900字范文 > 架设装置 handing equipment英语短句 例句大全

架设装置 handing equipment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-02 03:08:42


架设装置 handing equipment英语短句 例句大全

架设装置,handing equipment

1)handing equipment架设装置

1.The three-dimensional model ofhanding equipment was built in UG module.在UG建模模块中建立某保障车架设装置的三维实体模型,应用有限元分析模块对该模型进行了分析计算,得出了架设装置在危险状态下的变形及应力分布规律,验证了其强度与刚度满足要求,为该零件的结构设计与优化提供了依据。


1.Finite Element Analysis of Handing Equipment of Some Support Vehicle Based on UG基于UG的某保障车架设装置的有限元分析

2.The unit has been designed to be easy to set up and use.该装置为了便于架设与使用而设计。

3.The Research of Transporting and Pasting Mechanisms for LED Frame;LED框架供送及点浆装置的设计开发

4.Study of the Equipments Matching Technology of the Top-Coal Caving Fully-Mechanized Face煤矿架空乘人装置的设计与仿真研究

5.Design of Intelligent Control System for Aerial Passenger Device in Mine矿山架空乘人装置智能控制系统设计

6.check-valve mounting bracket止回阀(装置)托架

7.Research on the Thermal Analysis of the Design of Landing Gear Brake;飞机起落架刹车装置设计中的热学研究

8.Design of Planar Turning Mechanism for Overhead Manned Equipment for Mine浅谈煤矿架空乘人装置中平面转弯机构的设计

9.A device that holds copy in place, especially for a typesetter.原稿架一种固定稿件的装置,尤指为排字工人设置的

10.airframe and powerplant飞行器构架和动力装置

11.non-axial type gear无轴式传动装置[起落架]

bined suspension前后结合式悬架装置

13.mounting (incl. those with aiming and loading mechanisms) for firearms火器用的座架(包括装有瞄准和装弹装置的座架

14.A device for guiding a tool or for holding machine work in place.夹具,装配架导引工具或使机器固定在适当位置上运转的设备

15.Porous Scaffold Fabrication for Tissue Engineering Heart Valve and Design of a Pulsatile Reactor in Animal;多孔心脏瓣膜支架的制备及体外预适应脉动反应装置的设计

16.Encapsulation Model of Product Configuration Knowledge and Its Application in the Mould产品配置知识封装模型及其在模架设计中的应用

17.Design and Research on EAST Hard X-ray Diagnosis Apparatus and Its Hydraulic Power SupportEAST硬X射线诊断装置及其液压支架的设计与研究

18.Optimal Design of Dust-settling Device by Water Spraying for Powered Support in Fully Mechanized Caving Face Annually Producing 6 Million Tons of Coal年产600万吨综放工作面液压支架喷雾降尘装置优化设计


support setting unit支架安设装置


4)setting device设置装置

5)Erection Of Steel Work钢架装置

6)BL ( Bridge-Layer)架桥装置


架设支起并安设(凌空的物体):~桥梁 ㄧ~电线。
