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填方路堤 fill embankment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-19 17:37:44


填方路堤 fill embankment英语短句 例句大全

填方路堤,fill embankment

1)fill embankment填方路堤

1.Up to the present, the system research of the stability of thefill embankments on rock slope foundation, the relevant engineering measures and design methods are not developed.近年来,山区高等级公路得到迅猛发展,而在山区修建高等级公路时,不可避免会遇到大量岩质斜坡地基上的填方路堤。


1.Stability Analysis of Fill Embankments on Rock Slope;岩质斜坡地基上填方路堤稳定性研究

2.The Application of Dynamic Compaction Reinforcement in Road Embankment Filling强夯加固在土石混填高填方路堤中的应用

3.Deformation and Stability Research of High-Filled Embanment in Expressway;高速公路高填方路堤变形与稳定性研究

4.Security Risk Assessment on the High Fill Embankment of Mountain Road山区公路高填方路堤安全风险评价研究

5.On application of earthwork synthetic materials in high embankment section of highways土工合成材料在高填方路堤路段的加筋应用

6.The Research of Deformation and Slope Stability of High Fills Embankment Soaked in Water;浸水高填方路堤变形性状及边坡稳定性的研究

7.Research on Reinforcement Application of Geosynthetics in High Embankment;土工合成材料在高填方路堤中的加筋应用研究

8.Study on Stability of High-filled Embankment Slope under Multi-storey Loads多层荷载作用下高填方路堤边坡稳定性研究

9.Numerical Simulation on Construction Settlement of High-fill Embankment高填方路堤施工沉降控制数值模拟分析

10.Analysis of Deformation and Stability of High Embankment in Flat Ground of Mountainous Area平坦地基上山区高填方路堤变形及稳定性分析

11.Study on the Deformation Characteristic of Soft Rock Embankment--Take Xichang-Panzhihuang Express Highway as Example;极软岩填方路堤变形特性研究——以西攀高速公路为例

12.Numeric Analysis on the Settlement and Stability of High Fill Embankment under Special Load;特殊荷载作用下高填方路堤的沉降与稳定分析的数值仿真研究


14.A Study of Computer Simulation on New Type Supporting Structure of Highway High-filling Embankment高填方公路路堤支挡新结构计算机仿真研究

15.Deformation and Stability Analysis of Reinforced High Embankment in the Loess Region黄土地区高填方加筋土路堤变形与稳定性研究

16.Analysis of Settlement and Study on Quality Control Method for Rockfill Embankment;填石路堤沉降分析与质量控制方法研究

17.Analysis on the Stability Status of Low-fill Slope Embankment in Permafrost Regions多年冻土区低填方斜坡路堤的稳定性分析

18.On the Design and Compacting Plan of Filling Sand Embankment and Its Construction Controlling Key Points填沙路堤设计和压实方案及施工控制要点


high-filled embankment高填方路堤

1.Study on stability ofhigh-filled embankment slope of highly weathered soft rock under rainfall infiltration;降雨入渗下强风化软岩高填方路堤边坡稳定性研究

2.Settlement after construction is one primary problem ofhigh-filled embankment.路面的工后沉降问题是高填方路堤工程的主要问题之一。

3)high fill embankment高填方路堤

1.The shape and location of the slip curve surface,the ultimate bearing capacity under load were found out when thehigh fill embankment on slope foundation was under unstable condition.结合山区高速公路建设的实践,采用足尺模型试验,得出荷载作用下斜坡地基上高填方路堤滑动破坏面出现的位置及形态,并测定了其相应的极限承载力。

2.Through analysis, the main reasons ofhigh fill embankment faults are unreasonable design and construction of subgrade.通过分析指出路基设计不合理以及施工工艺不当是造成高填方路堤常见病害的主要原因。

4)high embankment高填方路堤

1.Distinguishing from the ordinary roadbed, thehigh embankment has the characteristics of much settlement, long-time settling, high demand for carrying capacity of foundation and so on.高填方路堤具有沉降大,沉降时间长,对地基承载力要求高等特点。

2.According to the current highway construction procedure and his own experience in maintenance, the outhor explores the distress cause ofhigh embankment of highway and its prevention.根据现行公路建设施工程序和养护经验,就公路高填方路堤失稳病害成因和防治,进行探讨。

3.Reinforcement application of geosynthetics inhigh embankment is researched in this paper relying on one of western communication construction technology projects motivated by ministry of communication: Research on the Geosynthetics Application Technology in Highway of Loessial Area.本文依托交通部西部交通建设科技项目《土工合成材料在黄土地区公路工程中的应用技术研究》,开展了土工合成材料在高填方路堤中的加筋应用研究。

5)high fills embankment高填方路堤

1.An investigation of model test of deformation onhigh fills embankment soaked in water;浸水高填方路堤变形性状模型实验研究

6)low filling barrier低填方路堤

1.EPS have better economy and treating effect than other disposing methods in deep soft ground andlow filling barrier.采用EPS超轻质材料填筑路堤,通过与其他处理方式比较,结果表明,EPS材料在深厚软土地基低填方路堤中具有良好经济性和处理效果。


