900字范文 > 区域教育发展战略 regional educational development strategy英语短句 例句大全

区域教育发展战略 regional educational development strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-10 08:06:01


区域教育发展战略 regional educational development strategy英语短句 例句大全

区域教育发展战略,regional educational development strategy

1)regional educational development strategy区域教育发展战略

1.Taking the educational development in the past 5 years during the Western China Development as background,adopting Delphi consulting method,investigation has been made on 30 domestic experts opinion about choosing theregional educational development strategy and regulating direction of western area educational policy.以西部大开发五年多来的教育发展为背景,采用德尔菲咨询法,调查了国内30位专家对区域教育发展战略选择和西部教育政策调整方向的意见。


1.The Bases and Principles of Establishing Educational Development Strategy in Five Frontier Provinces论五省边境区域教育发展战略制定的依据和原则

2.Regional Educational Development Strategy and Educational Policy for the Western Areas:A Vision of the Experts;专家视野中的区域教育发展战略与西部教育政策——运用德尔菲咨询法进行的调查分析

3.The Regionalization of Higher Vocational Education is the Strategic Choice under the Background of Unbalanced Development of Regional Economy and Higher Vocational Education;高职教育区域化:区域经济、高职教育非均衡发展背景下的战略选择

4.The Strategic Thinking on Balanced Development of the Higher Vocational Education in Hunan Province湖南高等职业教育区域均衡发展的战略思考

5.Regional Population Development Strategy at the Stage of Lowest-low Fertility;超低生育率阶段的区域人口发展战略

6.Develop Postgraduate Education and Improve Regional Higher Education Quality;积极发展研究生教育,提高区域高等教育质量——兼论浙江研究生教育发展战略

7.On Five Provinces Frontiers Regions Education Developmental Strategy to Construct Well-off Society;五省际边境区域全面建设小康社会的教育发展战略措施

8.Regional Appraisal of the International Development Strategy国际发展战略区域评价

9.Grasping the regional development strategy and prod the territorial harmonious progression;把握区域发展战略 促进区域协调发展

10.On the Educational Strategy of Catching up and Its Development in the Ethnical Group Areas in Western China;论教育赶超战略与西部民族地区发展

11.A New Strategy of Balanced Educational Development for Ethnic Minority Regions of Western China;西部民族地区教育均衡发展的新战略

12.Strategy on graduate education in Chongqing;重庆地区研究生教育发展的战略构想

13.Research on Development Strategy of Higher Education of Guangxi Costal Areas广西沿海地区高等教育发展战略研究

14.Modern distance education: a strategic choice for the development in education in poor area;现代远程教育:贫困地区发展教育的战略选择

15.The Strategic Programming Research of Foster and Development of Territorial Independent Brands;区域自主品牌培育和发展战略规划研究

16.The Strategic Significance of Carrying out Community Education for TV University" Long-term Development开展社区教育对于电大长远发展具有战略意义

17.Research into the Strategic Goal of Higher Education Development in Less-developed Areas;欠发达地区高等教育发展的战略目标研究

18.Fuifill the General Strategy of Regional Development and Promote the Regional Harmonious Develpment;落实区域发展总体战略 促进区域协调发展


regional development strategy区域发展战略

1.SD-MOP Integrated Approach for Regional Development Strategy Planning;SD-MOP整合模型在区域发展战略规划研究中的应用

2.On Three Turnabouts of China s Regional Development Strategy;论中国区域发展战略的三次转向

3.Research on China Construction Bank Guangxi Branch Regional Development Strategy;中国建设银行广西分行区域发展战略研究

3)the strategy of regional development区域发展战略

4)multi-region strategy跨区域发展战略

5)educational development strategy教育发展战略

1.This paper expounds the concepts and connotations ofeducational development strategy and education planning, and points out their contents and differences.阐述了教育发展战略与教育规划的理念与内涵,指出两者在内容上的区别。

2.Post-colonialism research is theoretically and realistically significant for the selection ofeducational development strategy in China.文章从当前我国社会生活和学校教育中存在的“后殖民”现象及有关问题出发,在简要概述后殖民主义理论主要内容的基础上,对我国教育发展战略的选择进行了重新思考,并提出了若干建议,以引起教育理论界和教育行政管理部门的关注。

6)Regional ecological developmentstrategy区域生态发展战略


