900字范文 > 据性挖潜 excavating their potential energy by humanity英语短句 例句大全

据性挖潜 excavating their potential energy by humanity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-04 06:13:38


据性挖潜 excavating their potential energy by humanity英语短句 例句大全

据性挖潜,excavating their potential energy by humanity

1)excavating their potential energy by humanity据性挖潜


1.Substantial problem of Chinese education--Excavating their potential energy by humanity,opportunity to keep being taught at childish,teaching them methods,practice innovation中国教育的实质性问题——据性挖潜 蒙以养正 授之以法 实践创新

2.Data Mining--a New Area with Best Development Potential;数据挖掘——极具发展潜力的新领域

3.The Latent Value of Data Mining in Educational informalization;数据挖掘在教育信息化中的潜在价值

4.The Application and Research of Latent Semantic Analysis in the Field of Internet Data Mining潜在语义分析在互联网数据挖掘中的应用研究

5."Tutor-guidence on Virtue Education"Brings out Education Potential and Activate the Dynamic of Education;“德育导师制”挖掘教育潜力,发挥教育能动性

6.Motivating managers to tap marketing potential;调动加油站经理积极性,挖掘加油站经营潜力

7.To attain the full potential of parallel processing, there is a separate data path for each card.为了挖掘并行处理全部潜力,每块卡都有一条独立的数据通道。

8.Improve Teaching Effect of Database Technology & Application by Tapping both Teachers and Students Potentialitie;挖掘教师与学生“潜能”,提高《数据库技术与应用》教学效果

9.An Approach for Customer Requirement Mining and Attribute Weight Estimating Based on Evidence Combination;挖掘客户潜在需求确定指标重要程度的证据组合方法

10.An Algorithm of Data Mining for Prognostic Model预测性模型中的一种数据挖掘算法

11.Study on Loess Collapsibility Based on Data Mining;基于数据挖掘技术的黄土湿陷性研究

12.Research on the Similarity-Based Time Series Data Mining;面向相似性的时间序列数据挖掘研究

13.Research on the Web Mining and Personalized Search Engine;Web数据挖掘和个性化搜索引擎研究

14.Web Personalizing Service Research Based on Data Mining;基于数据挖掘的WEB个性化服务研究

15.The Application of the Deterministic Annealing Technique in Data Mining;确定性退火技术在数据挖掘中的应用

nazing Resources for Personal Courseware Based on Data_mining;基于数据挖掘的个性化课件资源组织

17.Research on DM-based Personalized Portal;基于数据挖掘的个性化portal研究

18.Research on Personal Learning System Based on Data Mining;基于数据挖掘的个性化学习系统研究


potential tapping挖潜

1.Residual oil distribution andpotential tapping study;剩余油分布及其挖潜研究综述

2.Remaining oil description andpotential tapping technique of thick oil zone of Lamadian Oilfield in ultra-high water cut stage;喇嘛甸油田特高含水期厚油层内剩余油描述及挖潜技术

3.Gyroscopic survey technology is used to correct well trajectories and a geological basis is provided for highly effective productionpotential tapping of the remain.通过应用陀螺测斜技术校正井身轨迹,为油田高效挖掘剩 余油提供了地质依据,取得了很好的挖潜效果,并为同类油田提供经验。


1.Especially it is the reasonable estimate of the new increase water supply gain by measure ofexcavation water supply capability to the existence engineering, save water, circle using of regeneration water, optimize collocate to water supply, and it has active signification to enhance the manage of water resource.尤其是现有工程供水能力挖潜、节水、再生水回用、供水优化配置等措施获得新增可供水量的合理评价,对加强水资源管理和供水能力建设具有积极的意义。

4)Tap production potential挖潜

5)tapping the potential挖潜

1.In consideration of its characteristics, different measures are taken for well pattern adjustment andtapping the potential at different production stages.高集油田是江苏油田西斜坡中部的一个中低渗的小断块油藏,针对其特点,在不同的开采阶段采取了不同的井网调整和挖潜措施,实施了初期开发概念设计、稳产过程中局部井网调整、分层注水、递减期井网重组和挖掘剩余油等具体做法,油田连续稳产6年,取得了较好的开发效果。

2.On the basis of classification evaluation, corresponding technique fortapping the potential is used with obvious effect in consideration of the properties of remaining oil dist.并在其分类评价的基础上,针对剩余油分布的特点,应用相应的挖潜技术取得了显著的效果。

6)tapping potential and stabilizing production挖潜稳产


