900字范文 > 聚集信息素 aggregation pheromone英语短句 例句大全

聚集信息素 aggregation pheromone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-01 12:32:19


聚集信息素 aggregation pheromone英语短句 例句大全

聚集信息素,aggregation pheromone

1)aggregation pheromone聚集信息素

1.) produce a sex-specific compound, ethyl-4-methyl octanoate(C) which is anaggregation pheromone.雄性椰树犀牛甲虫分泌一种特别的化合物———4-甲基-正辛烷酸乙酯(C),它是一种聚集信息素,合成这种信息素包括3步反应;合成2-甲基已烯-3-醇(A)收率为85%,合成4反-甲基-正辛烷烯酸乙脂(B)收率为84%,合成4-甲基-正辛烷酸乙脂(C)收率为99。

2.Theaggregation pheromones can not only lead to aggregation,but also modify the density of aggregation.聚集信息素不仅具有引诱聚集的作用,其种类和数量还具有调节其聚集密度的效应。

3.The activity ofaggregation pheromones from different sources in the Oriental migratory locusts Locusta migratoria manilensis was assayed by electroantennogram (EAG).采用触角电位测定仪器测定不同来源的东亚飞蝗Locustamigratoriamanilensis聚集信息素的生理活性 ,结合行为生物测定的结果分析表明 :来源于粪便中的聚集信息素的活性较高 ,同时 ,使用较高极性溶剂抽提制备蝗蝻粪便中的信息素和采用中极性的溶剂制备成蝗粪便中的聚集信息素 ,其信息素的活性均较高 ;利用低极性溶剂从东亚飞蝗粪便中制备得到的聚集信息素的活性较低 ;采用层析柱吸附浓缩飞蝗粪便中自然挥发出的气味和飞蝗体表的气味并进行生物测定后表明 ,其EAG活性普遍较低 ;因此 ,来自于飞蝗粪便中的且采用合适的溶剂抽提制备的聚集信息素 ,具有较高的生物学活性。


1.EAG responses of Oriental migratory locust to semiochemicals from different sources of the insect东亚飞蝗不同来源聚集信息素的电生理活性

2.Aggregation Pheromone of Bark Beetle Ips duplicatus沙地云杉重齿小蠹聚集信息素的试验分析

3.The Attracted Experiment on Crude Extracts of Aggregation Pheromone of Ips subelongatus落叶松八齿小蠹聚集信息素粗提物诱虫实验

4.Studies on Aggregation Pheromone of the German Cockroach, Blattella Germanica (L.) and the Influence Factors of the Pheromone Biosynthesis;德国小蠊聚集信息素及其生物合成影响因子的研究

5.Synthesis of aggregation pheromone of rhinoceros beetles using (S)-4-benzylthiazolidine-2-thione as chiral auxiliary(S)-4-苄基-2-噻唑硫酮诱导椰树犀牛甲虫聚集信息素的合成

6.The Influence of the Progress of Information Communication Technologies on Industrial Aggolomeration;信息通信技术进步对产业聚集的影响

7.An Ant Colony Clustering Algorithm Based on Pheromone Diffusion Mechanism一种基于信息素扩散的蚁群聚类算法

8.FCM Ant Colony Clustering Algorithm Based on Pheromones一种基于信息素的FCM蚁群聚类算法

9.Study on the Talent Accumulation Effect of SME Based on Information Management;基于信息化管理的中小企业人才聚集效应研究

10.Jiangsu Information Industry: From Regional Advantage to Clustered Advantage;江苏电子信息产业:以聚集优势打造竞争优势

11.Studies on Pheromones in Relation to Aggregation Outbreak of Oedaleus Asiaticus B.-Bienko (Orthoptera: Acrididae)亚洲小车蝗聚集爆发的化学信息学研究

12.Multi-Schema Integration Based on Usage and Clustering Approach基于使用信息和聚类方法的多模式集成

13.The Agglomeration Characteristics of Information Industry"s R&D Facilities in Shanghai上海市信息产业R&D机构的空间集聚研究

14.Promoting the Innovation and Development of Local Economy through Gathering Sci-tech Information Resources通过聚集科技信息资源促进区域经济创新发展

15.Novel modified fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm considering pixel spatial information一种改进的顾及像素空间信息的FCM聚类算法

16.Critical success factors of multi-Agent information systems integration;多主体信息系统集成关键成功因素的实证研究

17.The Collection and Making of Multimedia Materials in High School Informational Technology Course;高中信息技术课多媒体素材的收集与制作

18.Construction of Chinese Morpheme Database and Integration withThe Grammatical Knowledge-base of Contemporary Chinese;汉语语素库的构造及其同语法信息词典的集成


insect aggregation pheromone昆虫聚集信息素

1.Theinsect aggregation pheromone is attracting peoples attention for the active objection suitable to the IPM, although there are not many exploration compared with the insect sex pheromone now.昆虫聚集信息素是昆虫种间或种内的一种重要信息传递物质,它是营社会性生活的一些昆虫群居、联系的主要手段。

3)aggragation information聚集信息

1.Th is paper presents a constraints-based preprocessing algorithm for a kind of mis sing data which containaggragation information.该文针对一类包含聚集信息的空缺数据,给出了一种基于约束的预处理算法。

4)aggregation pheromone of drosophila mulleric穆勒果蝇聚集信息素




聚集经济(聚集利益)(聚集效应)n聚集经济(聚集利益)(聚集效应)是指由于某工业部 n门向某特定地域集中新产生的供生产成本降低的效果。因为分工协作,扩大生产规模,节约使用基础设施等会降低生产成本。n
