900字范文 > 地域文脉 Regional context英语短句 例句大全

地域文脉 Regional context英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-30 13:53:05


地域文脉 Regional context英语短句 例句大全

地域文脉,Regional context

1)Regional context地域文脉

1.A Study on the Tourism Development of Ancient Village Based on Regional Context;基于地域文脉的古村落旅游开发研究


1.A Study on the Tourism Development of Ancient Village Based on Regional Context;基于地域文脉的古村落旅游开发研究

2.On the Nucleus of Regional Writing Unity and Coherence in the Design of Landscapes in Scenic Spots;旅游景区景观设计的地域文脉内核探解

3.Context Studying in Public Space of Urban Local District from Humanity Eyesight;从人性视点看城市局部地段公共空间中的地域文脉

4.Exploration on the Culture Value of Mountainous and Riverside Tourism Area;山地滨水旅游区文化价值空间探究——地域文脉在文化旅游中的价值体现

5.A Research on Regional Tourism Brand Image Management Based on Regional Context;基于文脉、地脉的区域旅游品牌形象管理研究

6.Mobile Visual Experience--Geographical Position and Social Network of the Highway s Landscape System;流动的视觉体验——高速公路区域景观的地脉与文脉

7.The Custom on the Plain the Blood of Clan--On Bailu Plain Geographical and Cultural Characteristics;原上的礼俗宗族的血脉——简析《白鹿原》的地域文化特色

8.How to Display Local Historical and Cultural Development with City Museum-A Visit to Dubai City Museum如何通过城市博物馆展现地域历史文脉的延续——访迪拜城市博物馆

9.Study on tourism destination identity system based on reginal context--taking the tourism planning of Wulanbuhe Desert as an example基于文脉、地脉的区域旅游形象设计研究——以乌兰布和沙漠旅游规划为例

10.On the Unity and Coherence in Writing,History and Land of Tourist Scenic Spots and Cultural Innovation;旅游景区文脉、史脉和地脉的分析与文化创新

11.On an academic masterpiece that is interdisciplinary between the regional culture studies and the human settlement science: impression of Professor HU Yi-cheng"s new work Cultural Skeleton of Central Shaanxi贯通地域文化学和人居科学的学术力作——胡义成教授新著《关中文脉》印象

12.The Study on the Relationship of the Tourism Image Design and the Civil Context in Jiujiang九江区域文脉与旅游形象定位研究

13.The Superiority and Tourism Development of the Geographical position,Culture,and Business of the Tunxi Old Street;屯溪老街的地脉、文脉、商脉优势及其旅游开发

14.Superiority and tourism development of geographical position,culture,and business of the history and culture protective street;论历史文化保护街区的地脉、文脉和商脉优势及其旅游开发

15.Dragon Root, Water Root and Culture Root--On the Cultural Position of Qujiang in Chang an in Tang Dynasty;龙脉、水脉和文脉——唐代曲江在都城长安的文化地位

16.The Relationship between the Spreading Regions of Literary Selections in Song Dynasties and Regional Cultural Differences;两宋《文选》流布地域与地域文化差异之关系

17.Perspective on Regional Characteristics of Wushu Culture from View Angle of Regional Culture Science;从地域文化学视角透视武术文化的地域性特征

18.Globalization, Localization and Glocalization in Language and Culture;语言与文化的全球化、地域化和全球地域化(英文)


regional architectural context建筑的地域文脉

3)Regional context features地域文脉特色

4)the specificity of regional lecture地域文脉特性

5)culture heritage地脉文脉

1.Application of landscape ecology andculture heritage to the modern landscape architecture;地脉文脉在现代园林景观中的运用

6)the context of the area区域文脉


