900字范文 > 金属氧化物薄膜 metal oxide films英语短句 例句大全

金属氧化物薄膜 metal oxide films英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-23 13:51:19


金属氧化物薄膜 metal oxide films英语短句 例句大全

金属氧化物薄膜,metal oxide films

1)metal oxide films金属氧化物薄膜

1.Atomic layer deposition ofmetal oxide films;原子层淀积制备金属氧化物薄膜研究进展


1.Studies of Metal Oxides Film Synthesized by Themal Vapor Phase Transport and Condensation;金属氧化物薄膜的热汽相沉积法制备研究

2.Preparation and Properties of Porous Metal Composite Oxide Films;多孔复合金属氧化物薄膜的制备及其性能研究

3.Preparation of Layered Double Hydroxides and Layered Double Oxides Films;层状化合物及其复合金属氧化物薄膜的制备与性能研究

4.Study on the Oriented Preparation and Catalysis of Layered Double Hydroxide Films;层状双羟基复合金属氧化物薄膜的取向组装及催化性能研究

5.Study on Electrodeposition and Optical Properties of Functional Nanocrystalline Metal Oxide Thin Films;功能纳米金属氧化物薄膜的电化学制备与光学性质的研究

6.Studies on Synthesis and Wettability of Layered Double Hydroxides Films;层状双羟基复合金属氧化物薄膜的制备及其表面浸润性能研究

7.We can classify thin films into four groups:thermal oxides,dielectric layers,polycrystalline silicon, and metal films.我们可以把薄膜分成四组:热氧化物,介电质层,多晶硅,金属薄膜。

8.The Research of Conductive type CO_2 Gas Sensing Properties of Composite Metal Oxide Thin Films;电导型复合金属氧化物CO_2气敏薄膜材料的研究

9.metallized paper and metallized film金属化纸和金属化薄膜

10.The Ammonia Sensitivity Based on the Thin Films of Conductive Polymers and Their Corresponding Metal Oxide Composites;导电聚合物及其金属氧化物复合物薄膜氨气敏感特性的研究

11.Study on Metal–Insulator Transition (MIT) Property of Vanadium Oxide Thin Film氧化钒薄膜金属—绝缘体相变特性研究

12.Low-temperature Deposition of Crystalline Titania Films on Titanium Substrates and the Bioactivity in Vitro;钛金属表面低温沉积晶态二氧化钛薄膜及其体外生物活性

13.Oriented Growth of Layered Double Hydroxides Films and Their Wettability;取向复合金属氢氧化物薄膜的构筑及其表面浸润性能研究

14.Studies on the Fabrication and Application of Oriented Films Derived from Layered Double Hydroxides;基于层状双羟基复合金属氧化物构筑结构取向薄膜及其性能研究

15.Studies on the Synthesis and Characterization of Layered Double Hydroxides and Films Derived from Them层状双羟基复合金属氧化物及其薄膜的制备与性能研究

16.Nb Amorphous Metal Oxide Films XPS Analysis and The Mechanism of PhotoluminescenceNb金属氧化物非晶态薄膜的XPS分析及光致发光机理

17.Investigation for the Transport Behavior and Mechanism of Oxidation Process of Nano-scale Metal Thin Film;纳米尺度金属薄膜氧化传质规律及其机理研究

18.metallized mylar capacitor金属化聚酯薄膜电容器


metal oxide thin films半导体金属氧化物薄膜

1.Reported were recent researches on gas-sensing properties ofmetal oxide thin films when irradiated by UV light: Experimental results revealed that the conductivities of SnO2, In2O3, ZnO thin films were improved evidently under UV irradiation, and at room temperature the sensitivities of the films to detect CO, NO2 were improved while the response and recovery time were shortened.介绍了近期文献中对紫外光照下半导体金属氧化物薄膜气敏特性的研究结果:紫外光照引起SnO2,In2O3,ZnO薄膜电导显著增大;提高室温下薄膜对CO,NO2气体检测的灵敏度,减少响应和恢复时间;介绍了一种对紫外光增强气敏机制的物理模型分析方法。

3)functional metal oxide thin films功能金属氧化物薄膜

4)metal oxide semiconductor thin films金属氧化物半导体薄膜

5)nano metal oxide thin film纳米金属氧化物薄膜

6)oxidized Sn film金属Sn氧化薄膜

1.The dependence of chemisitry properties of elements Sn and O on the surface ofoxidized Sn films on vacuum annealing was studied.本文研究了在真空退火过程中金属Sn氧化薄膜表面L元素Sn和O的化学性质。


金属化纸和金属化薄膜表面上蒸镀一层很薄 (0.1微米左右)的金属层的纸或薄膜。金属化纸曾应用于电缆、变压器作为屏蔽层,现多用于制造电容器。金属化纸和金属化薄膜的特点是具有自愈性,即当某处击穿时,短路电流使击穿部位周围的金属膜熔化并蒸发而又恢复绝缘性能,因此显著减少纸或薄膜中贯穿性导电疵点和弱点对击穿强度的影响,从而提高工作场强。低压纸介电容器如用铝箔极板(6~7微米),必须用2~3层纸或薄膜,若用金属化纸或金属化薄膜,只要1层即可,极板的厚度也由6~7微米减少到0.1微米左右,大大节省材料。直流或脉冲电容器用金属化纸时,为了提高绝缘电阻,可以在纸的单面或双面涂以约1微米厚的快干纤维漆,然后在真空中蒸镀0.1微米的金属膜。交流电容器用的金属化纸或金属化薄膜,为了不使介质损耗增大,不喷漆,而是在纸或薄膜表面上直接蒸镀金属膜。用于蒸镀金属膜的金属有锌、镉、镍和铝等,以锌最适合(沸点较低)。有些薄膜(例如聚酯薄膜)可以先在表面上蒸镀银层,然后再蒸镀锌层。金属化纸或金属化薄膜吸潮后,特别是在较高温度下容易被损伤腐蚀,在储存、加工过程中要采取适当的防潮措施。金属化纸一般不可用氯化物浸渍,以防止纸中析出的氢同氯化物浸渍剂析出的氯作用形成腐蚀性的氯化氢;但加了某些特殊的稳定剂后也可以用氯化物浸渍。
