900字范文 > 环境因素 Environmental factors英语短句 例句大全

环境因素 Environmental factors英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-12 10:50:00


环境因素 Environmental factors英语短句 例句大全

环境因素,Environmental factors

1)Environmental factors环境因素

1.Influence of environmental factors on removal of nitrogen and phosphorus by microalgae;环境因素对微藻去除氮磷的影响

2.The effect of environmental factors on CO_2 uniform corrosion rate and the establishment of predictive model;环境因素对CO_2均匀腐蚀速率的影响及腐蚀速率预测模型的建立

3.Relationship between family history and environmental factors and congenital malformation;先天畸形与家族史及环境因素关系


1.environmentally determined economy考虑到环境因素的经济

2.environmentally sensitive policy考虑到环境因素的政策

3.Value Elements, Environment Factors and Stock Pricing价值因素、环境因素与股票市场定价

4.The sum of environmental influences and conditions acting on an organism.环境因素作用于生物的环境影响和条件的总称

5.The Study of Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors and Gene-environment Interaction for SLE;系统性红斑狼疮的基因、环境因素以及基因—环境交互作用研究

6.a number of factors determined the outcome.植物生长受环境因素影响。

7.Related environmental factors include heat, dehydration, and alcohol.相关环境因素包括:高温、水和酒精。

8.Participate in identifying and evaluating EHS environment factors and hazard.参与EHS环境因素与危险源识别与评价。

9.Light intensity is the most important environmental factor.光照强度是最重要的环境因素。

10.The Analysis on Environmental Factors of Forest Fire in Lushan Mountain and Counter Measures庐山森林火灾的环境因素分析及对策

11.Research of Present Situation of Nanometer Aluminum Powder Influenced by Environmental Factors;环境因素对纳米铝粉影响研究的现状

12.The Analysis of the Environmental Factors of the Socialization of "the Post-80";“80后”思想意识形成的环境因素分析

13.On Bringing Environment Factor into Performance Auditing & Assessment;纳入环境因素的绩效审计与评价探索

14.environmental stressor带来环境压力的因素

15.Public Factors and Cultural Environment of Public Environment Sculpture;公共环境雕塑的公众因素与文化环境

16.A favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances.有利的环境适宜或有利的环境或多种因素

17.The abiotic factors of the environment include light, temperature, and atmospheric gases.环境的非生物因素包括光、温度和大气

18.With regard to the objective environment, we have the following favorable conditions:就客观环境而言,有以下有利因素:


environmental factor环境因素

1.The effect ofsulfate as anenvironmental factor on the concrete deterioration:;硫酸盐侵蚀环境因素对混凝土性能的影响——研究现状综述

2.Analysis on the effect ofenvironmental factors on subgrade settlement;环境因素对路基沉降影响的分析

3.The effect ofenvironmental factors on the composition and content of fatty acids in Chaetoceros gracilis cell;环境因素对纤细角毛藻脂肪酸组成含量的影响

3)environment factor环境因素

1.Evaluation of the effect ofenvironment factors on the moisture permeability of leather using grey system theory;灰色评判环境因素对皮革透湿性的影响程度

2.The definition and construction significance of green administration system are introduced, with emphasis given on expounding the meaning ofenvironment factor into system construction as well as the standard ofenvironment factor identifying within such system.简要介绍了“绿色行政体系”的定义和建设意义,着重介绍了将环境因素引入体系建设的意义以及在体系中识别环境因素的标准。

3.Through examples, the application of "Equal Standard Pollution Loading Method" on evaluation of importantenvironment factors for the industrial enterprises to implement ISO14001 environment management system was analyzed.通过具体实例,分析了“等标污染负荷法”在工业企业贯彻实施ISO14001环境管理体系,评价重要环境因素中的应用,说明了该方法的科学性、准确性及其改进法的易用性,同时也指出了该方法的局限性。

4)environment factors环境因素

1.Discusses the influence ofenvironment factors and self-factors on English learning, points out learning motivation and interest are important factors to influence the effect of English learning.讨论了英语学习中环境因素和自身因素对学习效果所产生的影响,指出了学习动机和兴趣是影响英语学习效果的重要因素。

2.The change rule ofenvironment factors such as temperature, humidity and concentration of CO2 between brood combs in different season and colony were studied in this paper, the content of juvenile hormone and K+ /Na+ in different ages and colony were determined.试验研究了不同季节不同蜂群子脾间温度、湿度和CO2体积分数等巢内环境因素变化规律,同时测定不同状况不同蜂群中不同日龄工蜂保幼激素酯酶的活性及血淋巴中K+/Na+变化。

3.This article, from theenvironment factors that influence the choice of the mode of accounting supervision over the security market, after an analysis and assessment of the mode of accounting supervision over the American security market and the current situation in China, proposes a four-level mode of accounting supervision in China.文章从影响证券市场会计监管模式选择的环境因素着手 ,通过对美国证券市场会计监管模式的分析与评价 ,并结合我国证券市场会计监管模式的现状 ,提出了构建四层次会计监管模式的设想。


1.The results indicated: (1) The effects of environment on different traits were not the same, such as the stalk yield were mainly affected by years and locations, while the sugar yield were mainly affected by years and genetype×years interaction.应用作物品种区域试验非平衡资料的分析方法,对参试的5个甘蔗品种的9个主要性状4年6个试点的非平衡资料进行分析,结果表明:(1)环境因素对不同性状的效应不同,蔗茎产量以年份和试点的效应为主,蔗糖产量是年份及基因×年份互作效应为主;(2)7个主要性状与蔗茎产量之间及其与蔗糖产量之间的协方差分量效应基本一致;(3)甘蔗品种粤糖93/159和Roc22的9个性状表现均较优良,综合性状和蔗茎产量及蔗糖产量的稳定性较好,是生产上可大面积推广应用的优良品种。

2.Solutions are to create favorable psychological environment, establish scientific forecast system, perfect the organization and mechanism of psychological service.产生这些心理问题的环境因素 ,既包括大学生自身的因素 ,也包括社会的和学习的、生活的因素。

3.There are four key factors effect cooperative innovation performance: subject, object, communication and environment.合作创新是目前企业广泛采取的一种创新形式,企业的合作创新绩效受到主体因素、客体因素、沟通因素和环境因素的综合影响,本文在提出企业合作创新影响因素模型的基础上,主要探讨环境因素对企业合作创新绩效的影响,分别研究了政府支持、产业环境支持和顾客和供应商支持三项环境因素与企业合作创新绩效之间的关系,实证研究表明这三项要素均与企业合作创新绩效正相关。

6)Environmental Factors Doctrine环境因素说

1.It is obvious that Montesquieu s "Environmental Factors Doctrine" and "Separation of Powers Doctrine" are of eco-politics purport.孟德斯鸠关于政治法律体系受制于自然环境和社会环境的“环境因素说”,以及立法权、行政权和司法权的“三权分立说”,具有明显的生态政治理论旨趣。


