900字范文 > 水泥稳定基层 cement stabilized base英语短句 例句大全

水泥稳定基层 cement stabilized base英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-10 01:30:31


水泥稳定基层 cement stabilized base英语短句 例句大全

水泥稳定基层,cement stabilized base

1)cement stabilized base水泥稳定基层

mon quality defects ofcement stabilized base and prevention measures;水泥稳定基层常见的质量通病及预防措施

2.Due to the cracks ofcement stabilized base material which reflect to pavement under the load and become reflective cracks,the precracking technology is applied for treatment on semi-rigid base,which greatly reduces the amount and severity of shrinkage cracks.由于水泥稳定基层材料产生收缩裂缝,在荷载作用下容易反射到路面,形成反射裂缝,采用半刚性基层预压裂技术对其进行处理,可以大大减少收缩裂缝的数量和严重程度。


1.Prevention treatment of the common quality common disease in the pavement cement stabilization basement路面水泥稳定基层常见质量通病的预防处理

2.Cement Stability Recycled Concrete Aggregate Semi-Rigid Base Performance Study;水泥稳定再生水泥混凝土骨料基层性能研究

3.Discussion on Pre-Cracking Spacing of Cement-Stabilized Crushed-Stone Base水泥稳定碎石基层预锯缝间距的探讨

4.Analysis of the cement stabilization grit base course crack and prevention水泥稳定砂砾基层的裂缝分析与防治

5.The construction and quality control of cement stabilized macadam base or sub-base水泥稳定碎石基层(底基层)的施工与质量控制

6.Research on Reasonalbe Cement Slurry Consistency of Cement Stablized Graded Crushed Stone Permeable Base;水泥稳定级配碎石排水基层胶浆合理稠度研究

7.Proportion of Cement-Fly Ash in Crushed Stone Road Course Stabilized with Cement and Fly Ash水泥-粉煤灰稳定碎石路面基层中水泥与粉煤灰的比例

8.Orthogonal experiment research on cement stabilized aeolian sand and macadam base course水泥稳定风积砂碎石基层正交试验研究

9.Quality Control of Cement-treated Crushed Stone Base Course in Road Construction浅谈道路工程水泥稳定碎石基层的质量控制

10.Recycled Use of Cement Stabilized Macadam Structural Materials of Road Base;道路基层水泥稳定碎石结构材料的再生利用

11.Study on Anti-cracking Property of Multi-stabilized Gravel Base;水泥综合稳定砂砾基层材料抗裂性能研究

12.Study on Material Characteristics of the Cement Stabilized Macadam Base in Arid-cold Region干旱寒冷地区水泥稳定碎石基层材料性能研究

13.Experimental study on shrinkage properties of cement-stabilized macadam base course with rubber powder橡胶粉水泥稳定碎石基层收缩性能试验研究

14.Influence Factors on the Strength of Cement Stabilizing Semi-rigid Road Base Materials水泥稳定半刚性基层材料强度影响因素的研究

15.Causes analysis and prevention of the cement stabilized macadam base crack水泥稳定碎石基层裂缝产生原因分析及防治

16.Mix proportion design of anti-crack cement stabilization macadam base论抗裂水泥稳定碎石基层的配合比设计

17.Applications analysis and quality control of cement stabilized crushed stone grass-roots level水泥稳定碎石基层应用分析与质量控制

18.Application of Geotechnical Fabric in Cement Stabilized Macadam Base Joint土工布在水泥稳定碎石基层接缝中的应用


concrete stabilized base水泥稳定基层

1.Disease and prevention ofconcrete stabilized base in the highway engineering construction;公路工程施工中水泥稳定基层的病害与防治

3)cement stabilized soil base course水泥稳定土基层

1.This paper compares the difference of required aggregate grain size forcement stabilized soil base course in construction technical standards of China and with the United States.对比了中美两国施工技术规范中水泥稳定土基层骨料粒径要求的差异,通过同种材料在两种级配下的对比试验,进行了各种性能指标的比较和分析,对国内规范中骨料粒径的要求提出了若干建议。

4)cement stability level水泥稳定层

1.Based on the construction experience of the highroad from Xinqiao to Dabeibu which is one of the projects financed by World Bank in Anhui Province,the article summarizes the construction techniques forcement stability level and the techniques for spreading thecement stability level with the use of cement-spreading machine.结合安徽省世行改造项目新桥至大北埠改建工程的施工经验,总结了采用水泥稳定基层及使用摊铺机进行水泥稳定层摊铺的施工工艺,分析了水泥稳定层施工中的离析原因及质量控制。

5)cement stabilized macadam base水泥稳定碎石基层

1.Construction technology control ofcement stabilized macadam base;水泥稳定碎石基层施工技术控制

2.Study on the causes of cracks incement stabilized macadam base and prevention measures;水泥稳定碎石基层裂缝的成因及防治

3.Study on application of polypropylene fibre incement stabilized macadam base;聚丙烯纤维在水泥稳定碎石基层中的应用研究

6)Cement-stabilized macadam base水泥稳定碎石基层

1.Cement-stabilized macadam base is a common structural type of cement-stabilized macadam base in our country,but there exist a factor that the cement dose depends directly on compression stregth,leading to addition of desiccation fissure.水泥稳定碎石基层是我国常用的基层结构型式,但存在水泥剂量与抗压强度成正比上升的因素,导致干缩裂缝增多的不利现象。

2.In the paper , rely on the south highway of the Runyang Yangtze River Bridge,and through scanning electronic microscopic photo of cement-stabilized macadam base course, studied crack mechanism of the microstructure and the physica-mechanical characteristics as well as the influernce of cement-stabilized macadam base course,and about some fly-ash,additons etc.本文结合润扬大桥南接线高速公路水泥稳定碎石基层的应用,通过水泥稳定碎石基层混合料微结构扫描电镜照片,初步比较研究了水泥稳定碎石基层混合料掺加粉煤灰、外加剂的物理力学强度形成机理,并就该基层抗裂机理进行了微观分析。

3.Connecting with the engineering reality, this paper analyzes the quality control of the construction of cement-stabilized macadam base from aspects of the raw materials, mix proportion design, construction technology, and construction process control, etc.结合工程实际,从原材料、配合比设计、施工工艺及施工过程控制等方面探讨了水泥稳定碎石基层施工质量控制。


硅酸盐水泥(见通用水泥)硅酸盐水泥(见通用水泥)portland cement硅酸盐水泥portland Cement以硅酸盐为主要成分的水泥(见通用水泥)。
