900字范文 > 农村土地管理 Rural land management英语短句 例句大全

农村土地管理 Rural land management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-30 20:20:30


农村土地管理 Rural land management英语短句 例句大全

农村土地管理,Rural land management

1)Rural land management农村土地管理

1.In This paper,Based on the current situation analysis of rural land management,aiming at the new rural construction s objection and demand with"production development,life well-to-do,rural custom civilization,village tidiness,democratic management",a series of countermeasure on perfecting rural land management and advancing new rural construction were put forw.本文针对"生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主"的建设新农村目标要求,结合当前我国农村土地管理现状分析,提出了完善农村土地管理、推进新农村建设的一系列对策措施。

2.Through the research of Xian an area,it analyzes the reasons of the problems existed among recent rural land management.笔者通过对咸安区的调查,分析了当前农村土地管理存在问题的原因,最后提出要解决当前农村的土地管理问题,必须建构农村土地管理的公共服务体系。

3.The rural land management are full of problems in China, for the Law of Land Administration has some inherent defects.本文从当前农村土地管理的现状和问题着手,分析现行《土地管理法》存在的缺陷,并在考察国内部分地区先行先试和越南、印度等国经验比较的基础上,提出修改《土地管理法》的建议:把人口密度这一因素纳入法律考量范围,按人口密度实行土地分类管理;把土地自体价值纳入征收补偿范围;对“集体所有”进行词性和语义再造。


1.The Acts of Corruption of Village Cadres in the Rural Land Management村干部在农村土地管理中的腐败行为研究

2.On the Management and Counter Measures of Rural Land After the Reform of Taxation Policies--A Case Study of Xian an of Hubei province;税费改革后农村土地管理的问题及对策分析——基于湖北咸安的调查

3.Difficulties and Countermeasures of "Two-Stringents" in China"s Rural Land Management我国农村土地管理中两个“严格”政策面临的困境及对策

4.Based on the Urban and Rural Development Perspective on Rural Land Management Issues基于统筹城乡发展视角的农村土地管理问题研究

5.Reflection on Innovation of Land Management System in Rural of Suburb County创新城郊县农村土地管理制度的思考——以长沙市望城县为例

6.Construction of Landscape Trend Information System of Yangling under the Support of MAPGIS;MAPGIS在农村土地信息管理中的应用


8.Research on Land Arrangement on the Background of New Rural Construction;新农村建设背景下农村土地整理研究

9.The Land Account Management System and Land Change in the County Based on the Business Rule基于规则的农村土地变更和台帐管理系统

10.Thinking on the Land Administration of New Socialist Countryside Build;浅议社会主义新农村建设中的土地管理

11.A Study of Normalizing Circulation Administration of Rural Collective Land Use Right;规范农村集体土地使用权流转管理研究

12.Reflections on strengthening archi ves management of rural land contracted and transferred;加强农村土地承包流转档案管理的思考

13.Probe into Problems Related to the Management of the Using Right Mortgage of Rural Collective Land;对农村集体土地使用权抵押管理问题的探讨

14.Analysis of Rural Land Use Planning and Management System Construction浅析农村土地利用规划和管理制度建设

15.To Optimize the Government"s Management Function in Rural Land Transfer论优化农村土地流转中政府的管理职能

16.On the Problems and Solutions in the Management of Rural Land Property Right农村土地权属管理中存在的问题及解决对策


18.Paths and Optimal Design of Rural Collective Land Management System;农村集体土地管理体系的优化设计及其路径选择


rural land arrangement农村土地整理

1.The uneconomical management of rural land affects the sustainable use of land resource, therural land arrangement is a important approach which can achieve the land resource sustainable strategic target.农村土地整理活动是实现土地资源可持续发展战略目标的重要手段和途径 。

2.On the basis of present condition of rural land in Jinan,the paper discusses the models ofrural land arrangement,which includes rural resident area,farmland,discarded land,and unreclaimed land,then puts forward the related countermeasures,for example,exerting the main influence of government,establishing all sorts of codes and statutes,etc.针对济南市农村土地利用现状 ,分析总结出了济南市农村土地整理的基本模式 ,包括农村居民点、农田、废弃地、未利用土地整理 ,并提出了相关的包括发挥政府的主导作用、制定各项条例法规、建立土地整理开发专项资金、加大土地整理相关法规的宣传等措施 。

3)rural cadastre management农村地籍管理

1.However, the modernization of ourrural cadastre management isn t good enough, even some establishedrural cadastre management information system have some faultiness.我国农村地籍管理信息化程度普遍不高,已有的农村地籍管理信息系统存在一些不完善之处。

4)rural land农村土地

1.Discussion on the collocation ofrural land by market;试论农村土地资源配置的市场化

2.Reflections on strengthening archi ves management ofrural land contracted and transferred;加强农村土地承包流转档案管理的思考

3.Study on social security function ofrural land transacted;农村土地流转中社保功能体现与补偿标准计算研究


1.The dynamic system offarmland includes three factors: original drive force, sustained development power, and outside pull.农村土地动力制度包括原始推动力、持续发展力、外部吸拉力三大要素。

2.In the new stage of agricultural development,there s a serious extended trend of abandonedfarmlands which causes a huge waste of lands and hinders the development of agriculture and country s economy.农业发展新阶段 ,农村土地抛荒严重 ,并呈现蔓延扩大趋势。

3.As the basic way of reforming the land system in rural area of our country at present, our government should support and protect the voluntary and paid turnover of contracted management right offarmland in accordance with law, the essence of which lies in perfecting the novel land management system of contracted responsibilities.支持和保护依法自愿、有偿地进行农村土地承包经营流转是我国目前农村土地制度改革的基本途径,其实质在于完善新一轮土地承包经营责任制。

6)countryside land农村土地

1.On the basis of technical rules of right confirming?registering and certificating of Haiancountryside land, the detailed technical design is made for Haikoucountryside land, and used to guide and regulate the pratical operation of the project.在海南省农村土地确权登记发证工作技术细则的基础上,对海口市农村土地地籍测量项目进行了详细的技术设计,可用于指导和规范项目的实际工作。

2.<Abstrcat> Through an analysis on the forming and changing process ofcountryside land collective ownership and on the present law, we conclude that the so-calledcountryside land collective ownership has no subject in the legal sense, and that it leads to a series of phenomena.通过对农村土地集体所有权形成和变迁过程的剖析和对现行法律的分析发现,所谓农村土地集体所有制已经没有其法律意义上的主体,"集体所有"的农村土地事实上几乎沦为"无主财产",成为政府官员"经营城市"的根本财源,成为一些村官掠夺农民财富的制度依托,也成为"失地农民"这一具有中国特色概念产生的制度根源。


