900字范文 > 模糊形态学梯度 fuzzy morphological gradient英语短句 例句大全

模糊形态学梯度 fuzzy morphological gradient英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-16 20:55:53


模糊形态学梯度 fuzzy morphological gradient英语短句 例句大全

模糊形态学梯度,fuzzy morphological gradient

1)fuzzy morphological gradient模糊形态学梯度

1.Segmentation of high-resolution remote sensing image based onfuzzy morphological gradient基于模糊形态学梯度的高分辨率遥感影像分割方法


1.Segmentation of high-resolution remote sensing image based on fuzzy morphological gradient基于模糊形态学梯度的高分辨率遥感影像分割方法

2.The concurrent multimachine scheduling of fuzzy job time being trapezoid fuzzy number作业时间为梯形模糊数的并行多机调度问题

3.Study on Dynamic Evaluation of Real Estate Investment Environment Based on Trapezoid Fuzzy Group Criteria;基于梯形模糊群体准则的房地产投资环境动态评价研究

4.Using Mathematical Morphology Gradient Theory to Pick up Image s Contour;应用数学形态学梯度理论提取图像轮廓

5.Fuzzy linear programming with symmetrical trapezoidal fuzzy coefficients系数为对称梯形模糊数的模糊线性规划

6.Detection and localization of two-dimensional bar code based on mathematical morphology and gradient characteristics基于形态学和梯度特征的二维条码检测定位

7.An Adaptive Watermarking Algorithm in DWT Domain Based on Morphological Gradient基于形态学梯度的DWT域自适应水印算法

8.Image Segmentation Based on Gradient Reconstruction and Morphological Watershed Algorithm基于梯度重建与形态学分水岭算法的图像分割

9.Reliability of GIS product based on trapezoid fuzzy number基于梯形模糊数GIS产品的可靠性分析

10.Possibilistic Linear Programming with Fuzzy Trapezoidal Number Coefficients;系数为梯形模糊数的可能性线性规划

11.Application of Fuzzy Theory in the Flood Operation of Cascade Reservoirs;模糊数学在梯级水库防洪调度决策中的应用研究

12.Medical Image Registration Based on Translation and Rotation-Invariant Multiresolution Decomposition and Fuzzy Gradient Field基于平移旋转不变的塔式分解和模糊梯度场的医学图像配准

13.The Research of Fuzzy Morphological Scale Space Associative Memories and Its Application;模糊形态尺度空间联想记忆的研究与应用

14.Fuzzy constraints based triangular fuzzy numbers and the fuzzy cost based trapeze fuzzy numbers are discussed in this paper.本文讨论了基于三角形模糊数的模糊约束条件和基于梯形模糊数的模糊费用。

15.Traveling-wave starting algorithm based on morphological gradient and wavelet transform modulus sum基于形态梯度与小波变换模之和的行波启动元件

16.Fuzzy Mathematical Morphology and Its Application on Image Processing;模糊形态学技术及其在图像处理中的应用

17.Research of Image Segmentation Based on Fuzzy Mathematical Morphology and Watershed Algorithm;采用模糊形态学和分水岭算法的图像分割研究

18.Adaptive multi-directions algorithm of fuzzy mathematical morphology for edge detection自适应多方向模糊形态学边缘检测算法


Morphology gradient形态学梯度

1.On the analysis and comparison of the multi-scale,multi-direction and multi-grade mathematical morphology gradient algorithm for the image edge detection,an improved vehicle image edge detection method based on the morphology gradient is given in this paper.在分析和比较用于图像边缘检测的多尺度多方位的形态学梯度算法和多级形态学运算合成法的基础上,提出了一种改进的基于形态学梯度法的汽车图像边缘检测方法。

2.On the analysis of the multi-scale and multi-direction mathematical morphology gradient algorithm for the image edge detection,using a kind of image fusion based on the cluster analysis of self-organizing feature map neural networks,an improved vchicle image edge detection method based on the morphology gradient is given in this paper.在分析用于图像边缘检测的多尺度多方位的形态学梯度算法基础上,结合基于自组织神经网络的图像聚类分析的数据融合技术,提出了一种改进的基于形态学梯度法的汽车图像边缘检测方法。

3.Address a kind of image edge detection arithmetic based on morphology gradient which is set on the morphologic eroding and dilating.数学形态学在图像处理中有广泛的应用,其基本原理是基于利用结构元素去探测图像;在讨论常见数学形态学梯度的基础上,提出了一种基于形态学梯度的图像边缘检测算法,应用定义的形态学梯度结构检测出较理想的图像边缘信息。

3)morphological gradient形态学梯度

1.Themorphological gradient operator,i.图像的边缘在很大程度上可以用梯度的概念来解释和描述,而现有的形态学梯度边缘检测算子抹煞了梯度的矢量性。

2.Based on the theory ofmorphological gradient algorithm,with a flat diamond chosen as structuring element,through weighted combination of erosion,dilation,opening and closing operations,a morphological optimization algorithm is constructed and it will be used for edge detection of defected wood images.根据形态学梯度算法的思想,选取平坦的菱形为结构元素,通过腐蚀、膨胀、开与闭运算的加权组合,构造出一种形态学优化算法,并将它应用于木材缺陷图像的边缘检测中,使提取的图像边缘更加准确、完整和连续。

3.To get thinner edge in themorphological gradient graph,non-maximum suppression is adopted.该算法在保持传统形态学方法优点的基础上引入边缘方向信息,采用非极大值抑制方法对形态学梯度图像进行细化处理,利用新的基于方向的检测和连接方法从中提取边缘,既提高了检测出的边缘的分辨率,又实现了低强度边缘的保护,同时还获得了更强的抗噪声能力。

4)fuzzy mathematical morphology模糊形态学

1.Adaptive multi-directions algorithm offuzzy mathematical morphology for edge detection自适应多方向模糊形态学边缘检测算法

2.A New Multi-Directions Algorithm for image Edge Detection Based on Fuzzy Mathematical Morphology一种新的多方向模糊形态学边缘检测算法

3.Based on the detailed analysis for current approaches,a method based onfuzzy mathematical morphology was advanced for image segmentation in this paper.提出了一种基于模糊形态学和形态分水岭算法的图像分割方法,先利用模糊形态学闭开运算平滑原始图像,再通过形态分水岭变换实现图像分割。

5)fuzzy morphology模糊形态学

1.Mathematical morphology firstly handled binary images as sets and probed them with a structuring element which formed binary morphology and then gradually formed gray-scale morphology,soft morphology,fuzzy morphology,fuzzy soft morphology and morphological wavelets.阐述数学形态学的产生及其与图像处理的结合过程,讨论其由二值形态学、灰度形态学、软形态学到模糊形态学、模糊软形态学、形态小波的发展,分析了数学形态学在图像处理中的发展趋势并对其应用前景进行探讨与展望。

6)trapezoidal fuzzy梯形模糊

1.According to thetrapezoidal fuzzy number decision-making theory,we should construct evaluation model of non-performing assets.根据梯形模糊决策原理,构建基于梯形模糊数的不良资产价值评价模型,确定评价指标体系,最后参照行业内公允的不良资产处置案例所计算出的回收率和综合得分对评估资产进行评价。


模糊1.亦作"模胡"。 2.不分明;不清楚。 3.谓草率,马虎。 4.混淆。
