900字范文 > 阻力系数变化率 rate of resistance coefficient change英语短句 例句大全

阻力系数变化率 rate of resistance coefficient change英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-07 14:12:51


阻力系数变化率 rate of resistance coefficient change英语短句 例句大全

阻力系数变化率,rate of resistance coefficient change

1)rate of resistance coefficient change阻力系数变化率

2)resistance factor阻力系数

1.According to the present experiment results,the precision of all calculation correlations forresistance factor in transition zone and laminar zone was compared.根据已有的实验结果,分析比较了过渡区和层流区各种阻力系数模型计算的准确性,以及各流型之间过渡时的基本变化特征。

2.25 μm~2 by using an injecting procedure fresh water (TSD=729 mg/L)-gel-produced or fresh water with total volume injected >5 PV, theresistance factor, F__R, determined is in range 266.用大庆采油二厂的污水(矿化度4013mg/L)配制不同HPAM浓度的Al3+交联聚合物凝胶,在气测渗透率1 25μm2的人造岩心上,按清水(矿化度729mg/L)—凝胶—污水或清水的注入程序,注入量>5PV,测得凝胶中HPAM浓度为0 6、0 5、0 4g/L时,残余阻力系数FRR(368 6~277 4)大于阻力系数FR(266 7~246 0),二者均随HPAM浓度减小而减小;后续注入清水时FRR较低;凝胶中HPAM浓度为0 3g/L时FRR3.This paper has studied the convergence of iteration algorithm for colebrook s formula which has been used to determining theresistance factor about industrial pipes in three regions of turbulent flow resistance (i.本文研究了适用于工业管道紊流三个阻力区(即光滑区、过渡区和粗糙区)阻力系数计算的柯列勃洛克公式迭代算法的收敛性,给出了收敛区间。


1.drag coefficient牵引系数,阻力系数

2.blade profile drag coefficient桨叶剖面阻力系数,叶型阻力系数

3.Numerical computation of aerodynamic drag coefficient for high temperature particles高温固体颗粒气动阻力系数数值计算

4.Study of the Coefficient of Resistance and Residual Resistance Factor of Hydrophobically Associating Polymer in Series Core缔合聚合物在串联岩芯中的阻力系数和残余阻力系数研究

5.Study of Pressure Loss Coefficient in HVAC Fittings;通风管道局部构件阻力系数及减阻方法研究

6.Determination of Local Resistance Coefficient at Low Reynolds Number Using Distributed Parameter Method以分布参数法确定低雷诺数局部阻力系数

7.Smoother vehicles may have drag coefficients of the order of 0.55.光滑飞行器的阻力系数可能为0.55量级。

8.Research on Identifying Resistance Coefficient for Trajectory Correction Fuze弹道修正引信阻力系数辨识方法研究

9.Calculation of Rolling Resistance Coefficient and Air Resistance Coefficient Based on Road Test基于道路试验的汽车滚动阻力和空气阻力系数计算方法研究

10.Study on Resistance Coefficient of Reeds and Numerical Simulation of Flow in Wetland;芦苇阻力系数物模及湿地水流数模研究

11.Simulation of drag and lift coefficients on two cylinders in flow field with turbulence model湍流模型下双柱绕流升阻力系数数值模拟

12.The Hydraulic Characteristics and application of Bartlett fluxible Pipes喷灌塑料管道水力阻力系数λ的实验研究

13.Gives a calculation formula of the absolute error of specific frictional head losses.给出了湍流区沿程阻力系数绝对误差的计算式。

14.The Research of New Methods to Compute Coefficient of Mine Roadway"s Frictional Resistance;确定矿井巷道摩擦阻力系数的新方法研究

15.Experimental Study of Local Resistance of Divided-Flow Adjustable-Cross;带调节阀片分流四通局部阻力系数实验研究

16.Determination Of Friction Factors Of The Caplillary Tube In Refrigerating Machines Based On Experiments;基于试验的制冷机节流管沿程阻力系数的确定

17.Experiments on the pressure loss coefficient of pipe sections around elbow and tee junction管道弯头和三通近距离耦合阻力系数实验研究

