900字范文 > 高职有机化学 organic chemistry in vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

高职有机化学 organic chemistry in vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-25 06:35:53


高职有机化学 organic chemistry in vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

高职有机化学,organic chemistry in vocational colleges

1)organic chemistry in vocational colleges高职有机化学

1.This article discusses the teaching oforganic chemistry in vocational colleges from such aspects as inspiring the interest of study of the students,prompting their confidence of study,helping them summing up their memories and cultivating their consciousness of security and environmental protection.本文从激发学生学习兴趣,激励学生学习的信心,帮助学生归纳记忆,培养学生的安环意识等几个方面谈高职有机化学教学。


1.Research on Organic Chemistry Teaching Model with Self-Regulated Learning in Higher Vocational Technical College;高职有机化学自主学习教学模式研究

anic Self-learning in Higher Vocational Model论高职有机化学自主学习模式的构建

3.Research on Organic Chemistry Textbooks Aesthetic in Advanced Technology College;高职有机化学教材审美化理论与实践研究

4.Experience with organic chemistry teaching in college education高职高专《有机化学》理论教学心得

5.Exploration to the teaching reform of organic chemistry for Chemical Pharmacy in higher vocational education高职药学专业有机化学教学改革探索

6.Experimental Teaching Reform on organic chemisthy curriculum in Polytechnic College医学高职院校《有机化学》实验教学改革探讨

7.The Combination of Linguistic Knowledge with Cultural Background in English Teaching at Higher Vocational Colleges;语言与文化知识在高职英语教学中的有机结合

8.Discussion on Effective Way of Improving Teaching Effectiveness of the Part of Elements in Inorganic Chemistry of Colleges谈提高高职高专无机化学元素部分教学效果的有效途径

9.Application of PBL teaching method to the experimental course of organic chemistry for higher vocational education of chemical pharmacy高职化学制药专业有机化学实验应用PBL教学法初探

10.The Research of the Self-regulated Cooperative Learning Teaching on Organic Chemistry Course of the Higher Vocational College;高等职业学院有机化学课程自主—合作学习教学研究

11.Teaching Reform of and Practical Exploration in Organic Chemistry Experiment in Higher Vocational Colleges高职高专有机化学实验课程的教学改革与实践探索

12.Thinking and Practice of Inorganic Chemistry Teaching in Colleges高职高专无机化学教学的思考与实践

13.Application of CS & PBL Teaching Method in Organic Chemistry for Higher Vocational Education of Food Professional高职食品专业有机化学应用CS与PBL结合教学模式探究

anic Application of Higher Mathematics in Higher Vocational Education;高等数学在“高职”教育中的有机应用

15.Primary Research on Teaching Reform of "Computer Cultural Basis" in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职《计算机文化基础》教学改革初探

anizing and Strengthening Practical Teaching of Mechanical and Electrical Major in Higher Vocational Institutes;高职机电专业实践教学的组织与强化

17.Research on Education Innovation of the Mechanical Basis of Chemical Equipment高职化工设备机械基础教学改革探究

18.Development of Vocational College Students Learning Motives with the Theory of Motives Changing law;运用动机变化规律理论培养高职学生学习动机


chemistry in higher vocational colleges高职化学

3)advanced organic chemistry高等有机化学

1.The educational reform ofadvanced organic chemistry was discussed by intensive teaching and independent studying, arranging discuss courses and teaching experimental methods.从精讲和自学并重、安排讨论课、讲授实验研究方法等方面论述高等有机化学的教学改革。

4)organic chemistry in senior middle school高中有机化学

5)senior high school organic chemistry teaching高中有机化学教学

1.In this paper, the actuality ofsenior high school organic chemistry teaching and the study about teaching me.本文梳理了高中有机化学教学的研究现状、概念图方法在化学教学中的研究现状及高中学生的学习特点,寻找了概念图在化学教学中应用的空白点;对在高中有机化学教学中学生自主构建概念图的教学方法进行了实践探索;通过问卷、访谈和知识掌握情况分析等方式检验了其在教学中的效果;并针对实践中存在的问题,提出了解决原则和策略。

6)organic chemistry有机化学

1.Strengthening the Logic Teaching in Organic Chemistry;在有机化学教学中要重视逻辑法的教学理念

2.Research and Practice on Separate Levels Teaching in Organic Chemistry;有机化学分层次教学的研究与实践

3.Construction of goal classroom teaching mode oforganic chemistry;构建有机化学目标型课堂教学模式


