalization——the historical source of the CPC conceptagainst peaceful evolution;国际化背景下中共反和平演变意识的形成——中国共产党反和平演变历史溯源

3)the Strategy for peaceful changes和平演变战略

4)So now they are trying peaceful evolution.现在搞和平演变。

5)prevent peaceful evolution防止和平演变

1.Mao Zedong\"s anti-peaceful evolution of thought and practice are: attention to the socialist economic construction which provide material security to anti-peaceful evolution; attention to the work of party building and the fight against corruption, through anti-corruption toprevent peaceful evolution; attention to the cultivation of successors; attention to object to revisionism.毛泽东反和平演变的思想和实践主要有:重视社会主义经济建设,为反和平演变提供物质保障;重视党建工作和反腐败斗争,通过反腐败防止和平演变;重视对接班人的培养;重视反对修正主义。

6)Equilibrium and fitting平衡和反演

1.In this paper the analysis of the plasma shape equilibrium and fitting (EFIT) control arithmetic is described.介绍了等离子体平衡和反演控制算法 (EFIT)及其物理含义 ;用磁体动力学的Grad -Shafranov平衡方程来描述磁通函数。


