900字范文 > 焦虑情绪 Anxiety英语短句 例句大全

焦虑情绪 Anxiety英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-05 10:48:45


焦虑情绪 Anxiety英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on the relationship between the family copying and patients anxiety;家属应对方式与内科急诊危重患者焦虑情绪的相关性研究

2.Relationship between anxiety and explosive hearing injury;炮震性听力损害与焦虑情绪的关系分析

3.Study on relationship between anxiety and coping mode in patients before operation患者术前焦虑情绪与应对方式的相关性研究


1.Investigation of Depressed and Anxious Motion about Personnels in Custody Center;看守所在押人员抑郁、焦虑情绪调查

2.Anxiety and Anxiety Control Strategies in Foreign Language Teaching;外语学习中的焦虑情绪及其调控策略

3.Psychological intervention on anxiety emotion of adventive workers with bone fracture对外来工骨折后焦虑情绪的心理干预

4.Exploration of empathetic nursing for the anxiety patients with earthquake-wounded对有焦虑情绪的地震伤员实施共情护理的探讨

5.neurotic worries, outbursts, letters神经症引起的焦虑、 神经官能症的发作、 反映出异常焦虑情绪的信件

6.The Memory Operation in Anxiety and Priming Emotion;焦虑情绪与启动情绪两种状态下的记忆信息处理

7.Analysis of response manner and anxiety state of convalescence psychotic patient精神病患者恢复期的焦虑情绪和应对方式分析

8.Results: There were14 cases with hearing lesion and18 cases with positive mood of anxiety.结果有14名听力损害;18名有焦虑情绪阳性。

9.Attributional Bias of Self-esteem and Its Effects on State Anxiety;自尊的归因偏向及其对状态焦虑情绪的影响

10.The Investigation about the Anxious Emotions of the Students Who Will Attend to the University Entrance Examination in June;武汉市六月高考学生焦虑情绪调查研究

11.Exploring the Effect of Music Therapy on Alleviating the Anxiety Level of the Pregnant;音乐疗法对缓解保胎孕妇焦虑情绪的效果研究

12.Investigation and Analysis of Students of Colleges & Universities Anxiety for Endurance Run Test;大学生耐力跑考试焦虑情绪的调查与分析

13.Correlation of anxiety with personality and family factors in servicemen;人格、家庭因素与军人焦虑情绪的相关性研究

14."dysphoria:an emotional state characterized by anxiety, depression, and restlessness."焦虑:以焦虑、悲观和不安为特征的情绪状态.

15.An emotional state characterized by anxiety, depression, and restlessness.焦虑以焦虑、悲观和不安为特征的情绪状态

16.the anxious feeling you have when you have the jitters.神经过敏时所有的那种焦虑的情绪。

17.feelings of anxiety that make you tense and irritable.一种焦虑的情绪,它使得你紧张和易怒。

18.free from emotional agitation or nervous tension.没有情绪上的焦虑或者神经紧张。


Anxious emotion焦虑情绪

1.Investigations of anxious emotion in the relatives of first-hospitalized patients with major psychotics;首次住院重型精神病患者亲属焦虑情绪调查分析

plex treatment in senile hypertentive patients with anxious emotion;老年高血压伴焦虑情绪患者的综合治疗

3.To explore the various affect-factor of anxious emotion of postgraduate.为了探讨研究生焦虑情绪的各种影响因素,文章采用焦虑状态/特性询问量表(STAI)对我国南方某综合大学114名硕士研究生进行了焦虑情绪问卷调查,并与各种影响因素进行相关分析。

3)anxious mood焦虑情绪

1.A Shallow Study on Anxious Mood and Oral Expression in English Learning;焦虑情绪与英语口语表达能力关系浅析

2.Objective To explore the effect of cognitive behavior nursing intervention onanxious moods of patients receiving percutaneous coronary artery intervention (PCI).目的探讨认知行为护理干预在经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)前后对改善患者焦虑情绪的作用。

4)Separation anxiety disorder情绪分离焦虑症

5)emotion anxiety tendency情绪焦虑倾向

6)a feeling of anxiety about singing歌唱焦虑情绪


操作焦虑操作焦虑心理学术语。为焦虑表现之一。 由于不能达到目标或不能克服障碍的威胁,致使自尊心与自信心受挫,或失败感和内疚感增 加。形成紧张不安、恐惧的情绪状态,以致外部活动失调。在性医学领域,往往与预期性失 败焦虑相联系,多致勃起障碍、早泄或不射精症。多有早年性创伤史或性交失败经历。可用 人类性感集中训练疗法治疗。
