900字范文 > 气虚血瘀痰阻证 Blood stasis and sputum block due to deficiency of Qi英语短句 例句大全

气虚血瘀痰阻证 Blood stasis and sputum block due to deficiency of Qi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-20 13:34:31


气虚血瘀痰阻证 Blood stasis and sputum block due to deficiency of Qi英语短句 例句大全

气虚血瘀痰阻证,Blood stasis and sputum block due to deficiency of Qi

1)Blood stasis and sputum block due to deficiency of Qi气虚血瘀痰阻证


1.Estimation of Qi Deficiency, Blood and Phlegm Stagnation Syndrome of Rat Model with COPD慢性阻塞性肺疾病大鼠模型气虚血瘀痰阻证评价

2.During the courses of treatment, the following were observed:waistline 、 blood pressure, blood sugar, blood fat. Results:1. Selecting 40 patients, the Chinese medicine certificate waits with the phlegm drink a certificate for lord, and have qi deficiency, yin dificiency, blood stasis etc.1.入选40例患者中,中医证候以痰饮证为主,兼有气虚、阴虚、血瘀等证;

3.In chronic period, the emphasis is on the weakness of vital-qi, phlegm and blood stasis obstructed in Lung collaterals, which is syndrome of deficiency Ben and excessive Biao.在慢性期,病机主要是正气虚损,痰瘀痹阻肺络,属本虚标实之证。

4.Clinical Study on Vascular Dementia with Liver-kidney Deficiency and Phlegm Stasis Syndromes Treated by Scalp Acupuncture头针治疗血管性痴呆(肝肾亏虚兼痰瘀阻络证)的临床研究

5.Clinical Research of Acupuncture Therapy the Type of QiXuTanYuZuLuo of Ischemic Stroke;针刺治疗缺血性中风气虚痰瘀阻络型的临床研究

6.The Clinical Study of Supplementing Qi Activating Blood Circulation and Resolving Phlegm Method Treates DM Complicated by Chd of Qi Deficiency Stagnation of Phlegm and Blood Stasis Syndrome益气活血化痰法治疗糖尿病合并冠心病心绞痛气虚痰瘀互阻型的临床观察

7.The Research of the Pathological Nature and Syndrome Characteristics and the Main Treatment of the Syndrome of the Elderly Asthenia of Kidney and the Sensory Orifices Obstruction of Phlegm-stasis老年肾虚痰瘀阻窍证的病理和辨治研究

8.Clinical Study of Yishentongyujiangzhuo Decoction on Cases of Chest-Bi with Kidney Deficiency and Blockage of Phlegm and Blood Stasis Syndrome益肾通瘀降浊汤治疗胸痹肾虚兼痰瘀交阻证临床研究

9.Epidemic Characteristics and Clinical Research on Phlegm and Blood Stasis Due to Qi Deficiency Syndromes of Hypertension;气虚痰瘀型高血压病流行特点及临床研究

10.A Study to the Diagnostic Test Aboat Qi Deficiency with Phlegm and Blood Stasis Syndrome Type of CHD冠心病气虚痰瘀中医证候诊断试验的研究

11.The Clinical Observation of Treating Diabetes Foot of Middle-and-high Risk of Qi and Yin Deficiency and Blood Stasis Block Syndromes益气养阴、活血化瘀法治疗糖尿病中高危足气阴两虚、瘀血阻滞证的临床疗效观察

12.Effect and Serum Proteomic Dynamic Analysis of Feitai Capsule with Maintenance Therapy in Advanced Non-small-cell Lung Cancer Patients with the Syndrome on Deficiency of Vital Energy and Phlegm Blood-stasis肺泰胶囊维持治疗对NSCLC气虚痰瘀证患者临床疗效和血清蛋白质表达谱的动态研究

13.The Clinical Study of Xue Xhou Qing Capsule s Effect on Hyperlipemia of Phlegm-Accumulation Stasis about the Chinese Medicine Syndrome;血稠清胶囊对痰瘀阻滞型高脂血症患者中医证候的临床研究

14.Clinical and Experimental Studies on Treatment of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Diagnosed Deficiency of Kidney and Blood Stasis and Sputum Dampness Syndrome with Bu Shen Huo Xue Hua Tan Decoction;补肾活血化痰汤治疗肾虚血瘀痰阻型多囊卵巢综合征的临床及实验研究

15.The Third Stage of Clinical Research on Senile Dementia of the Spleen Kidney Two Falsely & Phlegm Muddy Blood Jam-up Certificate Treated with ShenWu Capsules参乌胶囊治疗老年性痴呆脾肾两虚痰浊血瘀证的Ⅲ期临床研究

16.Yizhi Capsule in the Treatment of Alzheimer"s Disease (AD) (Spleen and Kidney Deficiency, Phlegm and Blood Stasis) Clinical Study益智胶囊治疗老年性痴呆(AD)(脾肾两虚,痰浊血瘀证)临床研究

17.Clinical Abservation on Treatment of Qi-Yin Deficiency and Blood Stasis Phlegm Muddy Type 2 Diabetes Mellttus with Xiaoke Yin;消渴饮治疗气阴两虚兼有血瘀痰浊型2型糖尿病的临床研究

18.Contrasting Analysis of the Results of Treadmill Test for Patients with Coronary Heart Disease with Angina Pectoris and the Syndrome Differentiation of Qi-yin Deficiency or Plus Phlegm and Blood Stasis in TCM;冠心病心绞痛气阴两虚及兼痰瘀证平板运动试验结果对照分析


Blood stasis and Sputum block due to deficiency of the kidney肾虚血瘀痰阻证

3)Qi deficiency and blood stasis and turbid phlegm syndrome气虚血瘀痰浊证

4)Qi asthenia and phlegm-stasis syndrome气虚痰瘀证

1.The flow cytometry technology and radio-immune technology were utilized to detect 41 cases of malignant tumor Qi asthenia and phlegm -stasis syndrome and 42 cases of malignant tumor non-Qi asthenia and phlegm-stasis syndrome patient s serum level of CD+3,CD4+,CD+8,NK cell, ACTH, CORT, IL-1β and IL-6 of variety.对恶性肿瘤中医辨证分型及其恶性肿瘤气虚痰瘀证患者的内分泌激素和免疫功能状态进行了分析。

2.Method:The flow cytometry technology and radio-immune technology were utilized to detect patients\" serum level of CD_3~+、CD4~+、CD8~+、NK cell、IL-1β、IL-6、ACTH、CORT、TNF-αof 41 cases of malignant tumor withQi asthenia and phlegm-stasis syndrome and 42 cases of malignant tumor with non-Qi asthenia and phlegm-stasis syndrome.目的:探讨恶性肿瘤气虚痰瘀证与免疫细胞及内分泌激素变化的相关性。

5)qin-yin deficiency with phlegm-stasis sydrome type气阴两虚、痰瘀互阻证

6)the Syndrom of qi-stagnancy and blood stasis and endogenous retention of phlegm气滞血瘀痰浊内阻证


