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男性生育 male fertility英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-08 13:10:48


男性生育 male fertility英语短句 例句大全

男性生育,male fertility

1)male fertility男性生育


1.Task Force on Methods for the Regulation of Male Fertility男性生育调节法工作队

2.Male Reproductive Role and the Reformation of Reproductive Insurance System in China;男性生育角色与我国生育保险制度改革

3.the sperm count is used as an indicator of male fertility.男性生育能力可以用精子记数来衡量。

4.Study on the influence of chlamydia trachomatis infection to male fertility沙眼衣原体感染对男性生育力影响的研究

5.Investigation of Relationship Among Male Sperm DNA Content, Chromatin Condensation and Male Fertility;精液生精细胞核DNA含量及染色质缩合度与男性生育力之间的关系

6.Education for Boys and Girls: Enlightenment for Education;教育男生和女生:对性别平等教育的启示

7.make infertile; of both males and females.使人失去生育能力;即使男性不育、女性不孕。

8.Male workers were made permanently sterile by this pesticide.这种杀虫剂使得男性工人终生不育。

9.Survey on family planning knowledge and attiude among men with vasoligation in Yunnan Province云南省男性节育者计划生育知识和态度调查

10.The Rational Thought about the Sex Inequality in Childbirth;生育观念上男女性别不平等的理性思考

11.Female s Care and Male s Responsibility in the Maternity Insurance;生育保险制度中的女性关怀和男性责任

12.Investigation and analysis of the relevance between occupation,living environment and male infertility职业、生活环境与男性不育的相关性调查分析

13.Sex and Reproductive Related Attitudes among Male and Female Villagers in Two Li Nationality Communities of Hainan Province;海南两个黎族社区男女村民性和生育观念研究

14.Effects of lifestyle and physical exercise on impaired glucose tolerance in middle-aged men;生活方式、体育锻炼与中年男性糖耐量减低

15.Study on comparability of the marks of physical education of the male students and female students;高校男、女学生体育成绩的可比较性研究

16.Applied Research on Serum Reproductive Hormones in Diagnosis of Male Infertility血清生殖激素在男性不育诊断中应用研究

17.Biochemical Detection of Seminal Plasma in Infertile Men with Oligoasthenozoospermic Azoospermia and Normal Fertile Men少弱精症不育患者和正常生育男性的精浆生化结果分析

18.Male Involvement in Reproductive Health, including Family Planning and Sexual Health男性在生殖健康包括计划生育和性健康方面的作


healthy fertile man生育男性


1.Objective: In order to explore the effects of hypothermia on structure and function of testis and provide scientific foundation for male-contraception.为低温应用于男性抗生育提供科学依据。

4)masculine birth right男性生育权

1.The male is the main body for the birth right,but themasculine birth right has many kinds of limits in exertion.男性是生育权的主体,但是男性生育权在行使中要受多种限制,保护男性生育权要从完善立法、解决男女生育权冲突、促进法律手段与其它手段的街接等多方面入手。

5)Anti-male fertility抗男性生育

6)male fertile potentiality男性生育力


alpha-生育酚乙酸脂分子式:C31H52O3分子量:472.75CAS号:58-95-7性质:熔点28°C。沸点184°C。折射率1.494-1.498。比旋光度3° (c=2, in ethanol 25°C)。水溶性<0.1 g/100 mL at 17°C。
