900字范文 > 债权治理 debt governance英语短句 例句大全

债权治理 debt governance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-04 12:22:33


债权治理 debt governance英语短句 例句大全

债权治理,debt governance

1)debt governance债权治理

1.This thesis draws a sample of listed companies in Shanghai Stock Market from 2002 to (the total number is 2284), and analyzes the efficiency ofdebt governance.本文以2002~度沪市上市公司为样本(样本总量为2284组数据),对我国上市公司的债权治理效率进行了实证分析。

2.Therefore, thedebt governance ought to be implemented according to the affections of debt on investme.其实,负债影响投资行为及投资效果是其对公司绩效发挥作用的主要方式,这一过程也是债权治理的过程。


1.Corporate Governance of Banks:A Research Based on the Creditor s Right Governance;银行公司治理:基于债权治理的研究

2.On the Theory of Administering Creditor’s Rights in Listed Company and Practical Research;上市公司债权治理的理论与实证研究

3.Research on the Function of Debt Governance in State-owned Listed Companies in China;中国国有控股上市公司债权治理功效研究

4.Empirical Research on Effect of Debt Governance of Listed Companies in China;我国上市公司债权治理效应的实证研究

5.A Study of Chinese Enterprises Governing Efficiency Based on Creditor s Rights;对我国企业债权治理效率增进途径的几点思考

6.Capital Structure,Governance of Creditor s Rights and Performance:An Empirical Analysis;资本结构、债权治理与公司绩效:一项经验分析

7.New-Keynesianism Currency Policy and Settlement of Bad Creditor s Rights;新凯恩斯主义的货币政策与不良债权治理

8.Debt-financing、Monitoring by Large Creditor & Corporate Governance;债务融资、大债权人监督与公司治理

9.Participation the Operation of the Company and the Protection of Benefits of Debt Owners;债权人参与公司治理与债权人利益保护之浅析

10.Research on the Ways for Creditor Banks to Participate in Enterprise Debt Governance in China;我国债权银行参与企业债务治理方式的研究

11.A Probe into Big Creditors Involvement in Enterprise Governance of Our Country;对我国大债权人介入公司治理的探讨

12.The Lack Cause Of Creditor Governance Efficiency And Countermeasures;债权人治理效率缺失成因及解决对策

13.On the Legal Matter of Creditor Participates in the Company Governing债权人参与公司治理的法律问题研究

14.Creditors Status in the Business Financial Governance Installation;论企业财务治理权配置中的债权人地位

15.On Governance Effects of Credit Financing--A Summary of Debt Constraint Theory;债权融资的治理效应——关于债务约束相关理论的综述兰艳泽

16.The Economic Supervision Rights of C reditors and Improvement in Enterprise Management Structure---Concurrent discussion on creditor s restrictions on the owner s rights;债权人的经济监控权与企业治理结构的改进——兼论债权人对所有者权益的限制

17.A Study on Ultimate Control Rights and the Governance Efficiency of Debt Financing in Listed Companies;终极控制权与上市公司债务融资治理效率研究

18.Corporate Governance, Accounting Information and the Institutional Guarantee of Creditors Interests;公司治理、会计信息与债权人利益的制度保障


creditor governance债权治理

1.Then it illuminates the cause thatcreditor governance is not effective.债权与公司治理机制的关系可从经营激励约束、收购兼并、相机控制和破产机制、监督机制等方面加以分析;造成我国公司债权治理功能弱化的原因主要有:真正意义上的债权主体并未形成;债权人与债务人之间未能建立起真正的信用关系;破产退出机制与相机控制失灵;债权治理缺乏相应的制度性保护和主办银行制度未能发挥应有作用等。

2.Thecreditor governance,mainly including contract governance,liquidity governance and control-right governance,means governing a corporation with creditors function as one of the governance parties.债权治理是指企业债权人作为公司治理主体之一对企业实施的治理。

3)Creditor Governance债权人治理

4)governance of creditor"s rights债权治理机制

5)Function of debt governance债权治理功效

6)Debt governance Effect债权治理效应


