900字范文 > 口腔卫生习惯 oral hygiene habit英语短句 例句大全

口腔卫生习惯 oral hygiene habit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-01 12:17:37


口腔卫生习惯 oral hygiene habit英语短句 例句大全

口腔卫生习惯,oral hygiene habit

1)oral hygiene habit口腔卫生习惯

1.A correlative study onoral hygiene habit and caries state of students from colleges,middle schools and primary schools;不同层次学生口腔卫生习惯与患龋状况相关研究

2.Questionnaire(children s basic information,diet habit,oral hygiene habit,parental knowledge of oral hygiene) was carried back to home and completed by their parents.结论:饮食中甜食摄入量、频率、儿童口腔卫生习惯及父母的口腔卫生知识均与3~6岁儿童乳牙龋齿发生有一定的相关性。


1.The impact of oral health habits on periodontitis and COPD口腔卫生习惯对牙周炎和慢性阻塞性肺疾病的影响研究

2.However, Dr Carter stressed that the best way to beat bad breath was by adopting a good oral health routine.然而,卡特医生强调防治口臭的最好方法还是养成良好的口腔卫生习惯。

3.An Investigation of Oral Habits on the Only Child;独生子女人群口腔不良习惯的调查研究

4.form good health habits养成良好的卫生习惯

5.Investigation of oral hygiene status in non-oral medicine undergraduate非口腔专业大学生口腔卫生状况调查

6.The Investigation on Citizens" Sanitary Living Habits of Hangzhou and Fuyang in HFMD Epidemic Period手足口病流行期间阜阳市和杭州市人群卫生生活习惯调查

7.Oral Health Education Unit [Department of Health]口腔健康教育组〔卫生署〕

8.Investigation Analysis on Oral Habit Disturbance of 3320 Children in Luoyang District洛阳地区3320名儿童口腔不良习惯的调查分析

9.Study of Oral Health KAP and Oral Cavity Infection Condition Investigation for People Living with HIV/AIDS;HIV/AIDS患者口腔卫生KAP及口腔感染状况调查

10.Good Health Habits Can Extend Life良好的卫生习惯可以延长寿命

11.Want to teach the individual sanitation with child good nurturance to be used to.要教育孩子养成良好的个人卫生习惯。

prehensive Assessment on Oral Health Services Status and Predict on Oral Health Humanpower Resources;口腔卫生服务现况评价与口腔卫生人力预测研究

13.The relationship between the infant nursing bottle caries and the feeding patterns,oral health behavior and parents" oral health information婴幼儿喂养方式、口腔卫生行为、父母口腔卫生知识与奶瓶龋的关系

14.It is due to multiple factors such as overbite development, craniofacial growth, and improper oral habits.因为开咬可能肇因于牙齿垂直覆盖发展不足,颅颜垂直方向生长失衡,或有不良的口腔习惯。

15.Study of the Intervening Effect of Oral Health to the 7~14 Years Old Students in Suzhou City苏州市7-14岁学生口腔卫生干预研究

16.Certificate of Proficiency in Oral Hygiene口腔卫生技能水平测试证明书

17.Dietary Behaviors and Health Habits of Primary and Secondary School Students in Guangzhou;广州市中小学生饮食行为和卫生习惯现状

18.One who habitually uses platitudes.习惯用陈腔滥调的人


Oral hygiene habits口腔卫生习惯

1.Object To investigate and study patients smoking habit,oral hygiene habits and periodontal status of OSF.目的:调查研究口腔黏膜下纤维化(oral submucous fibrosis,OSF)患者的吸烟嗜好、口腔卫生习惯及临床牙周状况,探讨上述因素对嚼食槟榔所致OSF的影响,为OSF患者及嚼食槟榔者的口腔卫生预防保健措施提供参考。

3)Health habit卫生习惯

4)Oral hygiene口腔卫生

1.The correlative analysis for oral hygiene and dental caries of preschool children;儿童口腔卫生习惯与乳牙龋的相关性研究

2.Investigation of oral hygiene status in non-oral medicine undergraduate非口腔专业大学生口腔卫生状况调查

3.It s very important that the patients were told to retain oral hygiene and instructed proper technique of brushing teeth during fixed orthodontic treatment.在行固定矫治的过程中,增强患者的口腔卫生意识,让患者掌握正确的刷牙方法是贯穿整个矫治过程的重要内容。

5)oral health口腔卫生

1.A survey and analysis onoral health habits of aged people in poverty-stricken zones;贫困地区老年人口腔卫生习惯调查分析

2.Analysis oforal health and dental caries of college students;大学生口腔卫生与患龋情况分析

3.A KAP investigation of pupilsoral health in Xi an urban village primary schools;西安城中村小学生口腔卫生知识态度行为调查

6)oral habits口腔不良习惯

1.Objective To investigate the prevalence and contributing factors oforal habits on the only child in order to provide a scientific basis for carrying out oral hygiene education and preventing malocclusion.目的:根据我国存在特有的独生子女现象,研究独生子女人群口腔不良习惯的发生状况、分布特点及相关影响因素,为错(牙合)畸形的预防提供指导依据。


口腔卫生用品口腔卫生用品Hygiene Oral Produetskou口腔卫生用品第10卷续表国家或地区西班牙日本韩国中国台湾泰国新加坡缅甸香港印度尼西亚马来西亚菲律宾加拿大澳大利亚巴西西欧东欧远东1984年1986年 57005200C 9200 8320 800C 104G 1 12C900G 4000 4500 7900 55004500050000160001000┌────┐│1,88年 │└────┘ 95000 600001 100001 15000 60000150000对氟化钠的防龋作用很早就有认识,但最初氟化钠用于牙膏在贮存过程中易失去防龋作用。1960年美国ps汉;公司开发了Cret氟化物牙膏,在长期贮存过程中能保持其防龋功能,得到了美国牙科协会的认可,使cl’est新产品牙膏在2年时间内在美国国内森得了销售量第一的地位。从此,各国竟相生产含氟牙膏,产量直线L升。中草药牙膏是中国的特产,70年代进入市场,随既迅猛发展。至80年代后期,中国的药物牙膏已有100多个牌号,大多是中草药与合成药复配,各牙膏生产厂都声称自己的产品有消炎止血、防治牙病的功能。虽然对用于牙膏中的各种中草药的有效成分及药理尚不十分清楚,但投产前绝大多数新产品经过科研单位、牙科医院的研究与临床试验,并取得省级卫生单位的认可。透明牙膏于1970年在欧美市场出现,由于其洁齿效果好,口感舒适,膏体晶莹可爱,销路逐渐扩大。中国于8。年代后期开始生产透明牙膏,产量很小。1988年部分国家透明牙膏市场占有率见表4。表4 1988年部分国家牙,市场占有率,%2.牙膏牙膏是由多种性能各异的原料配合制成。对牙膏的基本要求如下:(1)能使牙齿洁净光亮;(2)能去除粘附的牙菌斑、残留食物及表面污渍而不伤牙齿、牙眼;(3)有良好的流变性,使牙膏易于从管中挤出而不流淌,刷牙时易分散于口腔,漱口时易从日腔中清除;(4)刷牙后口腔留有清新洁净感;(5)香味、色泽令人喜爱;(6)长期贮存不变质。早期生产的牙膏是以美容为主要目的,故主要功能是洁齿爽口。