18.Research on Relationship between Shaft Resistance of Rock-Socketed Pile and Behavior of Around Rock;嵌岩桩桩侧阻力与岩土参数关系研究


resistance factor阻力系数

1.According to the present experiment results,the precision of all calculation correlations forresistance factor in transition zone and laminar zone was compared.根据已有的实验结果,分析比较了过渡区和层流区各种阻力系数模型计算的准确性,以及各流型之间过渡时的基本变化特征。

2.25 μm~2 by using an injecting procedure fresh water (TSD=729 mg/L)-gel-produced or fresh water with total volume injected >5 PV, theresistance factor, F__R, determined is in range 266.用大庆采油二厂的污水(矿化度4013mg/L)配制不同HPAM浓度的Al3+交联聚合物凝胶,在气测渗透率1 25μm2的人造岩心上,按清水(矿化度729mg/L)—凝胶—污水或清水的注入程序,注入量>5PV,测得凝胶中HPAM浓度为0 6、0 5、0 4g/L时,残余阻力系数FRR(368 6~277 4)大于阻力系数FR(266 7~246 0),二者均随HPAM浓度减小而减小;后续注入清水时FRR较低;凝胶中HPAM浓度为0 3g/L时FRR3.This paper has studied the convergence of iteration algorithm for colebrook s formula which has been used to determining theresistance factor about industrial pipes in three regions of turbulent flow resistance (i.本文研究了适用于工业管道紊流三个阻力区(即光滑区、过渡区和粗糙区)阻力系数计算的柯列勃洛克公式迭代算法的收敛性,给出了收敛区间。

3)drag coefficient阻力系数

1.Measurement of Drag Coefficient in Slot Plug for Gas Stirring;气体搅拌用透气砖阻力系数的测试

2.Study ondrag coefficient of polygonal sink tank;多边形汇水箱阻力系数的研究

4)resistance coefficient阻力系数

1.Application ofresistance coefficient to optimizing parameters in polymer flooding;应用阻力系数优化聚合物驱参数

2.A new method based on the Nigolas′curve to confirm eachresistance coefficient of the pipeline.;一种基于尼古拉兹曲线确定管段阻力系数的新方法

3.Interfaceresistance coefficient of turbidity current;紊流浑水异重流交混区的阻力系数的研究

5)coefficient of resistance阻力系数

1.Study on thecoefficient of resistance in porcess of sugarcane′s clarification by PSAZ-Sulfitation process;聚硅酸锌-亚硫酸法在甘蔗混合汁澄清过程中阻力系数的研究

2.Thecoefficient of resistance and residual resistance factor for 1600ppm CPAM is 214,36.在多孔介质中,1600 mg/L阳离子聚丙烯酰胺阻力系数和残余阻力系数为214和36。

6)friction factor阻力系数

1.Calculational Methods about the Friction Factor of Fluid;流体阻力系数的计算方法

2.Owing to the complicated boundary conditions,accurate analytical solutions to thefriction factor is not easy to obtain.缩放管是由多节收缩与扩张管段串联组成的一种强化传热管,由于边界条件复杂,在湍流情况下难于得到流体阻力系数精确的解析解。

3.Through calculatingfriction factor and operating point of pump or fun of two examples on fluid mechanics, methods using solver and curve-fitting in EXCEL were introduced.通过对流体力学中沿程阻力系数和泵与风机工作点等问题的求解,介绍了EXCEL单变量求解器和曲线拟合的方法。


空气阻力系数汽车在行驶中由于空气阻力的作用,围绕着汽车重心同时产生纵向、侧向和垂直等三个方向的空气动力量,其中纵向空气力量是最大的空气阻力,大约占整体空气阻力的80%以上。空气阻力系数值是由风洞测试得出来的。由于空气阻力与空气阻力系数成正比关系,现代轿车为了减少空气阻力就必须要考虑降低空气阻力系数。从20世纪50年代到70年代初,轿车的空气阻力系数维持在0.4至0.6之间。70年代能源危机后,各国为了进一步节约能源,降低油耗,都致力于降低空气阻力系数。现在轿车的空气阻力系数一般在0.28至0.4之间。 试验表明,空气阻力系数每降低10%,燃油节省7%左右。曾有人对两种相同质量、相同尺寸,但具有不同空气阻力系数(分别是0.44和0.25)的轿车进行比较,以每小时88kin的时速行驶了100km,燃油消耗后者比前者节约了1.7L。
