900字范文 > 变形破坏判据 deformation failure criterion英语短句 例句大全

变形破坏判据 deformation failure criterion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-31 01:14:00


变形破坏判据 deformation failure criterion英语短句 例句大全

变形破坏判据,deformation failure criterion

1)deformation failure criterion变形破坏判据

1.Thedeformation failure criterion of stochastic medium for estimating the surroundings safety was provided and was applied in an engineering example,which proved that the results of the research were reasonable and significant for the tunnel safety construction.提出了随机介质变形破坏判据,并应用于隧道开挖对周围岩土环境的安全评价中。


1.Study on the Deformation Failure Criterion of Stochastic Medium and Its Applications;随机介质变形破坏判据研究及其工程应用

2.Deformation failure characters and instability criterion of abutment rock slope in Heihe reservoir黑河水库坝肩岩质边坡变形破坏特征及失稳判据

3.Typical Failure Modes and Identification of Low-angled Stratofabric Rock Slope缓倾层状高边坡典型破坏模式及宏观判据研究

4.Study on criterion of slope failure in eastern open pit in Daye大冶铁矿东露天采场边坡破坏判据的研究

5.Study on plane instability model and failure criterion of horizontal-strata landslide近水平地层滑坡平面失稳模型与破坏判据研究

6.The discrimination of failure mode of RC structure at horizontal load effectRC结构在水平荷载作用下破坏形式的判别

7.Study on Face Deformation and Collapse of Earth Pressure Shield Tunnel;盾构施工开挖面变形与破坏机理研究

8.The Study on Infrared Information of Coal(rock)Sample During the Process of Failure;煤(岩)试件变形破坏过程红外信息研究

9.Analysis of structure destroyed by deformation of expansive soil foundation;膨胀土地基建筑物变形破坏特点分析

10.Failure characteristics and constitutive model of rock under unloading condition岩石卸荷破坏的变形特征及本构模型

11.Roadway deformation mechanism and failure model under the influence of mining采动影响下巷道变形机理与破坏模式

12.Deformation and Broken Rule and Supporting Countermeasure of Coal Roadway with Large Section大断面煤巷变形破坏规律与支护对策

13.Casing damages are classified into deformation, breakage and sealing damages.套管损坏主要分为套管变形、破损和密封性破坏3类。

14.Study on formation mechanism and deformation failure models of shatter slopes震裂斜坡形成机理及变形破坏模式研究

15.declare/negotiate/break a truce宣布[谈判/破坏]休战协定.

16.Deformation Mechanism of Epimetamorphic Rock Slopes in the Southeast of Guizhou and Preventive Measures黔东南浅变质岩边坡变形破坏机制及防护措施

17.Within this range, the peak overpressure appears to be the main criterion of damage.在此范围内,最高超压力的大小是判断破坏程序的主要依据。

18.Stability Influencing Factors and Destability Judgment Basis of Tunneling Wall Rock隧道工程围岩稳定性影响因素分析与破坏基本判据


failure criterion破坏判据

1.Research on entropy catastrophic regularity andfailure criterion in the deformation and failure process of rocks;岩石变形破坏的熵突变过程与破坏判据

2.Study on slopefailure criterion based on strength reduction and gravity increase method;基于强度折减和重度增加的边坡破坏判据研究

3.Study on plane instability model andfailure criterion of horizontal-strata landslide近水平地层滑坡平面失稳模型与破坏判据研究

3)Damage criterion破坏判据

4)damage criteria破坏判据

1.Numerical simulation was made on the thick- ness of mid-pillars in small internal tunnel with finite element method;fitting curve of maximum tensile stress,yield func- tion criteria and small interval was obtained through Griffithdamage criteria and Drucker-Prager criteria.用有限单元法对小净距隧道不同中柱厚度进行数值模拟,通过格里菲斯破坏判据以及德鲁克-普拉格判据,拟合出最大拉应力及各判据屈服函数与净距的拟合曲线,在保证其稳定的基础上,对小净距隧道最合理净距做出分析。

5)blasting damage criteria爆破破坏判据

1.The old and the new safety regulations for blasting are compared and theblasting damage criteria is analyzed.对比了旧、新爆破安全规程并分析了其中的缺陷,对爆破破坏判据进行了讨论。

6)deformation damage变形破坏

1.This paper introduces the forms ofdeformation damage to high-filled embankment as well as the reasons of damage.介绍了高填路堤变形破坏的几种形式及其破坏原因和采用了弹塑性有限元数值模拟的方法 ,对高填路堤路基下存在软弱土层情况引起的变形破坏问题进行了研究 ,并通过具体的工程实例 ,指出下卧软弱土层导致的沉降特征与软土层的埋深、厚度等密切相关 ,且路堤的破坏主要表现在地基的过大变形而导致的失


大坝内部变形观测(见水工建筑物变形观测)大坝内部变形观测(见水工建筑物变形观测)daba neibubianxing guanCe大坝内部变形观测见水工建筑物变形观测。
