900字范文 > 地方财政学 place finance英语短句 例句大全

地方财政学 place finance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-02 19:48:16


地方财政学 place finance英语短句 例句大全

地方财政学,place finance

1)place finance地方财政学


1.The Feasibility of the Implementation of New Town Planning:From the Perspective of Local Public Finance从地方财政学视野看新城规划实施的可行性

2.On the Relationship Between Property Tax and Local Public Finance in the View of Public Sector Economics;财产税与地方财政关系的公共部门经济学探析

3.The Fiscal Actions of Local Governments:Local Fiscal Capacity and Local Development地方政府财政行为:地方财力与地方发展

4.Efficiency of local fiscal expenditure in China;财政分权体制下的地方财政支出效率

5.On the local Financial Adjustment and Local Financial Risk;加强地方财政调控 防范和化解地方财政风险

6.An Empirical Study on the Local Financial Expenditure for Primary Education in China关于中国地方小学教育财政支出的实证研究

7.Study of the Fiscal System and Local Governments" Fiscal Behavior:Based on the Governance of "Land Finance"财政体制与地方政府财政行为探讨——基于治理“土地财政”的视角

8.The Correct Choice of the Financial Policy and Regional Finance under the Condition of Market Economy;市场经济下的财政政策与地方财政的正确选择

9.On Local Governments" Land Selling Revenue in China我国地方政府“土地财政”问题研究

10.As for the financial system, academic circles discussed mostly the financial relation between the central and local governments.财政制度与体制方面,学界论述较多者为中央与地方的财政关系问题。

11.Did Fiscal Decentralization Reform Improve Local Fiscal Incentives?;财政分权改革提高了地方财政激励强度吗?


13.The Research on the Local Fiscal Expenditure Structure Characteristics Based on the Chinese Style Decentralization中国式财政分权下地方财政支出偏好特征研究

14.The Effects of Fiscal System Transitions on Alterations in Local Government Financial Resources财政体制变迁对地方政府财力变动的影响

15.Fiscal Decentralization and the Cyclical Behavior of Local Fiscal Expenditure:1979-财政分权和地方财政支出的周期性行为:1979—

16.The Sustainable Development of Local Finance--Acase study offinance in Shanxi Province论地方财政的可持续发展——以山西省财政为例

17.Efficiency of Local Government Financial Expenditure in China:1978-;中国地方政府财政支出效率研究:1978—

18.The Cause Analysis of Extra-Budget Inflation in Local Government;地方政府预算外财政收入膨胀的原因


local finance地方财政

1.Discuss how thelocal finance supports the development of economy;地方财政如何支持经济发展

2.The poor performance of the capital allocated by thelocal finance has been a focus of public concern.地方财政资金配置绩效已经成为人们关注的焦点。

3.But the construction oflocal finance system lags behind the whole country construction and it limits progress of local economy for its imperfection.地方财政法制是我国财政法制的重要组成部分,建国以来,我国的财政法制建设取得了很大进步,各项财政法规不断健全和完善,为我国财政事业的发展做出了重要贡献。

3)local public finance地方财政

1.The Feasibility of the Implementation of New Town Planning:From the Perspective of Local Public Finance从地方财政学视野看新城规划实施的可行性

2.By reviewing main factors of local budget and the separation of budgetary process and policy process in China with policy process theory,the paper analyzes the limit of budgetary power,which could provide institutional background for the discussions onlocal public finance reform.本文运用政策过程理论和方法,考察了中国地方财政预算权的构成要素,从收入支出两方面提出了预算权的有限性;分析了预算过程、政策过程分离的现状,及这种分离对预算权的消减,目的在于为深化财政改革的探讨提供制度分析背景。

3.It demandlocal public finance achieve maximization,equalization,democratization and legalization of public welfare in providing local public products and service in building harmonious society.和谐社会的构建要求地方财政在提供地方性公共产品和服务时实现公共福利最大化、均等化、民主化和法制化。

4)western public finance西方财政学

1.Chinese neoteric tax system reform thought, as important part of Chinese neoteric economic thought history, is based onwestern public finance theories and its birth and development is closely related to the spread ofwestern public finance in China.作为中国近代经济思想史重要组成部分的中国近代税制改革思想,系以西方财政学为理论依据,其产生和发展,与西方财政思想在中国传播的进展密切相关。

5)local government finance地方政府财政

1.The revenue from land resource tax is a major source oflocal government finance.土地资源税收是地方政府财政收入的主要来源。

6)Local Fiscal Policy地方财政政策


