900字范文 > 磁力驱动 Magnetic Drive英语短句 例句大全

磁力驱动 Magnetic Drive英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-22 00:31:22


磁力驱动 Magnetic Drive英语短句 例句大全

磁力驱动,Magnetic Drive

1)Magnetic Drive磁力驱动

1.Retrofits of theMagnetic Drive of the FAⅢ-400 Literal Embedding Mixers;FAⅢ-400侧向伸入式搅拌器的磁力驱动改造

2.The overall structure and principle of magnetic drive pump in CTD for COPEX autonomous profiling floats and the design method of impeller are presented briefly.由此设计的磁力泵变动密封为静密封,达到无泄漏,该方法可作为磁力驱动装置的理论设计依据。


1.New type of gene gun driven by pulsed electromagnetic force and simulation of its driving system脉冲电磁力驱动型基因枪及其驱动系统仿真

2.Analysis of the Magnetic Field Driving by Magnetic Mechanism with ANSYS Software基于ANSYS软件的磁力驱动机构的磁场分析

3.Research on the Principle and Experiment of Solder Micro-jetting Driven by Electromagnetic Force;电磁力驱动焊料微喷射原理与实验研究

4.Research and Experiment Analysis on Diaphragm Micropump Actuated by Magnetic Force电磁力驱动微型膜片泵的研究与实验分析

5.Magnetic Drive Drug Sentinel Release MEMS Design磁力驱动药物定点释放微机电系统设计

6.Dynamic Molding and Numerical Simulation of a Magnetic Driver of Reciprocate in Line直线往复式磁力驱动器的动力学建模与数值仿真

7.Scheme Design of a Large Gap Magnetic Drive System Driven by Traveling Wave Magnetic Field行波磁场驱动的大间隙磁力传动系统方案设计

8.Design of Low Speed Permanent Magnet Generator Direct Driven by Wind Turbine;直接驱动式永磁风力发电机设计研究

9.Electromagnetic Valve Actuation (EVA) Designand Static Force Characteristic Test of Electromagnets in EVA电磁气门驱动设计及其电磁铁静吸力特性试验

10.Space magnetic field"s mathematical model of magnetic drive system driven by traveling wave magnetic field行波磁场驱动的磁力传动系统空间磁场数学模型

11.Calculation Method of Driving Torque of the Large Gap Magnetic Drives System大间隙磁力传动系统驱动力矩的计算方法

12.Study on Eletctromagnetic Force Driving and Controlling Flow Modalisy of Molten Metal;电磁力对金属熔体驱动与运动形态控制的研究

13.Driving Research in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Based on Switched Reluctance Motor;基于开关磁阻电机的混合动力汽车驱动的研究

14.Electric screw press driven by permanent magnet synchronous motor永磁交流同步电机驱动的电动螺旋压力机研究

15.Simulation analysis on actuating magnetic field of magnetostrictive actuator超磁致伸缩驱动器驱动磁场仿真分析

16.The Design of Large Thrust Permanent Magnet Linear Servo Motor and Driver;大推力永磁直线伺服电机及驱动器设计

17.Energy system design of screw presses driven by switched reluctance motor开关磁阻电机驱动螺旋压力机能量系统设计

18.Experimental study on application of electromagnetic pulse force in micro-forming电磁脉冲驱动力在微成形工艺中的试验研究


Magnetic Driver磁力驱动器

1.Researches on the Eddy Current Loss ofMagnetic Drivers;磁力驱动器涡流损失的研究

2.Applications of ANSYS Software in Design ofMagnetic Drivers;ANSYS在磁力驱动器设计中的应用

3.There are some main factors impact the development of magnetic driver, including calculation of magnetic field intensity, eddy current losses and so on.磁力驱动器是基于磁力驱动技术实现力或转矩无接触传递的一种新型传动装置,其磁场强度计算和涡流损耗是影响磁力驱动器设计的两个主要因素。

3)Magnetic drive pump磁力驱动泵

1.The working principle of magnetic drive pump and design method of the main components were summarized.磁力驱动泵广泛应于石油、化工、医药等对密封要求较高的行业以及贵重、有害介质的输送等场合。

4)magnetic driving torque磁驱动力矩

5)Magnetic Drive Valve磁力驱动阀门

1.Structure Principle and Experimental Investigation of theMagnetic Drive Valves;磁力驱动阀门的结构原理与试验研究

6)magnetic drive pump磁力驱动离心泵

1.The coustruction of the containment shell of themagnetic drive pump and its wall thickness were designed and materials selected.介绍了在不同的运行工况下磁力驱动离心泵隔离套的结构设计、材料选择,并给出了隔离套的设计计算公式及加工工艺。

2.To decrease the vortex loss and inner cycle capacity is significant to the enhancement of the efficiency ofmagnetic drive pump.降低涡流损失和内循环量对提高磁力驱动离心泵的效率具有重要的意义。


