900字范文 > 外汇风险 Foreign Exchange Risk英语短句 例句大全

外汇风险 Foreign Exchange Risk英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-24 17:42:07


外汇风险 Foreign Exchange Risk英语短句 例句大全

外汇风险,Foreign Exchange Risk

1)Foreign Exchange Risk外汇风险

1.An Application of VaR Method to ForecastingForeign Exchange Risk:Perspectives of ARCH Models;基于ARCH类模型的VaR方法在外汇风险计量中的应用

2.Solutions to Reinforce the Management of China sForeign Exchange Risk;加强我国外汇风险管理的对策

3.Foreign Volatility Risk Measure andForeign Exchange Risk Management of Commercial Bank;商业银行外汇波动风险的度量及其外汇风险管理


1.Research on the Determinants of Economic Exposure of Foreign Currency Exposure;外汇风险中经济风险决定要素的研究

2.Foreign exchange risks include transaction risk, conversion risk and economic risk.外汇风险有交易风险、折算风险和经济风险三种类型。

3.Research on the Foreign Exchange Risk Management of Our Country Bank Being Listed in Overseas;我国海外上市银行外汇风险管理研究

4.Long-term Foreign Exchange Hedging Foreign Exchange Risk Management in the Logistics of the Application;外汇远期套期保值在物流外汇风险管理的应用

5.Foreign Volatility Risk Measure and Foreign Exchange Risk Management of Commercial Bank;商业银行外汇波动风险的度量及其外汇风险管理

6.Exchange Rate Problem of EURO and Our Management Strategy on Foreign Exchange Risk欧元的汇率问题与我国外汇风险管理策略

panies Foreign Exchange Risk Management under the New RMB Exchange Rate System;新人民币汇率机制下企业外汇风险管理研究

8.Measuring and Controlling Foreign Exchange Risks of Enterprises under Floating Exchange Rate;浮动汇率制下的企业外汇风险度量及控制

9.Exchange Rate Exposure of Chinese Listed Company in the New Type of Exchange Rate Regime;新汇率体制下中国上市公司外汇风险暴露研究

10.Forward Foreign Exchange Tools s Application in the Foreign Exchange Risk Management of Manufacture Enterprise;远期结售汇在生产企业外汇风险管理中的应用

11.Analysis and method to provide against the foreign exchange exposure of Chinese enterprises我国企业防范外汇风险的方法分析

12.Empirical Studies on Foreign Exchange Exposure of Chinese Firms;对我国企业外汇风险暴露的实证研究

13.The Risk of Foreign Currency Inventory and A study on Its Management;外汇做市商的外汇库存风险及其控制研究

14.The results of the research show that risk of foreign exchange rate for Beijing Olympic games mainly lies in transaction exposure of foreign exchange and risk of financing indebtedness.结果表明:北京奥运会面临的汇率风险主要有外汇交易结算风险和外汇 融资借贷风险。

15.Currency RiskRisk that the value of a currency will by negatively affected in the event of an unfavorable movement in rates of exchange.货币风险由于外汇汇率的负面波动而对货币价值产生影响的风险。

16.Study on the Countermeasures of Keeping away from Forex Risk in foreign Logistics Companies Based on Features of Forex Risk;基于汇率风险特征的对外物流企业汇率风险防范对策研究

17.Optimizing the Method of Seeking for the Foreign Exchange Arbitrage Route国际外汇市场无风险套汇路径的优化搜索

18.On China s Enterprises Guarding Against the Risk of Foreign Exchange Transactions under Current Exchange Rate System;现行汇率制度下我国企业的外汇交易风险防范


exchange risk外汇风险

1.Exchange Risk Control of Multinational Companiesin in China in the Situation of Renminbi Appreciation;人民币升值形势下在华跨国公司的外汇风险控制

2.Increasing gold reserve in order to avoidexchange risk;增加黄金储备 规避外汇风险

3.Theexchange risk,especially economic risk has a deep influence on the business.外汇风险特别是经济风险对企业经营影响更为深远,通过分析外汇经济风险对我国制造业企业的影响,提出了防范外汇经济风险的对策。

3)foreign exchange risks外汇风险

1.How to strengthen the management offoreign exchange risks and reduce or avoid the risks of foreign exchange on enterprises profit have become the most urgent task of our foreign trade enterprise in this situation of money market changing rapidly and RMB reform it exchange system.如何在国际金融市场急剧变化、人民币汇制改革的形势下,加强外汇风险的管理,减少或避免外汇风险给企业利润造成的损失已成为我国外贸企业的当务之急。

2.Since the reform of the renminbi exchange rate regime,theforeign exchange risks of Chinese companies have risen gradually.人民币汇率形成机制改革以来,我国企业面临的外汇风险日益增大。

4)exchange risk insurance外汇风险保险

5)foreign exchange investment risk外汇投资风险

6)transaction risk外汇交易风险

1.Study on elusion oftransaction risk under new exchange rate regime;新的汇率机制下出口企业外汇交易风险防范

2.Therefore,transaction risk has been the great factor which will affect business deeply.外汇交易风险已经成为影响其经营业绩的重要因素之一。


外汇风险 外汇风险——外汇风险,又称汇率风险,是指由于外汇市场汇率的不确定性而使人民遭受损失的可能性。从其产生的领域分析,外汇风险大致可分为商业性汇率风险和金融性汇率风险两大类。
