900字范文 > 回归本体 returning to noumenon英语短句 例句大全

回归本体 returning to noumenon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-04 14:05:21


回归本体 returning to noumenon英语短句 例句大全

回归本体,returning to noumenon

1)returning to noumenon回归本体

1.The essence of"returning to noumenon"and"present care"includes the aim and method of classical literature research."回归本体"和"当下关怀"的实质包涵了古代文学研究的目的和方法:"回归本体"应包括观念的回归、文本(原典)的回归和方法的回归;"当下关怀"要排除庸俗社会学的干扰,也不应媚俗。


1.Return to Nature:On Value Orientation of the Education at Chinese Rural Districts回归本体:论我国农村教育的价值取向

2.Returning to Noumenon and Present Care about Classical Literature Research;也谈古代文学研究的“回归本体”与“当下关怀”

3.From Tools back to Noumenon--The Strategic Option of the Construction of the Country Culture in China;从工具回归本体——中国农村文化建设战略选择

4.Return the Noumenon of Moral Education: On the Evolution of Moral Education Ideas in Universities and Colleges for New China回归本体:新中国高校德育思想演进研究

5.homing instinct归巢 [回归] 本能

6.To Return the Ownership of Property to the Basic System of a Civilian s Rights;私有财产权应回归公民基本权利体系

7.From the gold medal sports to the life sports --The essential return of sports culture;从金牌体育到生活体育——体育文化的本质回归

8.Ontological Return of Translation Studies--On A Reductionist Approach to Translatology;译学研究反思与本体回归——赵彦春《翻译学归结论》简评

9.Discussion on Sports and Games;议体育与游戏——有感电子竞技应回归游戏的本质

10.The "Returning to the Ancient" Trend of Thought in Literary Criticism of the Ming Dynasty and the Original Regression of the Subjective Spirit of the Literary Figures;明代文论“复古”思潮与文人主体精神的本源回归

11.On regress of Athletic essence from Athens Olympic Games;从雅典百年奥运谈竞技体育本质的回归

12.Returning to Experience:A Review on the Heuristic Research Program of Humanistic Psychology体验的回归:人本心理学启发式研究方案评析

13.A Study on Labour Theory of Value:Regression to Reality;劳动价值论研究:回归本原、回归现实

14.The Concept of Law:towards Ontology on the Basis of Interpretive Turn──A Trend of the Contemporay Western Legal Ontology;法概念:诠释转向和本体回归——当代西方法律本体论的一种走向

15.The regression line is derived from a sample and not from the entire population.样本回归线是根据一个样本而不是根据完全总体推导出来的。

16.Rejoin the Collective-on Cultivating College Students" Collective Spirit回归集体——浅论培养大学生集体归属感

17.This report is a linear-regression analysis on the relztionship between she speed of 100-metre race and the times of jump-rope in 15 seconds, length of leg and the weight of body.本文对于100米跑与15″跳绳次数、下肢长和体重作了线性回归分析。

18.The contemporary school moral education has been diverting the standard moral education that keeps far away from the life to the life noumenon.当代学校德育从远离生命的规范德育向生命本体回归。


ontological return本体回归

3)return of education noumenon教育本体回归

4)return to essence回归本质

1.This article discussed the enlightenment that Japanese Muji designs to Chinese packaging design from three aspects:return to essence,advocating natural and rational consumption.本研究试图从回归本质,崇尚自然,倡导理性消费3个方面探讨无印良品对中国包装设计的启发,以为中国包装设计的发展提供有价值的参考。

5)origin regression本源回归

1.Physical education:origin regression of life education;体育教育:生命教育的本源回归

6)Regress to the Native回归本土

1.Conceivable Prospect of the Study of Chinese Law History: to Exceed the West or toRegress to the Native;中国法律史研究的可能前景:超越西方,回归本土?


