900字范文 > 计算比较 calculation and comparison英语短句 例句大全

计算比较 calculation and comparison英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-08 22:53:22


计算比较 calculation and comparison英语短句 例句大全

计算比较,calculation and comparison

1)calculation and comparison计算比较


parison between CASS and HTCAD in Earthwork CalculationCASS与HTCAD的土方计算比较

puterized comparison microscope计算机辅助比较显微镜

parative Study on National Economy Accounting and Business Accounting;国民经济核算与会计核算的比较研究

4.Quantitative computation and comparison of S/N ratio in seismic data地震资料信噪比定量计算及方法比较

5.The Calculational Methods of Turnbull Estimate and Contrast with Kaplan-Meier;Turnbull估计的计算方法及其比较

6.Application and Comparative about Jewelry Design Methods首饰计算机软件设计方法比较与应用

parision of variable costing model with manufacturing costing model;变动成本计算模式与制造成本计算模式比较

parative Analysis of Our Country s Computerized Accounting and Computerized Audit;我国电算化会计与电算化审计的比较分析

parison of Accounting Processes Between Electronic Accounting and Manual Accounting;会计电算化与手工会计在核算方法上的比较

10.The new model is proved to be equivalent to the old one of H.Konno and K Suzuki.初步比较,显示新模型更便于计算。

parison of Efficiencies of Various Buffers in Spectrographic Analysis and Its Computer Processing光谱缓冲剂效率比较及其计算机应用

pare of the Numerical Models on Wave Propagation in Nearshore Areas;近岸波浪传播变形数值计算方法比较

putational Acquisition、Comparison and Processing on the Character of Dialect;方音的特征提取、比较与计算机处理

parison of the Physics Experimental Data Processing Methods Assisted by Computer;物理实验数据和计算机处理方法比较

parison between the HF and DFT Methods in Quantum Chemistry;量化计算中HF和DFT方法研究之比较

parative Study of Professional Ethics Codes of 5 Computer Societies (Association);典型计算机学(协)会职业伦理守则比较

17.The Mathematical Model of Market Comparison Approach And Computer Application;市场比较法的数学模型与计算机应用

18.Reform of Budget Audit System:Reflections and Comparison;预算审计体制改革研究:反思与比较


comparing account比较计算

3)comparison of calculation method计算方法比较

4)comparison on calculation result计算结果比较

5)comparative design estimate设计比较估算

6)compared numeration of music temperament音律计算法比较


计算①根据已知数通过数学方法求得未知数:~人数 ㄧ~产值。②考虑;筹划:做事没个~,干到哪儿算哪儿。③暗中谋划损害别人:当心被小人~。
