900字范文 > 电子枪结构 Electron gun structure英语短句 例句大全

电子枪结构 Electron gun structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-31 12:00:31


电子枪结构 Electron gun structure英语短句 例句大全

电子枪结构,Electron gun structure

1)Electron gun structure电子枪结构

1.Electron gun structure for cathode test:design,test and modification阴极测试电子枪结构的设计、试验及改进


1.Electron gun structure for cathode test:design,test and modification阴极测试电子枪结构的设计、试验及改进

2.Reasearch on the Structural Improvement of Torch and Process Experiment in Plasma-Mig Welding等离子-MIG焊接枪体结构改进及工艺试验的研究

3.bent-gun ion trap曲径式电子枪离子阱

4.packaging and construction of electronic equipment电子设备组装与结构

5.Electronic Structure of Pb_xSr_(1-x)TiO_3Pb_xSr_(1-x)TiO_3的电子结构

6.holding rod used on kinescope electron gu显像管电子枪支承杆

7.concentric spherical mesh grid electron gun同心球面栅网电子枪

8.electron gun vacuum lock电子枪真空密封装置

9.Electronic Structure of Perovskite SrHfO_3;钙钛矿结构材料SrHfO_3的电子结构研究

10.Relationship between temperature structural variances and hooking rates of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in tuna longline of Southeastern Pacific Ocean东南太平洋金枪鱼延绳钓大眼金枪鱼钓获率与水温结构因子的关系

11.This report describes the structure and the main behavior of a surfacing torch with reverse polarity soft plasma arc and uses alloy powder.本文介绍了反极性弱等离子弧粉末堆焊枪的结构及其主要特征。

12.Structure and electronic spectrum for water molecule under the external electric field;外电场作用下水分子结构和电子光谱

13.Study on the structural properties of the BH molecule(X~1∑~+) under the external electric field外电场下BH分子(X~1∑~+)的电子结构研究

14.Effects of Strong Electron Correlations on the Electronic Structure of LaMnO_3电子强关联对LaMnO_3电子结构的影响

15.The Geometries、Electronic of Nickel Clusters and Influence of Its Complexes at Nickel Clusters;镍团簇的几何结构、电子结构及其结合物的影响

16.The Valence-electron Structure and Ferroelectricty Calculation of KNbO_3 Using a Valence Bonding Electron TheoryKNbO_3价电子结构和铁电性的价键电子理论计算

17.The Microstructions of Allotropic Carbon Materials Studied by Positiron Annihilation Techniques;碳同素异构体微观结构的正电子研究

18.On Constructing the Structure of Electronic Commerce Specialized Curriculum in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职电子商务专业课程结构构建探讨


delta-gun configuration三角形电子枪结构

3)electronic structure电子结构

1.Theoretical study of the geometry andelectronic structure of a terephthalic acid-zinc complex;对苯二甲酸-锌配合物的几何体态与电子结构

2.A density functional theory investigation of theelectronic structure and ferroelectric phase transition of BaTiO_3 and PbTiO_3;钛酸铅及钛酸钡的电子结构和铁电相变的密度泛函理论研究

3.Electronic structures and thermodynamic properties of disordered FCC Ti_xAl_((1-x)) alloys;无序FCCTi_xAl_((1-x))合金的电子结构和热力学性质

4)electron structure电子结构

1.Thermoelectricity characteristic andelectron structure of ZrTiCuNiBe bulk amorphous alloys;ZrTiCuNiBe块体非晶合金的热电阻特性及电子结构

2.Relationship of activity withelectron structure for matrine and oxymatrine;苦参碱和氧化苦参碱电子结构与药性的关系

3.Quantitative convergent beam electron diffraction study ofelectron structure on segregation of boron in intermetallics;定量会聚束电子衍射金属间化合物中微量元素硼的偏聚特性的电子结构研究(英文)

5)electronic structures电子结构

1.Theoretical study of theelectronic structures of [Fe(H_2O)_m(OH)_n]~x;[Fe(H_2O)_m(OH)_n]~x配合物电子结构的理论研究

2.Geometrical andelectronic structures of Y_3O,Y_3Oˉand Y_3O~+ clusters;团簇Y_3O,Y_3Oˉ和Y_3O~+的几何和电子结构

3.Calculation of geometry configurations andelectronic structures of several carbon clusters;几种碳团簇的几何构型及电子结构的计算

6)lance body structure枪体结构


