900字范文 > 产权交易市场 property right exchange market英语短句 例句大全

产权交易市场 property right exchange market英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-13 00:44:30


产权交易市场 property right exchange market英语短句 例句大全

产权交易市场,property right exchange market

1)property right exchange market产权交易市场

1.Discussion on the development ofproperty right exchange market and law regulation;论产权交易市场发展与法律规制

2.Under the background of the construction of multilayer capital market both home and abroad,the paper has researched the difference between our country and foreign country in the construction of the multilayer capital market,and defined the positive meaning of constructing third board market,and indicated thatproperty right exchange market is the foundation of third board market.在目前国内外建设多层次资本市场的大背景下,分析了我国多层次资本市场和成熟的多层次资本市场的差距,明确了我国构建三板市场的积极意义,提出了产权交易市场是我国三板市场的基础,研究了产权交易市场的功效和以产权交易市场为基础构建我国三板市场的路径。

3.The developing pattern of China s economy in the future 10 years is related to the shift in theproperty right exchange market.中国经济在未来的发展模式,同产权交易市场的变革相关,研究如何将产权交易市场改造成为多层次资本市场体系的一部分,是促进投资发展的重要手段,也是中国经济形成创新发展模式的关键。


1.The Study on Problem of Legal of the Property Right Trade Market of Mineral Resources;矿产资源产权交易市场法律问题研究

2.Researching on Configuring Financial Tools in China Property Rights Transaction Market中国产权交易市场金融工具配置研究

3.Discussion of Constituting a Territorial Ownership-market in Northeast of China;构建东北区域性产权交易市场的探讨

4.The Countermeasures for Shanxi to Establish and Improve Property Exchange Market;建立和完善山西产权交易市场的对策

5.Constructing Third Board Market in Our Country Based on Property Right Exchange Market;以产权交易市场为基础构建我国三板市场

6.A Probe Into the Financing Channels of the Technical Property Market in Chengdu;成都市技术产权交易市场的融投资渠道探索

7.Perfecting the Property Right Exchange Market and Promoting the Efficient Competition of Industrial Organization;完善产权交易市场 促进产业组织有效竞争

8.The Research on the Market System of Wildlife Resource Property Rights Trade in China;我国野生动物资源产权交易市场体系研究

9.On the Special Function and Important Historical Mission of the Market of Transaction of Property Right in China;论我国产权交易市场的功能与特殊使命

10.Questions in China equity trade market construction and countermeasure research;我国产权交易市场建设中的问题及对策分析

11.Structuring System of Evaluation Targets on Efficiency of Technology Property Right Transaction Market;技术产权交易市场效率评价指标体系构建研究

12.Deadly Regulation--The past,present and future of equity market in China;致命的管制——产权交易市场的过去、现在与未来

13.Research on PRE Market Which Promotes Mixed Ownership Economy;产权交易市场促进混合所有制经济发展研究

14.Law Imperfection in the Transaction Market of Property Right and Ways to Its Perfection;我国产权交易市场存在的法律缺陷及其完善

15.The New Trend in the Foreign Purchase and Merger in Property Right Trading Market and the Policy Suggestions;产权交易市场涉外购并的新动向与政策建议

16.On the Trade Market for Property Rights in the Realization of the Values of Technical Innovations;谈技术创新价值实现中的产权交易市场

17.On Technology & Property Exchange Market in Realizing Technical Innovation Value;论技术创新价值实现中的技术产权交易市场

18.On the Obstacles and Countermeasures of China s Technology Property Rights Market;我国技术产权交易市场存在的障碍因素及对策


property exchange market产权交易市场

1.Establishing and improvingproperty exchange market is the basic demand in socialism market economy, as well as an important safe guard in realizing state owned assets management innovation.建立和完善产权交易市场是社会主义市场经济的根本要求 ,也是实现国有资产管理体制创新的重要保障。

3)equity market产权交易市场

1.Deadly Regulation——The past,present and future ofequity market in China;致命的管制——产权交易市场的过去、现在与未来

4)Property Right Transaction Market产权交易市场

1.In this paper, the legal questions, related to the legal system of property right transaction market, have been discussed through historical, comparative, jurisprudential and economic ways, and some advices have been given on how to perfect the legal system ofProperty Right Transaction Market.本文主要运用历史的、比较的、法理的和经济的分析方法对我国产权交易市场法律制度相关问题进行了研究,并就如何完善我国的产权交易市场法律制度提出了自己的建议。

5)technology property right transaction market技术产权交易市场

1.This paper applies a system of evaluation targets to appraise the efficiency of Jinlintechnology property right transaction market,and analyzes the result.文章使用了一套指标体系对吉林省技术产权交易市场效率进行了评估,并对结果进行了分析。

2.This paper structure a system of evaluation targets on efficiency oftechnology property right transaction market,and put forward a evaluation model oftechnology property right transaction market.构建了适用于技术产权交易市场效率的评价指标体系,并提出了技术产权交易市场效率评价模型。

6)construction of the trade market of property rights产权交易市场建设


证券交易市场(二级市场、次级市场) 证券交易市场(二级市场、次级市场)——证券交易市场又称“二级市场”或“次级市场”,是已发行的证券通过买卖交易实现流通转让的场所。
