900字范文 > 氦氖激光管 He-Ne lasers英语短句 例句大全

氦氖激光管 He-Ne lasers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-14 06:38:42


氦氖激光管 He-Ne lasers英语短句 例句大全

氦氖激光管,He-Ne lasers

1)He-Ne lasers氦氖激光管

1.As a example, some lifetime characteristics ofHe-Ne lasers,such as the law of life distribution,distributed parameters and lifetime parameters, are analyzed and estimated according to the graphical method.本文较详细介绍了一种用于电子元器件恒定应力正常寿命试验和加速寿命试验的数据处理方法─—图估法;作为举例,用该方法分析判断和估计了氦氖激光管的寿命分布规律和分布参数等寿命特性。


1.Investigation on the Relationships Between the Ignition Voltages and Distance Separating Electrodes for He Ne Lasers氦氖激光管着火电压与极间距离关系的研究

2.He-Ne laser accupuncture therapy氦氖激光针灸理疗仪

3.Frequency stabilized He-Ne laser (0.33μm) of neon saturated absorption氦一氖0.633微米氖饱和吸收稳频激光器

4.Observation and Nursing Care During Treatment of Headache with He - Ne Laser Intravascular Radiation氦—氖激光血管内照射治疗头痛的观察及护理

5.Clinical research on the effects of He-Ne laser irradiation for cerebral ischemia氦氖激光照射对缺血性脑血管疾病的临床研究

6.Helium-neon Laser and Helium-neon Laser with Acupuncture Treatment of Peripheral Facial Paralysis Effect Comparative Analysis氦氖激光治疗与氦氖激光配合针灸治疗周围性面瘫疗效观察

7.Measurement methods of parameter for helium neon laserGB/T7257-1987氦氖激光器参数测试方法

8.He-Ne laser specificationGB/T14078-1993氦氖激光器技术条件

9.pulsed He-Ne laser planeplate interferometer脉冲氦氖激光平板干涉仪

10.Effect on the Activity of Amylase in the Serum by He-Ne Laser氦氖激光对人血清淀粉酶活性的影响

11.The series and type spectrum for helium neon lasersGB/T4931-1985氦氖激光器系列型谱

12.Weak laser pulse detecting and its data processing氦氖激光纵模脉冲检测及其数据处理

13.Care of intravascular radiotherapy with Helium - Neon laser for diabetes with peripheral nervus disease氦氖激光血管内照射治疗糖尿病周围神经病变的护理

14.Therapeutic Effect of Imbecile He-Ne Laser Irradiating Blood Vessel in the Treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy低能量氦氖激光血管内照射治疗糖尿病性周围神经病

15.CONCLUSION:Intravascular low dose He Ne laser irradiation has protective effects to cerebral ischemia of rats.结论:低剂量氦氖激光血管内照射对大鼠脑缺血有保护作用。

16.Helium-neon laser lifetime computed by best linear undistorted estimation通信用“最好线性无偏估计法”计算氦-氖激光管的工作寿命

17.To verify the curative effect of He-Ne laser in the treatment of acne indurate cystica.目的 :验证氦氖激光治疗结节囊肿性痤疮的疗效。

18.Clinical Effectiveness of He-Ne Laser in the Treatment of Acne Indurate Cystica氦氖激光照射治疗结节囊肿性痤疮的临床疗效


He-Ne laser氦氖激光

1.Effect of Chinese herbal medicine,Ligustrazin,in combination with He-Ne Laser on NO level and its efficacy in treating patients with chloasma;中药配合氦氖激光治疗黄褐斑的疗效评价及对一氧化氮影响

2.Effect of Chinese medicine ligustrazin in coordination with theHe-Ne laser on hemorheology in patients with chloasma;中医药配合氦氖激光对黄褐斑患者血液流变学的影响

3.Low energyHe-Ne laser combined with the synthetic amblyopia treatment instrument in treating amblyopia;氦氖激光联合弱视综合治疗仪治疗儿童弱视

3)He-Ne laser氦-氖激光

1.The effect ofHe-Ne laser irradiation on the level of hydroxyproline in healing rabbit Achilles tendons;氦-氖激光照射对兔跟腱羟脯氨酸含量的影响

2.Observation of the clinical efficacy of treating recurrent aphthous ulcer withHe-Ne laser and deep sea fish oil;氦-氖激光和深海鱼油联合治疗复发性口腔溃疡的疗效评价

3.Effect of intravenous irradiation of low energyHe-Ne laser on levels of endothelin in patients with acute cerebral infarction;低能量氦-氖激光血管内照射对急性脑梗死患者血浆内皮素的影响

4)He Ne laser氦氖激光

1.Aim:To study the influence ofHe Ne laser acupoint irradiation on hippocampus ultrastructure of hypoxic ischemic neonatal rats.目的 :探讨氦氖激光穴位照射对缺血缺氧新生大鼠海马组织超微结构的影响。

2.Objective To study the effect and possible mechanism ofHe Ne laser acupoint irradiation treatment on hypoxic ischemic brain damage (HIBD).目的探讨氦氖激光穴位照射对新生鼠缺血缺氧性脑损伤的作用及其可能机制。

3.Objective:To studyHe Ne laser irradiation on the activity change of Alkaline phosphatase in the orthodontic tooth movement in rabbits.结论 :氦氖激光照射可提高兔牙齿移动牙周组织中碱性磷酸酶的活性 ,有利于牙周组织的骨改

5)He-Ne laser氦氖激光器

1.Theoretic analysis of the cat s eye cavityHe-Ne laser;猫眼谐振腔氦氖激光器理论分析

2.In order to analyze working principle and stability error of double longitudinal-modeHe-Ne laser with stabilization frequency, a requirement is put forward, which is that an intracavity laser with cavity of 100~300 mm length can produce double longitudinal-mode light.为深入分析双纵模稳频氦氖激光器的稳频机理和精度误差,本文提出了双纵模产生的必要条件:内腔型激光器和谐振腔长在100~300mm之间。

3.The thesis summarizes the structure and principles of theHe-Ne laser,and analyses the shortage of the traditionalHe-Ne laser experiment instrument.首先简要概述氦氖激光器的结构及工作原理,分析了传统氦氖激光原理实验所存在的不足,同时介绍一种新型实验仪,描述该套实验仪的结构和特点,及其相对于传统气体激光实验所做的改进。

6)Helium-Neon laser氦氖激光器

1.A comparison is made between semi-conductor laser and helium-neon laser.本文就半导体激光器与氦氖激光器进行了比较 ,并简单论述了半导体激光在物理实验中的应用 ,尤其在“全息照相”中的应用。


