900字范文 > 井下辅助运输 underground auxiliary transportation英语短句 例句大全

井下辅助运输 underground auxiliary transportation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-15 10:52:27


井下辅助运输 underground auxiliary transportation英语短句 例句大全

井下辅助运输,underground auxiliary transportation

1)underground auxiliary transportation井下辅助运输

1.This paper expounds the present situation ofunderground auxiliary transportation in coal mine at home and aboard, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of several kinds of auxiliary transportation equipment in the development stage, and points out that the improvement of Chineseunderground auxiliary transportation equipment in coal mine is extremely urgent.阐述了国内外煤矿井下辅助运输的现状,分析了处于发展阶段的几种煤矿辅助运输设备的优缺点,指出我国煤矿井下辅助运输装备的改进迫在眉睫。


1.Analysis on the Present Situation and Future Development Direction of Underground Auxiliary Transportation in Coal Mine浅析煤矿井下辅助运输的现状及未来发展方向

2.Selection Design on Trackless Rubber-Tyred Auxiliary Haulage System in Underground Mine煤矿井下无轨胶轮辅助运输系统的选型设计

3.The Auxiliary System Optimization and Rapid Construction Organization of the Inclined Shaft into Tunnel with Different Modes of Transport斜井转平硐不同运输方式下的辅助系统优化与快速施工组织

4.Application of the mine-used explosion-proof trackless rubber-tyred locomotive on auxiliary transportation矿用防爆无轨胶轮车在矿井辅助运输中的应用

5.supporting services to land transport陆路运输辅助服务业

6.Ferry and Paratransit Branch [Transport Department]渡轮及辅助客运科〔运输署〕

7.This thesis introduces the status and importance of the mine winder and the basic ideas about the new style of mine endless-rope winder"s drive system.介绍了绞车在矿井辅助运输中的重要性和现状及新型无极绳绞车传动系统的设计思想。

8.The Research of Key Technology and Equipment of the Colliery Supplementary Transporting;煤矿辅助运输关键技术与装备的研究


10.Study on Spatial Auxiliary Design System of Groundwater Mining Well Drilling;地下水开采凿井空间辅助设计系统研究

11.pony used(esp formerly)underground in a mine to pull heavy loads(尤指旧时的)矿井下运输用的小马.

12.Research on Braking System for the Coal Mine Underground Explosion-proof Convey Vehicles;煤矿井下防爆运输车制动系统的研究

13.Design of Cantilever Rerailer for Underground悬臂式井下有轨运输车复轨器的设计

puter-aided log analysis计算机辅助测井分析

15.Ship agency is an auxiliary service provided to maritime transport.船舶代理业务是海上船舶运输的辅助性服务。

puter-Aided Decision-Making System on Railway Transportation Program for Out-of-Gauge Freight;铁路超限货物运输方案辅助决策系统的研究

17.Emergency Handling Assistant Decision System of Dangerous Goods Transportation Accident on Water水上危险货物运输事故应急处置辅助决策系统

18.Business Intelligence Supporting Operations Research in 3G Era3G时代下商业智能的辅助运营研究


coal mine assistant transport system矿井辅助运输

3)auxiliary haulage辅助运输

1.With the rapid and broad application of trackless rubber-tyredauxiliary haulage in Chinese mines,problems affecting its sound development emerged.随着我国无轨胶轮辅助运输在矿井的快速推广应用,一些影响其健康发展的问题也逐步显现出来,从生产、使用、规范等方面进行论述,通过典型矿井的实际配置提出发展思路。

2.The paper introduces a set ofauxiliary haulage system composed of speed endless rope winch,automatic hydraulic tensioner,rope storage shuttle,leakage communication and such like equipment at fully mechanized coal face gate of single medium seam.介绍永煤集团城郊煤矿在单一中厚煤层综采工作面顺槽中采用可调速无极绳绞车、自动液压张紧装置、储绳梭车和泄漏通讯等装置构成的一套辅助运输系统,该系统能解决综采工作面安装和回采过程中设备及材料的运输难题。

3.The paper deals with the essentiality of modernization of undergroundauxiliary haulage and puts forward some problems of developing theauxiliary haulage.论述了我国实现煤矿井下辅助运输现代化的必要性,提出了我国发展煤矿井下辅助运输现代化需要注意的几个问题。

4)auxiliary transportation辅助运输

1.Reconstruction design on mineauxiliary transportation system in Wangpo Mine;王坡矿井辅助运输系统改造设计

2.Present status ofauxiliary transportation and its developing trend in state-owned coal mine in Hebei;河北省国有煤矿辅助运输现状及今后发展方向

3.Research and practices on new mode ofauxiliary transportation in mining blocks of coal mine;煤矿采区辅助运输新模式的研究与实践

5)auxiliary transport辅助运输

1.The reform and development ofauxiliary transport in coal mines;煤矿辅助运输的改革与发展

2.The paper makes analysis to the present condition ofauxiliary transport equipment of coal mine, proceeds thorough research in the problem that exists inauxiliary transport of coal mine, researches to manufacture SQ-1200 hauling rail car, resolves perplex problem thatauxiliary transport equipment of coal mine faces.通过对煤矿辅助运输装备现状的分析,对辅助运输中存在的问题进行了深入研究,研制出SQ-1200型连续牵引车,解决了长期以来困扰煤矿辅助运输的瓶颈问题,改善了矿井安全生产状况。

3.According to current status of lacking selection system forauxiliary transportation equipment,the paper applies virtual reality technique to realize visualization dynamic selection,operation effect and each operating parameter ofauxiliary transportation system in each stage could be timely displayed in three-dimension style after selection,which offers direct reference for product selection.发展辅助运输意义重大,根据缺乏辅助运输设备选型系统的现状,利用虚拟现实技术实现可视化动态选型,可以在选型后及时以三维的形式演示辅助运输系统在矿井实现后各阶段的运行效果和各种运行参数,给产品的选型提供直接的依据。

6)underground haulage井下运输


