900字范文 > 民法法典化 codification of civil law英语短句 例句大全

民法法典化 codification of civil law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-02 03:26:22


民法法典化 codification of civil law英语短句 例句大全

民法法典化,codification of civil law

1)codification of civil law民法法典化

1.According to relevant documents,we can find that thecodification of civil law had been carried on almost partly by some special political factors,and that the realization of formal value and essential value of Civil Code always be restricted by certain social environment.据考察,民法典的编纂几乎总是在一定的政治因素的刺激之下浮出水面,而民法法典化之形式与实质价值的实现,也总是受制于一定的社会政治文化条件。

2.However, the codification of Civil Law is not ever an occasional matter, but a necessary result of certain historical foundations.中国民法法典化已经是大势所趋。

3.It is very essential and useful for us to research the course ofcodification of civil law in the Republic of China era which is a very important period in the history ofcodification of civil law in China.民国时期是民法法典化发展的一个非常重要和微妙的时期,加强对这一时期民法法典化的研究,不仅有利于我们进一步理解当时的法治状况,而且可以给我们制定新的民法典提供历史的知识资源,有助于我们以史为鉴,更好地推进我们当今民法法典化的进程。


1.Study on the Condition of the Civil Law s Codification;关于当前民法法典化基本条件的考察

2.On the Foundations of Codification of Civil Law:From Roman Law to the Modern Society;论民法法典化的基础——从罗马法到现代社会

3.The Political Dimension of Codification of Civil Law and the Realization of Core Value of Civil Code;民法法典化的政治向度与核心价值之实现

4.From the Absolute Ration to Relative Ration;从绝对理性到相对理性——民法法典化的思路

5.Chinese Scholars Study During the Past Decade on Codification of Chinese Civil Law;试论我国十年来对中国民法法典化的研究

6.On Legal Evolutionism and Its Enlightenment to the Compiling of Civil Code;法律进化论及其对民法典编纂的启示

7.Similarities and Differences between Civil Code of France and Civil Code of Germany;试析《法国民法典》与《德国民法典》的异同

8.From the Prospective of the Politicalization and Antipoliticalization ofthe Compilation of the Civil Code;从民法典编纂的政治化和反政治化角度看民法典编纂的必要性

9.On the Enactment of Civil Code and the Development of Civil Law Culture;论我国民法典的制定与民法文化的发展

10.The Characters of the Civil Code of Our Country in the Future;在民法现代化进程中谈未来我国民法典的品格

11.Review Of the Characteristic Of Legal Culture--Comments On the Value Proneness of French Civil Code;法律文化特征考察——兼论法国民法典的价值取向

12.Legal Transplantation and Legal Cultures with the Related Civil Codes as the Center;法律移植与法律文化——以民法典制订为中心

13.The Success and Failure of the Westernization of the Islamic Civil Code of Egypt;伊斯兰埃及民法典西化的成功与失败

14.Napoleonic Code: Crystallization of the French Revolution and national culture;《拿破仑法典》:大革命与民族文化的结晶

15.The Form and Value of Civil Code and Civil Code of China;论民法典的形式、价值与中国民法典

16.Civil Rationalism and Civil Code;民法理性与民法典——论中国民法典起草思路

17.The Evolutionary Theory of Law and Its Significance to the Codification of the Civil Law.;法律进化论及其对中国民法典编纂的影响

18.Three Debates in the World History of Compilation of Civil Law:A Comparative Study on Theoretical Roots of Codifying and Non - Codifying;世界民法典编纂史上的三次论战——“法典化”与“非法典化”思想之根源与比较


Exploratory Research on Codifying the Civil Law of China民法法典化探究

3)coupus juris civilis (the body of civil or Roman law)民法典;民法法典

4)green civil law民法典绿色化

5)civil law code民法典

1.On the Different Implications of Right and Capacity between the German Civil Law Code and the USSR Civil Law Code;论德国和苏俄民法典权利能力含义的区别

2.Transfixion between Value and System:Compendium on Modern Culture of Civil Law——Also on the institution of our countrycivil law code;价值与制度的贯通:现代民法文化研究纲要——兼论我国民法典的制定

3.The Thoughts and Proposals of Draft Marriage and Family Copy in Civil Law Code of China;制定中国民法典婚姻家庭编的思考与建议

6)civil code民法典

1.Enlightenment on the Civil Code of Savigny s Historical Jurisprudence Thoughts;萨维尼历史法学思想对中国民法典制定之启示

2.The Review and Outlook of China Civil Code Constitution;中国民法典制定的回顾与展望

3.Research on the Several Problems of International Customs——and on the Legislation of International Customs in the Chinese Civil Code;国际惯例的若干问题研究——兼议国际惯例在我国民法典中的立法问题


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
