900字范文 > 四有新人 excellent socialist college student英语短句 例句大全

四有新人 excellent socialist college student英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-13 07:45:48


四有新人 excellent socialist college student英语短句 例句大全

四有新人,excellent socialist college student

1)excellent socialist college student四有新人

1.The paper discuss the important significance of strengthen patriotism education for cultivateexcellent socialist college student.论述了加强大学生的爱国主义教育对培养四有新人的重要意义,并提出了具体实施的若干途径。


1.Developing Qualified Socialist Personnel-Higher Education s Fundamental Objective;培养四有新人是高等教育的根本目标

2.Private universities in China should carry forward Yan an Spiritand cultivate students with four virtues;中国民办高校应当弘扬延安精神,培育四有新人

3.We must Bring forth a new generation of well-educated and self-disciplined people with lofty ideals and moral integrity, such as are necessary for the socialist modernization drive我们要培养出适应社会主义现代化建设要求的一代“四有新人”

4.From Karl Marx s World Citizen to Deng Xiaoping sYoungsters with Four Virtues Some Afterthought on Reading German Ideology;从马克思的“世界公民”到邓小平的“四有新人”——读《德意志意识形态》

5.Building the Spiritual Prop for Modern Students and Training Persons ofthe 4 Abilities With Deng Xiaoping s Theory;用邓小平理论构筑当代大学生精神支柱 培养跨世纪的四有新人

6.Building Up Universities with "Four Haves" Is the Basis of Cultivating Talented Students with "Four Haves"建设“四有”大学:培养“四有”新人的基本诉求

7.On the Four Possesses New People and Jiang Ze-min s ComprehensiveDdevelopment Ideas on Human Beings;“四有”新人与江泽民“人的全面发展”思想

8.A General Discussion of Quality Education and the Cultivation or "Youth with Four Qualities;浅谈素质教育与“四有”新人的培养

9.Carry Chinese Traditonal Virtuse Forward and Train New Manwith Four Qualities;弘扬中华传统美德,培养“四有”新人

10.Enhancing Cultural Quality-Oriented Education and Educating "Four-Have" People of Talent;加强文化素质教育 努力培养“四有”新人

11.Practising ‘Three Represents’ Ideology and Rearing ‘Four Have’ New Generation;实践“三个代表” 培育“四有”新人

12.Adhere to Socialist Moral Education Foster Successors Having "the Four;坚持社会主义道德教育培育“四有”新人

13.Last year, a total of 2.45 million people were re-employed in China.去年,中国共有二百四十五万人重新就业。

14.New Zealand has a population of about 3.8 million people, of which about fourteen percent are Maori.新西兰大约有三百八十万人口,其中百分之十四是毛利人。

15.From Four-having New Man to the All-round Development Man --Comparative Study of Deng Xiao-ping and Jiang Ze-ming s Educational Thoughts;从“四有”新人到“人的全面发展”——邓小平、江泽民教育思想比较研究

16.Question: Is there any friction with the New Fourth Army?问:新四军方面有无磨擦?

17.A man has two feet;dogs have four feet.人有两只脚,狗有四只脚。

18.A man has two legs and a horse has four legs.人有两条腿,马有四条腿。


Deng Xiaoping"s Four Viewpoints on educating people"四有"育人观

3)new citizens with four qualifications"四有"新型公民

1.The advanced objective is the cultivation ofnew citizens with four qualifications,(ideal-qualified, moral-qualified, education-qualified, discipline-qualified) which result in further expatiation of four qualifications which are characterized by time feature and are linked with each other logically.基层党组织建设的价值目标可分为基本价值目标和最高价值目标 ,最高价值目标是培养“四有”新型公民。

4)New reform without new people有新法无新人




新人1.新娶的妻子﹐对先前的妻子而言。 2.指新得的姬妾。 3.新嫁的丈夫﹐对先前的丈夫而言。 4.新娘。 5.兼指新郎新娘。 6.新出现的人物。 7.具有新的道德品质的人。 8.指有所创新的人物。 9.人类学名词。"古人"阶段以后的人类。包括从更新世晩期的化石人类克罗马努人直到现代的人类。生存时期已约十万年。
