900字范文 > 冲击消振系统 impact damping system英语短句 例句大全

冲击消振系统 impact damping system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-12 01:27:34


冲击消振系统 impact damping system英语短句 例句大全

冲击消振系统,impact damping system

1)impact damping system冲击消振系统

1.An experiment on cantilever-beamimpact damping system was done.对悬臂梁冲击消振系统进行实验研究,测量振动系统的减振位移响应,分析主要实验现象。


1.The response of the system is compared with that of a system without impact damper.得出了垂直冲击消振系统与相同参数无冲击体系统响应的比较结果。

2.The response of vertical vibrating system with an impact damper under simple harmonic excitation is analyzed by numerical simulation.运用释值仿真方法分析了垂直冲击消振系统的简谐激励响应。

3.Study of the Control of Semi-active Variable Damping System in Impact Load;主动变阻尼冲击减振系统的控制研究

4.Isolation and Shock Response Characteristics Research of Floating Raft System in Ships;舰船浮筏系统隔振及抗冲击特性研究

5.A Study on the Dynamic Model for Impact-type Hydraulic Vibrating System冲击型液压振动系统的动态模型建立

6.Impact Absorbing Control of Magneto-rheological Variable Stiffness and Damping System磁流变刚度阻尼可控缓冲系统冲击减振控制

7.Study on Coupled Vibration Response and Anti-impact Property of Gear Transmissions System;齿轮传动系统耦合振动响应及抗冲击性能研究

8.Periodic Motions and Bifurcations of Multi-degree-of-freedom Vibro-impact Systems;多自由度冲击振动系统的周期运动和分岔

9.Study on Impulse Response of Nonlinear System of Mobile Hard Disk with Rubber Isolator橡胶隔振移动硬盘非线性系统的冲击研究

10.Variable Damping Dynamic Response Control on Impact Vibaration of Rocket Launcher Using Hydraulic System发射装置冲击振动的液压系统变阻尼控制

11.Hydraulic Vibrating Shock Control of Hydraulic Systems液压系统设计中对液压振动冲击的控制

12.Application of a vibration test system in shock response spectrum test振动试验系统在冲击响应谱试验中的应用

13.Study on Semi-actve Shock Control Technique of Tow-Stage Isolation System Using Electromagnetism Absorber;基于电磁式吸振器的隔振系统抗冲击半主动控制技术研究

14.Numerical Analysis of Oil Testing Pipe Shock Absorber System under Impact Load;冲击载荷下的石油测试管柱减振系统的数值模拟

15.The Trap in the Prediction of a Shock Disturbed System and the Buffer Operator冲击扰动系统预测陷阱与缓冲算子

16.Brace yourself for a shock!振作起来,面对冲击!

17.lash type inertia vibrating shakeout冲击式惯性振动落砂机

18.Human-simulated intelligent control for isolation-buffer with magnetorheological elastomer磁流变隔振缓冲系统的仿人智能控制


impact damper冲击消振

1.The Paper summarizes Research Actuality of verticalimpact damper system,and some representative research results of it,and also makes some depiction about the verticalimpact damper system"s prospect.本文综述了垂直主振系冲击消振理论的研究现状,以及在该方面取得的一些具有代表性的研究成果,并对其今后的发展趋势作一些评述。

3)impact damper冲击消振器

1.This study provide theoretical basis for guiding the design of theimpact damper and forecasting its damping effect.基于主振系的传递函数对垂直冲击消振系统的时域响应进行理论推导;在建模的基础上,应用MAT-LAB语言开发简明实用的仿真软件,通过一个算例全面研究质量比、冲程、恢复系数、激励力和激励频率对减振效果的影响;为冲击消振器结构设计的参数优化和预报减振效果提供了依据。

2.The calculation of a Lyapunov exponential spectrum on animpact damper vibration system is discussed by introducing Poincaré mapping in the rigid constraint section and by transforming the continual dynamic system to the discrete counterpart.讨论了冲击消振器碰撞振动系统的Lyapunov指数谱计算方法,将系统的Lyapunov指数谱图与系统全局分叉图进行分析比较,验证了利用Lyapunov指数谱图分析系统稳定性方法的正确性,同时给出了冲击消振器在选定参数下的非线性特性。

4)impact system冲击系统

1.The Matlab language with simulink,the principal tool was applied to simulate and computeimpact system,after computing it indicates that feeder current hole takes great effect for hammer frequency and accumulation spring takes does to piston stroke either.应用Matlab语言及其主要工具Simulink对射流式冲击系统进行仿真计算,通过计算表明回程阶段补流孔对提高冲击器频率作用很大,蓄能弹簧对活塞冲程作用很大。

5)systemic shock系统性冲击

6)hammer system冲击锤系统


标准操作冲击电压波形(见冲击电压发生器)标准操作冲击电压波形(见冲击电压发生器)standard switching impulse voltage waveformb .oozhun CooZuo ChongJld,onyo boxlng标准操作冲击电压波形(standard switchingimpulse voltage waveform)见冲击电压发生器。
