900字范文 > 公路建设管理 highway construction management英语短句 例句大全

公路建设管理 highway construction management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-19 18:41:57


公路建设管理 highway construction management英语短句 例句大全

公路建设管理,highway construction management

1)highway construction management公路建设管理

1.Multi-project management informationalized programs of Hebeihighway construction management;河北省高速公路建设管理的多项目管理信息化方案

bined the practice of highway management in our country and the theory of data warehousing,the paper explored the application of data warehousing in highway construction and management,and introduced the design process of modernhighway construction management data warehousing system on the base of the requirements of modern highway information,including the function of the system.结合我国公路建设管理的实际和数据仓库理论,探索了数据仓库在公路建设管理上的应用。


1.National Freeway Construction & Management Fund国道公路建设管理基金

2.Based on Benefit Counterparts Theory Highway Construction Management基于利益相关者理论的公路建设管理

3.Effective managment in highway construction control;行之有效的管理办法在公路建设管理中的应用

4.Briefly talking about equipment management in road construction industry in Guizhou;浅谈贵州公路建设行业机械设备管理

5.Promoting Management of Measuring Instru ment to Ensure the Quality of Highway Engineering Construction;抓好公路仪器计量管理 保障公路建设工程质量

6.The Study of Expressway Construction Project Risk Management;高速公路工程建设项目风险管理研究

7.Study on the Key Technology of Project Management for Hightway Project to Countryside;通乡公路建设项目管理关键技术研究

8.Study on Environmental Impact Assessment Management of Highway Construction Project;公路建设项目环境影响评价管理研究

9.Effect Evaluation Research of Expressway Construction Project Management;高速公路建设项目管理绩效评价研究

10.Research on the Construction and Management of Relevant Industries of the Freeway;高速公路衍生产业的建设与管理探讨

11.On Highway Designing and Maintaining Management in Fujian province;谈福建高速公路绿化设计及养护管理

12.Financial Management and Cost Accounting of Highway Construction Project;高速公路建设的财务管理与成本核算

13.Research on Construction of Comprehensive Management Center of Regional Expressway;区域高速公路综合管理中心建设研究

14.WTO and the Construction and Development of Highway Finance Management;WTO与公路部门财务管理的建设及发展

15.Research Schedule Management about Project Construction of Ying-Rui Expressway鹰瑞高速公路建设项目进度管理研究

16.BOT Financing Risk Management of Highway Construction ProjectBOT融资方式的公路建设项目风险管理

17.Study on the Information Management System for Freeway Construction高速公路工程建设信息管理系统研究

18.Dynamic Management for Long and Large Hishway Tunnel Construction on Horizontal Terrane水平岩层长大公路隧道建设动态管理


road project construction management公路工程建设管理

1.PDCA circle in complete quality control is used to analyze the process of theroad project construction management.运用全面质量管理的PDCA循环,对公路工程建设管理过程进行分析,并提出建议,把管理工作的重点,从"事后把关"转移到"事前预防"上来,全面提高公路工程建设质量和交通安全。

3)construction and management of highway高速公路的建设和管理

4)Road Construction Project Management公路建设项目管理

1.Research ofRoad Construction Project Management Information System Based on Owner;基于业主方公路建设项目管理信息系统研究

5)highway development funds management公路建设资金管理

6)public administration building公共管理建设


