900字范文 > 制浆造纸废水 pulping and papermaking wastewater英语短句 例句大全

制浆造纸废水 pulping and papermaking wastewater英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-12 09:12:56


制浆造纸废水 pulping and papermaking wastewater英语短句 例句大全

制浆造纸废水,pulping and papermaking wastewater

1)pulping and papermaking wastewater制浆造纸废水

1.The progress of bio-chemical treatment technology aboutpulping and papermaking wastewater is mainly summarized and some domestic and foreign instances of bio-chemical treatment are listed.主要对制浆造纸废水的生化处理技术进展做了分析。

2.In this paper,main treatment methods and new processes ofpulping and papermaking wastewater treatment are introduced,some results and experiences of using the treatment techniques achieved in recent years are summarized.列举了目前制浆造纸废水处理的主要方法及新方法,综述了近几年科研人员在各处理技术上取得的成果与经验,指出了清洁生产和零排放是最为理想的废水处理工艺和未来的研究重点。


1.Advanced treatment of composite wastewater from regenerated papermaking by O_3/UV+BAC technologyO_3/UV+BAC深度处理废纸制浆造纸废水

2.The Practice of Paper Industrial Wastewater Treatment with Anaerobic and Aerobic Technology采用厌氧-好氧技术处理制浆造纸废水

3.Advanced Treatment Technology for High-Concentration Wastewater from Pulp and Paper Mills高浓度制浆造纸废水的深度治理技术

4.Study on Degradation of Pulp and Paper Effluent with Strain XC6菌株XC6对制浆造纸废水的降解研究

5.Tertiary decolorization treatment of pulp and paper effluent by using lignin-based flocculant木质素基脱色絮凝剂深度处理制浆造纸废水

6.Application of SBR technique in pulp and papermaking effluent treatmentSBR及其发展工艺在制浆造纸废水处理中的应用

7.Wastewater treatment is an important issue in papermaking industry.制浆造纸废水处理一直是造纸行业的一个重要问题。

8.The experiences from the foreign legislation about the paper mills effluent and our illumination;国外在制浆造纸废水排放立法上的经验及对我们的启示(上)

9.Pilot Experiments of Advanced Treatments of Pulp and Papermaking Wastewater制浆造纸综合废水深度处理中型实验

10.Study on Advanced Treatment and Reuse of Washing/Bleaching Effluents of Pulp & Paper Industry制浆造纸中段废水深度处理与回用技术研究

11.Using IC Anaerobic reactor Treatment Waste Water in the Paper mill采用IC厌氧反应器处理制浆造纸工厂废水

12.Advanced Treatment of Pulping and Papermaking Effluent by Fenton ProcessFenton法深度处理制浆造纸综合废水实验研究

13.Study on Advanced Treatment of Intermediate-stage Effluent in Pulp & Paper Wastewater制浆造纸中段废水深度处理技术的研究

14.Treatment of wastepaper pulp effluents by photo-Fenton process光催化-Fenton工艺处理废纸制浆废水

15.Treatment of wastepaper pulp wastewater by heterogeneous photo-Fenton process非均相光-Fenton法处理废纸制浆废水

16.The Characteristics of the System of Biological Treatment for Wheat Straw Pulping Waste Water;生物工程处理草浆造纸废水系统的特点

17.Application of Waste Corn Stalks Materials in Pulp and Papermaking Fields;玉米秸秆废弃物在制浆造纸领域中的应用

18.The Creation and Utilization of Solid Wastes in Paper Industry制浆造纸行业固废物的产生及资源化利用


pulp and paper effluent制浆造纸废水

1.Tertiary decolorization treatment ofpulp and paper effluent by using lignin-based flocculant木质素基脱色絮凝剂深度处理制浆造纸废水

2.The influence of the parameters on the efficiency ofpulp and paper effluent treatment by using the technology is discussed.介绍了SBR生化处理工艺的特点 ,讨论了以该工艺处理制浆造纸废水时各参数对处理效果的影响 ,并对部分关键设备的选型进行了比较和分析。

3.According to the physical characteristics and fluid properties ofpulp and paper effluent, the problems that need to pay attention to in pressurized long pipe system design and installations and their solutions were discussed from some aspects of establishing simplified Bernoulli equation, preventing system pressure impulse and water beating generation.根据制浆造纸废水的物理特性和流体特性,从建立简化的伯诺里方程、防止系统压力脉动和水击产生等五个方面,论述有压长管系统设计施工中需要注意的问题和基本解决方法。

3)pulp and paper wastewater制浆造纸废水

1.In this paper,the properties of thepulp and paper wastewater are introduced.本文对制浆造纸废水的特点进行了介绍 ,并着重阐述了应用于制浆造纸废水处理的各种生物技术及其研究情

2.In order to explore the quick-start-up of the internal circulation anaerobic reactor and cut short the start-up time of the anaerobic reactor, the experiment utilizedpulp and paper wastewater, composed of black liquid, to start up internal circulation anaerobic reactor.用碱法草浆黑液配制的制浆造纸废水对自制IC厌氧反应器进行启动,探索IC厌氧反应器的快速启动规律,缩减IC厌氧反应器启动时间。

4)wastewater[英]["weistw?:t?][美]["west,w?t?, -,wɑt?]制浆造纸废水

1.The electrochemical technology and immobilization technology were combined to treat the pulping and papermakingwastewater.将电化学技术与固定化微生物技术联合用于制浆造纸废水的深度处理。

5)Pulp and paper mill effluents制浆造纸厂废水

6)waste-paper pulping effluent废纸浆造纸废水


