900字范文 > 计算稳定性 computational stability英语短句 例句大全

计算稳定性 computational stability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-11 03:30:07


计算稳定性 computational stability英语短句 例句大全

计算稳定性,computational stability

1)computational stability计算稳定性

1.Heuristic method approach to thecomputational stability analysis of finite-difference equations;启示性方法用于分析有限差分方程的计算稳定性(英文)

2.Thecomputational stability of two kinds of general three time level schemes and two time level schemes are analyzed, a new method for judging thecomputational stability is given.以最典型的非线性色散方程 Kd V方程为模型 ,着重讨论了两类较普遍的三时间层和二时间层差分格式的计算稳定性问题 ,给出了一种判定差分格式计算稳定性的新方法 ,数值试验证明是实用和有效的 ,得到的稳定性判据的确是保证差分格式计算的必要条件。

3.Based on the forced dissipative nonlinear evolution equations for describing the motion of atmosphere and ocean, thecomputational stability of the explicit difference scheme of the forced dissipative nonlinear atmospheric and oceanic equations is analyzed and the computationally stable explicit quasi complete square conservative difference scheme is constructed.从描述大气和海洋运动的强迫耗散非线性发展方程出发 ,对强迫耗散非线性大气和海洋方程组显式差分格式的计算稳定性进行了分析 ,构造了一类强迫耗散非线性发展方程的显式准完全平方守恒差分格式。

2)stability calculation稳定性计算

1.Discussion on the cross section types of high piers of bridge andstability calculation;桥梁高墩截面形式探讨及其稳定性计算

2.The paper introduces the manufacture and the model forstability calculation of the GFRP(Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic) supporter of pneumatic roofborer, and provides scientific basis for opimum design of the supporter.本文介绍气动锚杆钻机玻璃钢支腿的制作,并建立其稳定性计算的数学模型,为优化锚杆钻机支腿的设计提供科学依据。

3.Based on the analysis of failure mode andstability calculation at Da-Gu Jian of Zi Gui town in Hubei province,it is possible that the high slope falls along the bed rock surface or collapses by soil mass.通过对秭归县打鼓尖高切坡破坏模式的分析及稳定性计算,认为高切坡存在沿基岩滑动和第四纪垮塌的可能,结合工程地质条件和经济合理性,提出了相应的治理方案。


1.Elastic buckling analysis of large span reticulated shell structures大跨度空间网壳结构弹性稳定性计算

2.Study on the Criterions of Slope Stability Analysis with Shear Strength Reduction Method and the Computation of the Slope Stability of the Bank at the Longtan Harbor;强度折减法边坡稳定分析失稳判据研究及龙潭港岸坡稳定性计算

putation and assessment of aerodynamic stability of turbofan engine for missile弹用涡扇发动机气动稳定性计算与评定

4.Caculation of stability of symmetrical I-Beam?with overhanging both ends双悬臂对称工字形钢梁弹性稳定性计算

5.Stability calculation of multi layer filling dam of liufang embankment of the Huainan淮南六方堤多层冲填土坝体滑动稳定性计算

6.Method of stability analysis of embedded large-diameter cylinder quay沉入式大直径圆筒码头稳定性计算方法研究

7.Discussion on calculating method for stability of cable-stayed bridge with single tower and single cable plane独塔单索面斜拉桥稳定性计算方法的探讨


9.Calculation of Static Stress and Stability of Model JJ225/43-K Mast;JJ225/43-K石油钻机井架强度及稳定性计算

puterized Simulation and Experimental Study on the Stability of Milling Processes;铣削加工过程稳定性计算机仿真及实验研究

11.Coating deposition is controlled by computer to ensure uniformity.计算机全自动控制,工艺稳定,重复性好。

12.The Stability of Turing Maching in Computing Real Functions图灵机计算实数函数的稳定性(英文)

13.A simplified calculation method for stability of bucket foundation breakwater筒型基础防波堤稳定性简化计算方法

14.The Stability Analysis and Mooring System Calculation of the Tidal Power Stations;潮流电站稳定性分析及锚泊系统的设计计算

15.Exploration of Stability Analysis and Design Calculation Methods of Surrounding Rocks in Soil Tunnel土质隧洞围岩稳定性分析与设计计算方法探讨

16.Analysis of Controllability and Stability on Computer Pointing Devices;计算机指点装置的操作可控性和稳定性分析

17.Calculation of Available Transfer Capability Considering Static Security and Saddle Node Bifurcation Stability考虑静态安全性和鞍结分岔稳定性的ATC的计算

18.Analysis for determining trim,stability and controllability of tandem helicopter纵列式直升机配平计算及稳定性、操纵性分析


stability calculation稳定性计算

1.Discussion on the cross section types of high piers of bridge andstability calculation;桥梁高墩截面形式探讨及其稳定性计算

2.The paper introduces the manufacture and the model forstability calculation of the GFRP(Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic) supporter of pneumatic roofborer, and provides scientific basis for opimum design of the supporter.本文介绍气动锚杆钻机玻璃钢支腿的制作,并建立其稳定性计算的数学模型,为优化锚杆钻机支腿的设计提供科学依据。

3.Based on the analysis of failure mode andstability calculation at Da-Gu Jian of Zi Gui town in Hubei province,it is possible that the high slope falls along the bed rock surface or collapses by soil mass.通过对秭归县打鼓尖高切坡破坏模式的分析及稳定性计算,认为高切坡存在沿基岩滑动和第四纪垮塌的可能,结合工程地质条件和经济合理性,提出了相应的治理方案。

3)calculation of stability稳定性计算

4)welding stability calculation焊接稳定性计算

5)computational analysis of stability稳定性计算分析

6)evaluation of seismic stability抗震稳定性计算


计算算法的稳定性计算算法的稳定性stability of a computational algorithm计算算法的稳定性〔由圃i灯ofa阴I脚白d田目川90对·肠叨;yc犯如“毗几.‘叫取JUf砚脚oroa月rop.r“a1一个局部的分解算子L众,对h和,一致有界,描述了求解方程 L”u介=‘厂‘算法的逐次步骤、例如具有步长h的网格方程(见算法的闭包(closure of a comPu‘ltjo耐日即石thm)).计算算法的稳定性保证了算法误差对计算结果的影响是弱的.但是,不排除这种可能性,即量P(h)=sup}}L二}较慢地增长,当h~o时,计算误差影响的相应增强实际上仍然是容许的.总是使计算算法稳定性的概念具体,使之适用于网格射影法(见【4」),和适用于迭代法(见「61).计算算法稳定性也还有其他的定义(例如见fl],f3]).
