900字范文 > 快速独立分量分析(FastICA) Fast Independent Component Analysis(FastICA)英语短句 例句大全

快速独立分量分析(FastICA) Fast Independent Component Analysis(FastICA)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-12 02:58:05


快速独立分量分析(FastICA) Fast Independent Component Analysis(FastICA)英语短句 例句大全

快速独立分量分析(FastICA),Fast Independent Component Analysis(FastICA)

1)Fast Independent Component Analysis(FastICA)快速独立分量分析(FastICA)


1.Study on the Blind Digital Audio Watermark Algorithm Based on FastICA基于快速独立分量分析的音频盲数字水印算法

2.The FastICA is the most popular algorithm for ICA at present,and it uses Newton rule to optimize the objective function.目前应用较多的快速独立分量分析(FastICA)利用了牛顿迭代法原理,具有较快的收敛速度,但对初始值的选择比较敏感。

3.Thus the fast independent component analysis method(FastICA) is applied in order to separate the independent component from the mixture signals and detect the moving small target.针对红外图像运动小目标的特点,将包含复杂背景和运动小目标的图像序列视作混合信号,目标可视作为其中一个独立分量,应用快速独立分量分析(FastICA)将此独立分量从混合信号中分离出来,以检测出运动小目标。


1.Application of Fast Independent Component Analysis Algorithm in Speech Enhancement快速独立分量分析算法在语音增强中的应用

2.An algorithm of blind multi-user detection based on fast independent component analysis基于快速独立分量分析的盲多用户检测算法

3.Study on the Blind Digital Audio Watermark Algorithm Based on FastICA基于快速独立分量分析的音频盲数字水印算法

4.Diagnostic ECG classification based on improved fast independent component analysis and support vector machine基于改进的快速独立分量分析与支持向量机的ECG分类诊断

5.Researches on Fast Independent Component Analysis Method and Its Applications of Image Analysis快速独立分量分析方法及其在图像分析中的若干应用研究

6.Research and Applications of BSS Algorithm Based on Fast ICA;基于快速独立分量分析的盲源分离算法研究及应用

7.Modified Fast Independent Component Analysis and Its Application on Noise Attenuation for Seismic Data基于改进的快速独立分量分析方法的地震信号去噪研究

8.A Multi-stage FastICA Algorithm to Remove Error Propagation一种消除误差累积的多级快速独立分量分析算法

9.Application of fast independent component analysis in fault detection of induction motors快速独立分量分析方法在感应电动机故障检测中的应用

10.A modal identification method based on fast ICA基于快速独立分量分析的模态振型识别方法研究

11.Fast Frequency Hopping Receiver for Resisting Multi-tone Jam based on Independent Component Analysis基于独立分量分析的抗多音干扰快跳频接收机

12.Research on Extraction Methods of Single-Trial Event-Related Potential and Implement of USB Interface基于小波和独立分量分析的事件相关电位快速提取研究及USB接口实现

13.Blind Array Calibration of Array Mutual Coupling Effect Based on improved CFastlCA基于改进的快速定点独立分量分析算法的阵列天线互耦误差盲估计

14.EEG Separation Based on ICA;基于独立分量分析的脑电信号的分离

15.Independent Component Analysis in the Feature Extraction of Pattern Classification;模式分类特征提取中的独立分量分析

16.The Algorithm for Blind Signal Separation Based on the Independent Component Analysis;基于独立分量分析的盲分离算法研究

17.Blind Separation of Chaotic Signals Based on ICA基于独立分量分析的混沌信号盲分离

18.The Research on Blind Source Separation Based on Independent Component Analysis基于独立分量分析的盲信号分离研究



1.Study on the Blind Digital Audio Watermark Algorithm Based on FastICA基于快速独立分量分析的音频盲数字水印算法

2.The FastICA is the most popular algorithm for ICA at present,and it uses Newton rule to optimize the objective function.目前应用较多的快速独立分量分析(FastICA)利用了牛顿迭代法原理,具有较快的收敛速度,但对初始值的选择比较敏感。

3.Thus the fast independent component analysis method(FastICA) is applied in order to separate the independent component from the mixture signals and detect the moving small target.针对红外图像运动小目标的特点,将包含复杂背景和运动小目标的图像序列视作混合信号,目标可视作为其中一个独立分量,应用快速独立分量分析(FastICA)将此独立分量从混合信号中分离出来,以检测出运动小目标。

3)fast independent component analysis快速独立分量分析

1.The single trial extraction algorithm of evoked potentials (EP) P300 is presented by combining both Wiener filtering andfast independent component analysis(FastICA).应用维纳滤波和快速独立分量分析技术 ( Fast ICA) ,提出一种诱发电位 ( EP) P30 0分量的少次提取算法。

2.Firstly,this algorithm usesfast independent component analysis(FICA) approach to collect the targets information hided in the high-dimensional data and projects them into low-dimensional space.借助快速独立分量分析(FICA)将高维数据中隐藏的目标信息集中投影到低维特征影像中,然后以峰度为特征度量指标选择特征影像,最后用以偏斜为指标的直方图分割方法提取小目标。

3.New method for estimation of DOA based onfast independent component analysis;简要介绍了独立分量分析的基本原理和算法,并提出将快速独立分量分析(FastICA)方法应用于波达方向估计(DOA),通过仿真实验和分析,可以得到DOA的一种简单估计,实验结果亦表明该算法在波达方向估计应用中的可行性和有效性。


1.A scheme of digital watermarking using the combination of DWT andFICA is proposed.提出了一种结合离散小波变换(DWT)和快速独立分量分析(FICA)的图像数字水印方法。

5)fast fixed-point independent component analysis algorithm快速定点独立分量分析

6)independent component analysis独立分量分析

1.Extraction of the Characteristics of the Acoustic Emission Signals of the Pitting of Low Carbon Steel Based on Independent Component Analysis and Wevelet Transform;基于独立分量分析和小波变换的低碳钢点蚀声发射信号特征提取

2.Signal Processing of Acoustic Emission of Metal Corrosion Based on the Independent Component Analysis;基于独立分量分析的金属腐蚀声发射信号处理

3.Noise removal of pulse wave signal based onindependent component analysis;基于独立分量分析的脉搏波信号的降噪处理


